blob: 62ff4eb87b45c2bac1a658d4ff1d63106a9ce2f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1998 *
* Licensed Material - Program-Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved. *
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* File locbund.h
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 10/16/98 stephen Creation.
* 02/25/99 stephen Modified for new C API.
#ifndef LOCBUND_H
#define LOCBUND_H
#include "utypes.h"
#include "unum.h"
#include "udat.h"
struct ULocaleBundle {
char *fLocale;
UNumberFormat *fNumberFormat;
UNumberFormat *fPercentFormat;
UNumberFormat *fCurrencyFormat;
UNumberFormat *fScientificFormat;
UNumberFormat *fSpelloutFormat;
UDateFormat *fDateFormat;
UDateFormat *fTimeFormat;
typedef struct ULocaleBundle ULocaleBundle;
* Create a new ULocaleBundle, initializing all formatters to 0.
* @param loc The locale of the ULocaleBundle.
* @return A pointer to a ULocaleBundle, or 0 if <TT>loc</TT> was invalid.
u_locbund_new(const char *loc);
* Create a deep copy of this ULocaleBundle;
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to clone.
* @return A new ULocaleBundle.
u_locbund_clone(const ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Delete the specified ULocaleBundle, freeing all associated memory.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to delete
u_locbund_delete(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the NumberFormat used to format and parse numbers in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the NumberFormat used for number formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getNumberFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the NumberFormat used to format and parse percents in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the NumberFormat used for percent formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getPercentFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the NumberFormat used to format and parse currency in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the NumberFormat used for currency formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getCurrencyFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the NumberFormat used to format and parse scientific numbers in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the NumberFormat used for scientific formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getScientificFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the NumberFormat used format to and parse spelled-out numbers in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the NumberFormat used for spelled-out number formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getSpelloutFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the DateFormat used to format and parse dates in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the DateFormat used for date formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getDateFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);
* Get the DateFormat used to format and parse times in a ULocaleBundle.
* @param bundle The ULocaleBundle to use
* @return A pointer to the DateFormat used for time formatting and parsing.
u_locbund_getTimeFormat(ULocaleBundle *bundle);