blob: f53874c077a8f2eba1391461f5d4397a07edd9f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1998-1999, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* File schriter.h
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 05/05/99 stephen Cleaned up.
#ifndef SCHRITER_H
#define SCHRITER_H
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/chariter.h"
#include "unicode/uchriter.h"
* A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the
* characters (code units or code points) in a UnicodeString.
* It's possible not only to create an
* iterator that iterates over an entire UnicodeString, but also to
* create one that iterates over only a subrange of a UnicodeString
* (iterators over different subranges of the same UnicodeString don't
* compare equal).
* @see CharacterIterator
* @see ForwardCharacterIterator
class U_COMMON_API StringCharacterIterator : public UCharCharacterIterator {
* Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text".
* The UnicodeString object is copied.
* The iteration range is the whole string, and the starting position is 0.
* @stable
StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text);
* Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text".
* The iteration range is the whole string, and the starting
* position is specified by "pos". If "pos" is outside the valid
* iteration range, the behavior of this object is undefined.
* @stable
StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text,
UTextOffset pos);
* Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text".
* The UnicodeString object is copied.
* The iteration range begins with the code unit specified by
* "begin" and ends with the code unit BEFORE the code unit specfied
* by "end". The starting position is specified by "pos". If
* "begin" and "end" don't form a valid range on "text" (i.e., begin
* >= end or either is negative or greater than text.size()), or
* "pos" is outside the range defined by "begin" and "end", the
* behavior of this iterator is undefined.
* @stable
StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text,
UTextOffset begin,
UTextOffset end,
UTextOffset pos);
* Copy constructor. The new iterator iterates over the same range
* of the same string as "that", and its initial position is the
* same as "that"'s current position.
* The UnicodeString object in "that" is copied.
* @stable
StringCharacterIterator(const StringCharacterIterator& that);
* Destructor.
* @stable
virtual ~StringCharacterIterator();
* Assignment operator. *this is altered to iterate over the same
* range of the same string as "that", and refers to the same
* character within that string as "that" does.
* @stable
operator=(const StringCharacterIterator& that);
* Returns true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
* same string and are pointing at the same character.
* @stable
virtual UBool operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator& that) const;
* Returns a new StringCharacterIterator referring to the same
* character in the same range of the same string as this one. The
* caller must delete the new iterator.
* @draft
virtual CharacterIterator* clone(void) const;
* Sets the iterator to iterate over the provided string.
* @draft
void setText(const UnicodeString& newText);
* Copies the UnicodeString under iteration into the UnicodeString
* referred to by "result". Even if this iterator iterates across
* only a part of this string, the whole string is copied.
* @param result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.
* @stable
virtual void getText(UnicodeString& result);
* Return a class ID for this object (not really public)
* @stable
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const
{ return getStaticClassID(); }
* Return a class ID for this class (not really public)
* @stable
static UClassID getStaticClassID(void)
{ return (UClassID)(&fgClassID); }
void setText(const UChar* newText, int32_t newTextLength);
UnicodeString text;
static UClassID fgClassID;