blob: 1e91c57159b6df9b0a8455de69587af0529fcdb5 [file] [log] [blame]
rem Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
rem Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
rem gbbmp.bat takes gbkuni30.txt and generates a mapping file for all BMP
rem code points, as well as unidirectional files covering the BMP
gbmake4 <gbkuni30.txt >allfour.txt
copy gbkuni30.txt+allfour.txt gbkwith4.txt
sort <gbkwith4.txt >gbk2kbmp.txt
rem output: gbk2kbmp.txt
gbsingle <gbk2kbmp.txt >ucs2togb.txt
gbsingle gb <gbk2kbmp.txt >gbtoucs2.txt
rem output: gbtoucs2.txt, ucs2togb.txt