blob: 7f48938b5d242c10eb04424b9dc22e18da663ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 11/19/2001 aliu Creation.
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
// class CharString
// This is a tiny wrapper class that is used internally to make a
// UnicodeString look like a const char*. It can be allocated on the
// stack. It only creates a heap buffer if it needs to.
class CharString {
inline CharString(const UnicodeString& str);
inline ~CharString();
inline operator const char*() { return ptr; }
char buf[128];
char* ptr;
inline CharString::CharString(const UnicodeString& str) {
// TODO This isn't quite right -- we should probably do
// preflighting here to determine the real length.
if (str.length() >= (int32_t)sizeof(buf)) {
ptr = new char[str.length() + 8];
} else {
ptr = buf;
str.extract(0, 0x7FFFFFFF, ptr, "");
inline CharString::~CharString() {
if (ptr != buf) {
delete[] ptr;