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* *
* (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999 *
* Licensed Material - Program-Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved. *
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure *
* restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. *
* *
* ucnv_err.h:
* defines error behaviour functions called by T_UConverter_{from,to}Unicode
* These Functions, although public, should NEVER be called directly, they should be used as parameters to
* the T_UConverter_setMissing{Char,Unicode}Action API, to set the behaviour of a converter
* when it encounters ILLEGAL/UNMAPPED/INVALID sequences.
* usage example:
* ...
* UErrorCode err = ZERO_ERROR;
* UConverter* myConverter = T_UConverter_create("ibm-949", &err);
* if (SUCCESS(err))
* {
* T_UConverter_setMissingUnicodeAction(myConverter, (MissingUnicodeAction)MissingUnicodeAction_STOP, &err);
* T_UConverter_setMissingCharAction(myConverter, (MissingCharAction)MissingCharAction_SUBSTITUTE, &err);
* }
* ...
* The code above tells "myConverter" to stop when it encounters a ILLEGAL/TRUNCATED/INVALID sequences when it is used to
* convert from Unicode -> Codepage.
* and to substitute with a codepage specific substitutions sequence when converting from Codepage -> Unicode
#ifndef UCNV_ERR_H
#define UCNV_ERR_H
#include "utypes.h"
/*Functor STOPS at the ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE */
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingUnicodeAction_STOP (UConverter * _this,
char **target,
const char *targetLimit,
const UChar ** source,
const UChar * sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
/*Functor STOPS at the ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE */
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingCharAction_STOP (UConverter * _this,
UChar ** target,
const UChar * targetLimit,
const char **source,
const char *sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingUnicodeAction_SKIP (UConverter * _this,
char **target,
const char *targetLimit,
const UChar ** source,
const UChar * sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
/* Functor Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the current substitution string assiciated with _this,
* in the event target buffer is too small, it will store the extra info in the UConverter, and err
* will be set to INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR. The next time T_UConverter_fromUnicode is called, it will
* store the left over data in target, before transcoding the "source Stream"
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingUnicodeAction_SUBSTITUTE (UConverter * _this,
char **target,
const char *targetLimit,
const UChar ** source,
const UChar * sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
/* Functor Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with a sequence escaped codepoints corresponding to the ILLEGAL
* SEQUENCE (format %UXXXX, e.g. "%uFFFE%u00AC%uC8FE"). In the Event the Converter doesn't support the
* characters {u,%}[A-F][0-9], it will substitute the illegal sequence with the substitution characters
* (it will behave like the above functor).
* in the event target buffer is too small, it will store the extra info in the UConverter, and err
* will be set to INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR. The next time T_UConverter_fromUnicode is called, it will
* store the left over data in target, before transcoding the "source Stream"
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingUnicodeAction_SUBSTITUTEwithValue (UConverter * _this,
char **target,
const char *targetLimit,
const UChar ** source,
const UChar * sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingCharAction_SKIP (UConverter * _this,
UChar ** target,
const UChar * targetLimit,
const char **source,
const char *sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
/* Functor Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with the current substitution string assiciated with _this,
* in the event target buffer is too small, it will store the extra info in the UConverter, and err
* will be set to INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR. The next time T_UConverter_fromUnicode is called, it will
* store the left over data in target, before transcoding the "source Stream"
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingCharAction_SUBSTITUTE (UConverter * _this,
UChar ** target,
const UChar * targetLimit,
const char **source,
const char *sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);
/* Functor Substitute the ILLEGAL SEQUENCE with a sequence escaped codepoints corresponding to the
* ILLEGAL SEQUENCE (format %XNN, e.g. "%XFF%X0A%XC8%X03").
* in the event target buffer is too small, it will store the extra info in the UConverter, and err
* will be set to INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR. The next time T_UConverter_fromUnicode is called, it will
* store the left over data in target, before transcoding the "source Stream"
CAPI void U_EXPORT2 MissingCharAction_SUBSTITUTEwithValue (UConverter * _this,
UChar ** target,
const UChar * targetLimit,
const char **source,
const char *sourceLimit,
int32_t* offsets,
bool_t flush,
UErrorCode * err);