blob: ab9a3bbebb06ecfe7df99079cc54559f8d718c93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "uhash.h"
#include "unifiedcache.h"
#include "umutex.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "uassert.h"
#include "ucln_cmn.h"
static icu::UnifiedCache *gCache = NULL;
static icu::SharedObject *gNoValue = NULL;
static UMutex gCacheMutex = U_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static UConditionVar gInProgressValueAddedCond = U_CONDITION_INITIALIZER;
static icu::UInitOnce gCacheInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;
static UBool U_CALLCONV unifiedcache_cleanup() {
if (gCache) {
delete gCache;
gCache = NULL;
if (gNoValue) {
delete gNoValue;
gNoValue = NULL;
return TRUE;
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ucache_hashKeys(const UHashTok key) {
const CacheKeyBase *ckey = (const CacheKeyBase *) key.pointer;
return ckey->hashCode();
ucache_compareKeys(const UHashTok key1, const UHashTok key2) {
const CacheKeyBase *p1 = (const CacheKeyBase *) key1.pointer;
const CacheKeyBase *p2 = (const CacheKeyBase *) key2.pointer;
return *p1 == *p2;
ucache_deleteKey(void *obj) {
CacheKeyBase *p = (CacheKeyBase *) obj;
delete p;
CacheKeyBase::~CacheKeyBase() {
static void U_CALLCONV cacheInit(UErrorCode &status) {
U_ASSERT(gCache == NULL);
UCLN_COMMON_UNIFIED_CACHE, unifiedcache_cleanup);
// gNoValue must be created first to avoid assertion error in
// cache constructor.
gNoValue = new SharedObject();
gCache = new UnifiedCache(status);
if (gCache == NULL) {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
delete gCache;
delete gNoValue;
gCache = NULL;
gNoValue = NULL;
// We add a softref because we want hash elements with gNoValue to be
// elligible for purging but we don't ever want gNoValue to be deleted.
const UnifiedCache *UnifiedCache::getInstance(UErrorCode &status) {
umtx_initOnce(gCacheInitOnce, &cacheInit, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return NULL;
U_ASSERT(gCache != NULL);
return gCache;
UnifiedCache::UnifiedCache(UErrorCode &status) {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
U_ASSERT(gNoValue != NULL);
fHashtable = uhash_open(
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
uhash_setKeyDeleter(fHashtable, &ucache_deleteKey);
int32_t UnifiedCache::keyCount() const {
Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
return uhash_count(fHashtable);
void UnifiedCache::flush() const {
Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
// Use a loop in case cache items that are flushed held hard references to
// other cache items making those additional cache items eligible for
// flushing.
while (_flush(FALSE));
#include <stdio.h>
void UnifiedCache::dump() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const UnifiedCache *cache = getInstance(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unified Cache: Error fetching cache.\n");
void UnifiedCache::dumpContents() const {
Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
// Dumps content of cache.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
// On exit, cache contents dumped to stderr.
void UnifiedCache::_dumpContents() const {
int32_t pos = -1;
const UHashElement *element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &pos);
char buffer[256];
int32_t cnt = 0;
for (; element != NULL; element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &pos)) {
const SharedObject *sharedObject =
(const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
const CacheKeyBase *key =
(const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
if (!sharedObject->allSoftReferences()) {
"Unified Cache: Key '%s', error %d, value %p, total refcount %d, soft refcount %d\n",
key->writeDescription(buffer, 256),
sharedObject == gNoValue ? NULL :sharedObject,
fprintf(stderr, "Unified Cache: %d out of a total of %d still have hard references\n", cnt, uhash_count(fHashtable));
UnifiedCache::~UnifiedCache() {
// Try our best to clean up first.
// Now all that should be left in the cache are entries that refer to
// each other and entries with hard references from outside the cache.
// Nothing we can do about these so proceed to wipe out the cache.
Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
// Flushes the contents of the cache. If cache values hold references to other
// cache values then _flush should be called in a loop until it returns FALSE.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
// On exit, those values with only soft references are flushed. If all is true
// then every value is flushed even if hard references are held.
// Returns TRUE if any value in cache was flushed or FALSE otherwise.
UBool UnifiedCache::_flush(UBool all) const {
UBool result = FALSE;
int32_t pos = -1;
const UHashElement *element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &pos);
for (; element != NULL; element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &pos)) {
const SharedObject *sharedObject =
(const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
if (all || sharedObject->allSoftReferences()) {
uhash_removeElement(fHashtable, element);
result = TRUE;
return result;
// Places a new value and creationStatus in the cache for the given key.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. key must not exist in the cache.
// On exit, value and creation status placed under key. Soft reference added
// to value on successful add. On error sets status.
void UnifiedCache::_putNew(
const CacheKeyBase &key,
const SharedObject *value,
const UErrorCode creationStatus,
UErrorCode &status) const {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
CacheKeyBase *keyToAdopt = key.clone();
if (keyToAdopt == NULL) {
keyToAdopt->creationStatus = creationStatus;
uhash_put(fHashtable, keyToAdopt, (void *) value, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Places value and status at key if there is no value at key or if cache
// entry for key is in progress. Otherwise, it leaves the current value and
// status there.
// On entry. gCacheMutex must not be held. value must be
// included in the reference count of the object to which it points.
// On exit, value and status are changed to what was already in the cache if
// something was there and not in progress. Otherwise, value and status are left
// unchanged in which case they are placed in the cache on a best-effort basis.
// Caller must call removeRef() on value.
void UnifiedCache::_putIfAbsentAndGet(
const CacheKeyBase &key,
const SharedObject *&value,
UErrorCode &status) const {
Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
const UHashElement *element = uhash_find(fHashtable, &key);
if (element != NULL && !_inProgress(element)) {
_fetch(element, value, status);
if (element == NULL) {
UErrorCode putError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// best-effort basis only.
_putNew(key, value, status, putError);
_put(element, value, status);
// Attempts to fetch value and status for key from cache.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must not be held value must be NULL and status must
// On exit, either returns FALSE (In this
// case caller should try to create the object) or returns TRUE with value
// pointing to the fetched value and status set to fetched status. When
// FALSE is returned status may be set to failure if an in progress hash
// entry could not be made but value will remain unchanged. When TRUE is
// returned, caler must call removeRef() on value.
UBool UnifiedCache::_poll(
const CacheKeyBase &key,
const SharedObject *&value,
UErrorCode &status) const {
U_ASSERT(value == NULL);
Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
const UHashElement *element = uhash_find(fHashtable, &key);
while (element != NULL && _inProgress(element)) {
umtx_condWait(&gInProgressValueAddedCond, &gCacheMutex);
element = uhash_find(fHashtable, &key);
if (element != NULL) {
_fetch(element, value, status);
return TRUE;
_putNew(key, gNoValue, U_ZERO_ERROR, status);
return FALSE;
// Gets value out of cache.
// On entry. gCacheMutex must not be held. value must be NULL. status
// must be U_ZERO_ERROR.
// On exit. value and status set to what is in cache at key or on cache
// miss the key's createObject() is called and value and status are set to
// the result of that. In this latter case, best effort is made to add the
// value and status to the cache. value will be set to NULL instead of
// gNoValue. Caller must call removeRef on value if non NULL.
void UnifiedCache::_get(
const CacheKeyBase &key,
const SharedObject *&value,
const void *creationContext,
UErrorCode &status) const {
U_ASSERT(value == NULL);
if (_poll(key, value, status)) {
if (value == gNoValue) {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
value = key.createObject(creationContext, status);
U_ASSERT(value == NULL || !value->allSoftReferences());
U_ASSERT(value != NULL || status != U_ZERO_ERROR);
if (value == NULL) {
SharedObject::copyPtr(gNoValue, value);
_putIfAbsentAndGet(key, value, status);
if (value == gNoValue) {
// Store a value and error in given hash entry.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. Hash entry element must be in progress.
// value must be non NULL.
// On Exit, soft reference added to value. value and status stored in hash
// entry. Soft reference removed from previous stored value. Waiting
// threads notified.
void UnifiedCache::_put(
const UHashElement *element,
const SharedObject *value,
const UErrorCode status) {
const CacheKeyBase *theKey = (const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
const SharedObject *oldValue = (const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
theKey->creationStatus = status;
UHashElement *ptr = const_cast<UHashElement *>(element);
ptr->value.pointer = (void *) value;
// Tell waiting threads that we replace in-progress status with
// an error.
// Fetch value and error code from a particular hash entry.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. value must be either NULL or must be
// included in the ref count of the object to which it points.
// On exit, value and status set to what is in the hash entry. Caller must
// eventually call removeRef on value.
// If hash entry is in progress, value will be set to gNoValue and status will
// be set to U_ZERO_ERROR.
void UnifiedCache::_fetch(
const UHashElement *element,
const SharedObject *&value,
UErrorCode &status) {
const CacheKeyBase *theKey = (const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
status = theKey->creationStatus;
(const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer, value);
// Determine if given hash entry is in progress.
// On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
UBool UnifiedCache::_inProgress(const UHashElement *element) {
const SharedObject *value = NULL;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
_fetch(element, value, status);
UBool result = (value == gNoValue && status == U_ZERO_ERROR);
return result;