blob: 53006115ede45ae65f277fd7d152d30edfb71159 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1997-2003, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 04/02/97 aliu Creation.
* 04/07/99 srl updated
* 05/13/99 stephen Changed to umutex (from cmutex).
* 11/22/99 aliu Make non-global mutex autoinitialize [j151]
/* Assume POSIX, and modify as necessary below */
#define POSIX
#if defined(_WIN32)
#undef POSIX
#if defined(macintosh)
#undef POSIX
#if defined(OS2)
#undef POSIX
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "uassert.h"
#include "ucln_cmn.h"
#if defined(POSIX) && (ICU_USE_THREADS==1)
# include <pthread.h> /* must be first, so that we get the multithread versions of things. */
#endif /* POSIX && (ICU_USE_THREADS==1) */
#ifdef WIN32
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# define NOGDI
# define NOUSER
# define NOSERVICE
# define NOIME
# define NOMCX
# include <windows.h>
#include "umutex.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
* A note on ICU Mutex Initialization and ICU startup:
* ICU mutexes, as used through the rest of the ICU code, are self-initializing.
* To make this work, ICU uses the _ICU GLobal Mutex_ to synchronize the lazy init
* of other ICU mutexes. For the global mutex itself, we need some other mechanism
* to safely initialize it on first use. This becomes important if two or more
* threads were more or less simultaenously the first to use ICU in a process, and
* were racing into the mutex initialization code.
* The solution for the global mutex init is platform dependent.
* On POSIX systems, C-style init can be used on a mutex, with the
* macro PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER. The mutex is then ready for use, without
* first calling pthread_mutex_init().
* Windows has no equivalent statically initialized mutex or CRITICAL SECION.
* InitializeCriticalSection() must be called. If the global mutex does not
* appear to be initialized, a thread will create and initialize a new
* CRITICAL_SECTION, then use a Windows InterlockedCompareAndExchange to
* avoid problems with race conditions.
* If an application has overridden the ICU mutex implementation
* by calling u_setMutexFunctions(), the user supplied init function must
* be safe in the event that multiple threads concurrently attempt to init
* the same mutex. The first thread should do the init, and the others should
* have no effect.
/* The global ICU mutex. */
#if defined(WIN32)
static UMTX gGlobalMutex = NULL;
#elif defined(POSIX)
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
static pthread_mutex_t gGlobalPosixMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static UMTX gGlobalMutex = &gGlobalPosixMutex;
static UMTX gIncDecMutex = NULL;
static UMTX gGlobalMutex = NULL;
static UMTX gIncDecMutex = NULL;
/* Unknown platform. OK so long as ICU_USE_THREAD is not set.
Note that user can still set mutex functions at run time,
and that the global mutex variable is still needed in that case. */
static UMTX gGlobalMutex = NULL;
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
#error no ICU mutex implementation for this platform
/* Detect Recursive locking of the global mutex. For debugging only. */
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) && (ICU_USE_THREADS==1)
static int32_t gRecursionCount = 0;
* User mutex implementation functions. If non-null, call back to these rather than
* directly using the system (Posix or Windows) APIs.
* (declarations are in uclean.h)
static UMtxInitFn *pMutexInitFn = NULL;
static UMtxFn *pMutexDestroyFn = NULL;
static UMtxFn *pMutexLockFn = NULL;
static UMtxFn *pMutexUnlockFn = NULL;
static const void *gMutexContext = NULL;
* umtx_lock
umtx_lock(UMTX *mutex)
if (mutex == NULL) {
mutex = &gGlobalMutex;
if (*mutex == NULL) {
/* Lock of an uninitialized mutex. Initialize it before proceeding. */
if (pMutexLockFn != NULL) {
(*pMutexLockFn)(gMutexContext, mutex);
} else {
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
#if defined(WIN32)
EnterCriticalSection((CRITICAL_SECTION*) *mutex);
#elif defined(POSIX)
pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t*) *mutex);
#endif /* cascade of platforms */
#endif /* ICU_USE_THREADS==1 */
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) && (ICU_USE_THREADS==1)
if (mutex == &gGlobalMutex) { /* Detect Reentrant locking of the global mutex. */
gRecursionCount++; /* Recursion causes deadlocks on Unixes. */
U_ASSERT(gRecursionCount == 1); /* Detection works on Windows. Debug problems there. */
#endif /*_DEBUG*/
* umtx_unlock
umtx_unlock(UMTX* mutex)
if(mutex == NULL) {
mutex = &gGlobalMutex;
if(*mutex == NULL) {
U_ASSERT(FALSE); /* This mutex is not initialized. */
#if defined (WIN32) && defined (_DEBUG) && (ICU_USE_THREADS==1)
if (mutex == &gGlobalMutex) {
U_ASSERT(gRecursionCount == 0); /* Detect unlock of an already unlocked mutex */
if (pMutexUnlockFn) {
(*pMutexUnlockFn)(gMutexContext, mutex);
} else {
#if defined (WIN32)
#elif defined (POSIX)
#endif /* cascade of platforms */
#endif /* ICU_USE_THREADS == 1 */
* umtx_raw_init Do the platform specific mutex allocation and initialization
* for all ICU mutexes _except_ the ICU global mutex.
static void umtx_raw_init(UMTX *mutex) {
if (pMutexInitFn != NULL) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
(*pMutexInitFn)(gMutexContext, mutex, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
/* TODO: how should errors here be handled? */
} else {
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
#if defined (WIN32)
CRITICAL_SECTION *cs = uprv_malloc(sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION));
if (cs == NULL) {
*mutex = cs;
#elif defined( POSIX )
pthread_mutex_t *m = (pthread_mutex_t *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (m == NULL) {
# if defined (HPUX_CMA)
pthread_mutex_init(m, pthread_mutexattr_default);
# else
pthread_mutex_init(m, NULL);
# endif
*mutex = m;
#endif /* cascade of platforms */
#else /* ICU_USE_THREADS */
*mutex = mutex; /* With no threads, we must still set the mutex to
* some non-null value to make the rest of the
* (not ifdefed) mutex code think that it is initialized.
#endif /* ICU_USE_THREADS */
* initGlobalMutex Do the platform specific initialization of the ICU global mutex.
* Separated out from the other mutexes because it is different:
* Mutex storage is static for POSIX, init must be thread safe
* without the use of another mutex.
static void initGlobalMutex() {
* Call user mutex init function if one has been specified and the global mutex
* is not already initialized.
if (pMutexInitFn != NULL) {
if (gGlobalMutex==NULL) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
(*pMutexInitFn)(gMutexContext, &gGlobalMutex, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
/* TODO: how should errors here be handled? */
/* No user override of mutex functions.
* Use default ICU mutex implementations.
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
#if defined (WIN32)
void *t;
CRITICAL_SECTION *ourCritSec = uprv_malloc(sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION));
#if defined (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer) || defined (_WIN64)
t = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&gGlobalMutex, ourCritSec, NULL);
/* Note that the headers from Microsoft's WIndows SDK define InterlockedCompareExchangePointer
* for all platforms, but the old headers included with MSVC 6 do not.
t = (void *)InterlockedCompareExchange(&gGlobalMutex, ourCritSec, NULL);
if (t != NULL) {
/* Some other thread stored into gGlobalMutex first. Discard the critical
* section we just created; the system will go with the other one.
#elif defined( POSIX )
/* No Action Required. Global mutex set up with C static initialization. */
U_ASSERT(gGlobalMutex == &gGlobalPosixMutex);
#endif /* cascade of platforms */
#else /* ICU_USE_THREADS */
gGlobalMutex = &gGlobalMutex; /* With no threads, we must still set the mutex to
* some non-null value to make the rest of the
* (not ifdefed) mutex code think that it is initialized.
#endif /* ICU_USE_THREADS */
umtx_init(UMTX *mutex)
if (mutex == NULL || mutex == &gGlobalMutex) {
} else {
* Thread safe initialization of mutexes other than the global one,
* using the global mutex.
UBool isInitialized;
UMTX tMutex = NULL;
isInitialized = (*mutex != NULL);
if (isInitialized) {
if (*mutex == NULL) {
*mutex = tMutex;
tMutex = NULL;
if (tMutex != NULL) {
* umtx_destroy. Un-initialize a mutex, releasing any underlying resources
* that it may be holding. Destroying an already destroyed
* mutex has no effect. Unlike umtx_init(), this function
* is not thread safe; two threads must not concurrently try to
* destroy the same mutex.
umtx_destroy(UMTX *mutex) {
if (mutex == NULL) { /* destroy the global mutex */
mutex = &gGlobalMutex;
if (*mutex == NULL) { /* someone already did it. */
#if defined (POSIX)
/* The life of the inc/dec mutex for POSIX is tied to that of the global mutex. */
if (mutex == &gGlobalMutex) {
if (pMutexDestroyFn != NULL) {
(*pMutexDestroyFn)(gMutexContext, mutex);
*mutex = NULL;
} else {
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
#if defined (WIN32)
*mutex = NULL;
#elif defined (POSIX)
if (*mutex != &gGlobalPosixMutex) {
/* Only POSIX mutexes other than the ICU global mutex get destroyed. */
*mutex = NULL;
#endif /* chain of platforms */
#else /* ICU_USE_THREADS==1 */
/* NO ICU Threads. We still need to zero out the mutex pointer, so that
* it appears to be uninitialized */
*mutex = NULL;
#endif /* ICU_USE_THREADS */
u_setMutexFunctions(const void *context, UMtxInitFn *i, UMtxFn *d, UMtxFn *l, UMtxFn *u,
UErrorCode *status) {
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
/* Can not set a mutex function to a NULL value */
if (i==NULL || d==NULL || l==NULL || u==NULL) {
/* If ICU is not in an initial state, disallow this operation. */
if (cmemory_inUse()) {
/* Swap in the mutex function pointers. */
pMutexInitFn = i;
pMutexDestroyFn = d;
pMutexLockFn = l;
pMutexUnlockFn = u;
gMutexContext = context;
gGlobalMutex = NULL; /* For POSIX, the global mutex will be pre-initialized */
/* Undo that, force re-initialization when u_init() */
/* happens. */
* Atomic Increment and Decrement
* umtx_atomic_inc
* umtx_atomic_dec
/* Pointers to user-supplied inc/dec functions. Null if no funcs have been set. */
static UMtxAtomicFn *pIncFn = NULL;
static UMtxAtomicFn *pDecFn = NULL;
static void *gIncDecContext = NULL;
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
umtx_atomic_inc(int32_t *p) {
int32_t retVal;
if (pIncFn) {
retVal = (*pIncFn)(gIncDecContext, p);
} else {
#if defined (WIN32) && ICU_USE_THREADS == 1
retVal = InterlockedIncrement(p);
#elif defined (POSIX) && ICU_USE_THREADS == 1
retVal = ++(*p);
/* Unknown Platform, or ICU thread support compiled out. */
retVal = ++(*p);
return retVal;
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
umtx_atomic_dec(int32_t *p) {
int32_t retVal;
if (pDecFn) {
retVal = (*pDecFn)(gIncDecContext, p);
} else {
#if defined (WIN32) && ICU_USE_THREADS == 1
retVal = InterlockedDecrement(p);
#elif defined (POSIX) && ICU_USE_THREADS == 1
retVal = --(*p);
/* Unknown Platform, or ICU thread support compiled out. */
retVal = --(*p);
return retVal;
/* TODO: Some POSIXy platforms have atomic inc/dec functions available. Use them. */
u_setAtomicIncDecFunctions(const void *context, UMtxAtomicFn *ip, UMtxAtomicFn *dp,
UErrorCode *status) {
int32_t testInt;
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
/* Can not set a mutex function to a NULL value */
if (ip==NULL || dp==NULL) {
/* If ICU is not in an initial state, disallow this operation. */
if (cmemory_inUse()) {
pIncFn = ip;
pDecFn = dp;
testInt = 0;
U_ASSERT(umtx_atomic_inc(&testInt) == 1); /* Sanity Check. Do the functions work at all? */
U_ASSERT(testInt == 1);
U_ASSERT(umtx_atomic_dec(&testInt) == 0);
U_ASSERT(testInt == 0);
* Mutex Cleanup Function
* Destroy the global mutex(es), and reset the mutex function callback pointers.
U_CFUNC UBool umtx_cleanup(void) {
pMutexInitFn = NULL;
pMutexDestroyFn = NULL;
pMutexLockFn = NULL;
pMutexUnlockFn = NULL;
gMutexContext = NULL;
gGlobalMutex = NULL;
#if defined (POSIX)
gIncDecMutex = NULL;
#if (ICU_USE_THREADS == 1)
gGlobalMutex = &gGlobalPosixMutex;
pIncFn = NULL;
pDecFn = NULL;
return TRUE;