| // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml |
| kea{ |
| durationUnits{ |
| hm{"h:mm"} |
| hms{"h:mm:ss"} |
| ms{"m:ss"} |
| } |
| units{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| dnam{"forsa G"} |
| other{"{0} forsa G"} |
| } |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| dnam{"metru pur sigundu kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} metru pur sigundu kuadradu"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| arc-minute{ |
| dnam{"minutu di arku"} |
| other{"{0} minutu di arku"} |
| } |
| arc-second{ |
| dnam{"sigundu di arku"} |
| other{"{0} sigundu di arku"} |
| } |
| degree{ |
| dnam{"grau"} |
| other{"{0} grau"} |
| } |
| radian{ |
| dnam{"radianu"} |
| other{"{0} radianu"} |
| } |
| revolution{ |
| dnam{"volta"} |
| other{"{0} volta"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| dnam{"ákri"} |
| other{"{0} ákri"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| dnam{"ektar"} |
| other{"{0} ektar"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"sentímetru kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} sentímetru kuadradu"} |
| per{"{0} pur sentímetru kuadradu"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| dnam{"pe kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} pe kuadradu"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| dnam{"pulegada kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} pulegada kuadradu"} |
| per{"{0} pur pulegada kuadradu"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"kilómetru kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} kilómetru kuadradu"} |
| per{"{0} pur kilómetru kuadradu"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| dnam{"metru kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} metru kuadradu"} |
| per{"{0} pur metru kuadradu"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| dnam{"milha kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} milha kuadradu"} |
| per{"{0} pur milha kuadradu"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| dnam{"jarda kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} jarda kuadradu"} |
| } |
| } |
| compound{ |
| 10p-1{"desi{0}"} |
| 10p-12{"piko{0}"} |
| 10p-15{"femto{0}"} |
| 10p-18{"atto{0}"} |
| 10p-2{"senti{0}"} |
| 10p-21{"zepto{0}"} |
| 10p-24{"yocto{0}"} |
| 10p-3{"mili{0}"} |
| 10p-6{"mikro{0}"} |
| 10p-9{"nano{0}"} |
| 10p1{"deka{0}"} |
| 10p12{"tera{0}"} |
| 10p15{"peta{0}"} |
| 10p18{"exa{0}"} |
| 10p2{"ekto{0}"} |
| 10p21{"zetta{0}"} |
| 10p24{"yotta{0}"} |
| 10p3{"kilo{0}"} |
| 10p6{"mega{0}"} |
| 10p9{"jiga{0}"} |
| per{"{0} pur {1}"} |
| power2{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"{0} kuadradu"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| power3{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"{0} kúbiku"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| times{"{0}-{1}"} |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| karat{ |
| dnam{"kilati"} |
| other{"{0} kilati"} |
| } |
| milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ |
| dnam{"miligrama pur desilitru"} |
| other{"{0} miligrama pur desilitru"} |
| } |
| millimole-per-liter{ |
| dnam{"milimol pur litru"} |
| other{"{0} milimol pur litru"} |
| } |
| percent{ |
| dnam{"pursentu"} |
| other{"{0} pursentu"} |
| } |
| permille{ |
| dnam{"pur mil"} |
| other{"{0} pur mil"} |
| } |
| permillion{ |
| dnam{"parti pur milhãu"} |
| other{"{0} parti pur milhãu"} |
| } |
| permyriad{ |
| dnam{"pontu bazi"} |
| other{"{0} pontu bazi"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"litru pur 100 kilómetru"} |
| other{"{0} litru pur 100 kilómetru"} |
| } |
| liter-per-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"litru pur kilómetru"} |
| other{"{0} litru pur kilómetru"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| dnam{"milha pur galãu"} |
| other{"{0} milha pur galãu"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"milha pur galãu britániku"} |
| other{"{0} milha pur galãu britániku"} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"direson kardial"} |
| east{"{0} esti"} |
| north{"{0} norti"} |
| south{"{0} sul"} |
| west{"{0} oesti"} |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| dnam{"bit"} |
| other{"{0} bit"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| dnam{"byte"} |
| other{"{0} byte"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| dnam{"jigabit"} |
| other{"{0} jigabit"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| dnam{"jigabyte"} |
| other{"{0} jigabyte"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| dnam{"kilobit"} |
| other{"{0} kilobit"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| dnam{"kilobyte"} |
| other{"{0} kilobyte"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| dnam{"megabit"} |
| other{"{0} megabit"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| dnam{"megabyte"} |
| other{"{0} megabyte"} |
| } |
| petabyte{ |
| dnam{"petabyte"} |
| other{"{0} petabyte"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| dnam{"terabit"} |
| other{"{0} terabit"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| dnam{"terabyte"} |
| other{"{0} terabyte"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| century{ |
| dnam{"sékulu"} |
| other{"{0} sékulu"} |
| } |
| day{ |
| dnam{"dia"} |
| other{"{0} dia"} |
| per{"{0} pur dia"} |
| } |
| decade{ |
| dnam{"dékada"} |
| other{"{0} dékada"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| dnam{"ora"} |
| other{"{0} ora"} |
| per{"{0} pur ora"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| dnam{"mikrosigundu"} |
| other{"{0} mikrosigundu"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| dnam{"milisigundu"} |
| other{"{0} milisigundu"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| dnam{"minutu"} |
| other{"{0} minutu"} |
| per{"{0} pur minutu"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| dnam{"mes"} |
| other{"{0} mes"} |
| per{"{0} pur mes"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| dnam{"nanosigundu"} |
| other{"{0} nanosigundu"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| dnam{"sigundu"} |
| other{"{0} sigundu"} |
| per{"{0} pur sigundu"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"simana"} |
| other{"{0} simana"} |
| per{"{0} pur simana"} |
| } |
| year{ |
| dnam{"anu"} |
| other{"{0} anu"} |
| per{"{0} pur anu"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| dnam{"amper"} |
| other{"{0} amper"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| dnam{"miliamper"} |
| other{"{0} miliamper"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| other{"{0} ohm"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| other{"{0} volt"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| british-thermal-unit{ |
| dnam{"unidadi térmiku britániku"} |
| other{"{0} unidadi térmiku britániku"} |
| } |
| calorie{ |
| dnam{"kaloria"} |
| other{"{0} kaloria"} |
| } |
| electronvolt{ |
| dnam{"eleton-volt"} |
| other{"{0} eletron-volt"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| dnam{"Kaloria"} |
| other{"{0} Kaloria"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| other{"{0} joule"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| dnam{"kilokaloria"} |
| other{"{0} kilokaloria"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| dnam{"kilojoule"} |
| other{"{0} kilojoule"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| dnam{"kilowatt-ora"} |
| other{"{0} kilowatt-ora"} |
| } |
| therm-us{ |
| dnam{"unidadi térmiku merkanu"} |
| other{"{0} unidadi térmiku merkanu"} |
| } |
| } |
| force{ |
| newton{ |
| dnam{"newton"} |
| other{"{0} newton"} |
| } |
| pound-force{ |
| dnam{"libra di forsa"} |
| other{"{0} libra di forsa"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| dnam{"jigaertz"} |
| other{"{0} jigaertz"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| dnam{"ertz"} |
| other{"{0} ertz"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| dnam{"kiloertz"} |
| other{"{0} kiloertz"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| dnam{"megaertz"} |
| other{"{0} megaertz"} |
| } |
| } |
| graphics{ |
| dot{ |
| dnam{"pontu"} |
| other{"{0} pontu"} |
| } |
| dot-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"pontu pur sentímeru"} |
| other{"{0} pontu pur sentímetru"} |
| } |
| dot-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"pontu pur pulegada"} |
| other{"{0} pontu pur pulegada"} |
| } |
| em{ |
| dnam{"emi tipográfiku"} |
| other{"{0} emi tipográfiku"} |
| } |
| megapixel{ |
| dnam{"megapiksel"} |
| other{"{0} megapiksel"} |
| } |
| pixel{ |
| dnam{"piksel"} |
| other{"{0} piksel"} |
| } |
| pixel-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"piksel pur sentímetru"} |
| other{"{0} piksel pur sentímetru"} |
| } |
| pixel-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"piksel pur pulegada"} |
| other{"{0} piksel pur pulegada"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| dnam{"unidadi astronómiku"} |
| other{"{0} unidadi astronómiku"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| dnam{"sentímetru"} |
| other{"{0} sentímetru"} |
| per{"{0} pur sentímetru"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| dnam{"desímetru"} |
| other{"{0} desímetru"} |
| } |
| earth-radius{ |
| dnam{"raiu di Tera"} |
| other{"{0} raiu di Tera"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| dnam{"pe"} |
| other{"{0} pe"} |
| per{"{0} pur pe"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| dnam{"pulegada"} |
| other{"{0} pulegada"} |
| per{"{0} pur pulegada"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| dnam{"kilómetru"} |
| other{"{0} kilómetru"} |
| per{"{0} pur kilómetru"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| dnam{"anu-lus"} |
| other{"{0} anu-lus"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| dnam{"metru"} |
| other{"{0} metru"} |
| per{"{0} pur metru"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| dnam{"mikrómetru"} |
| other{"{0} mikrómetru"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| dnam{"milha"} |
| other{"{0} milha"} |
| } |
| mile-scandinavian{ |
| dnam{"milha skandinavu"} |
| other{"{0} milha skandinavu"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| dnam{"milímetru"} |
| other{"{0} milímetru"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| dnam{"nanómetru"} |
| other{"{0} nanómetru"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| dnam{"milha náutiku"} |
| other{"{0} milha náutiku"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| dnam{"parsek"} |
| other{"{0} parsek"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| dnam{"pikómetru"} |
| other{"{0} pikómetru"} |
| } |
| solar-radius{ |
| dnam{"raiu solar"} |
| other{"{0} raiu solar"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"jarda"} |
| other{"{0} jarda"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| candela{ |
| dnam{"kandela"} |
| other{"{0} kandela"} |
| } |
| lumen{ |
| dnam{"lumen"} |
| other{"{0} lumen"} |
| } |
| lux{ |
| dnam{"lux"} |
| other{"{0} lux"} |
| } |
| solar-luminosity{ |
| dnam{"luminozidadi solar"} |
| other{"{0} luminozidadi solar"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| dnam{"kilati"} |
| other{"{0} kilati"} |
| } |
| dalton{ |
| dnam{"dalton"} |
| other{"{0} dalton"} |
| } |
| earth-mass{ |
| dnam{"masa di Tera"} |
| other{"{0} masa di Tera"} |
| } |
| grain{ |
| dnam{"grãu"} |
| other{"{0} grãu"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| dnam{"grama"} |
| other{"{0} grama"} |
| per{"{0} pur grama"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| dnam{"kilograma"} |
| other{"{0} kilograma"} |
| per{"{0} pur kilograma"} |
| } |
| metric-ton{ |
| dnam{"tonelada métriku"} |
| other{"{0} tonelada métriku"} |
| } |
| microgram{ |
| dnam{"mikrograma"} |
| other{"{0} mikrograma"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| dnam{"miligrama"} |
| other{"{0} miligrama"} |
| } |
| ounce{ |
| dnam{"ónsa"} |
| other{"{0} ónsa"} |
| per{"{0} pur ónsa"} |
| } |
| ounce-troy{ |
| dnam{"ónsa troy"} |
| other{"{0} ónsa troy"} |
| } |
| pound{ |
| dnam{"libra"} |
| other{"{0} libra"} |
| per{"{0} pur libra"} |
| } |
| solar-mass{ |
| dnam{"masa di Sol"} |
| other{"{0} masa di Sol"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| dnam{"tonelada"} |
| other{"{0} tonelada"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| dnam{"jigawatt"} |
| other{"{0} jigawatt"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| dnam{"kabalu-vapor"} |
| other{"{0} kabalu-vapor"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| dnam{"kilowatt"} |
| other{"{0} kilowatt"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| dnam{"megawatt"} |
| other{"{0} megawatt"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| dnam{"miliwatt"} |
| other{"{0} miliwatt"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| dnam{"watt"} |
| other{"{0} watt"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| atmosphere{ |
| dnam{"atmosfera"} |
| other{"{0} atmosfera"} |
| } |
| bar{ |
| dnam{"bar"} |
| other{"{0} bar"} |
| } |
| hectopascal{ |
| dnam{"ektopaskal"} |
| other{"{0} ektopaskal"} |
| } |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"pulegada di merkúriu"} |
| other{"{0} pulegada di merkúriu"} |
| } |
| kilopascal{ |
| dnam{"kilopaskal"} |
| other{"{0} kilopaskal"} |
| } |
| megapascal{ |
| dnam{"megapaskal"} |
| other{"{0} megapaskal"} |
| } |
| millibar{ |
| dnam{"milibar"} |
| other{"{0} milibar"} |
| } |
| millimeter-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"milímetru di merkúriu"} |
| other{"{0} milímetru di merkúriu"} |
| } |
| pascal{ |
| dnam{"paskal"} |
| other{"{0} paskal"} |
| } |
| pound-force-per-square-inch{ |
| dnam{"libra pur pulegada kuadradu"} |
| other{"{0} libra pur pulegada kuadradu"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"kilómetru pur ora"} |
| other{"{0} kilómetru pur ora"} |
| } |
| knot{ |
| dnam{"nó"} |
| other{"{0} nó"} |
| } |
| meter-per-second{ |
| dnam{"metru pur sigundu"} |
| other{"{0} metru pur sigundu"} |
| } |
| mile-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"milha pur ora"} |
| other{"{0} milha pur ora"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| dnam{"grau Celsius"} |
| other{"{0} grau Celsius"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| dnam{"grau Fahrenheit"} |
| other{"{0} grau Fahrenheit"} |
| } |
| kelvin{ |
| dnam{"kelvin"} |
| other{"{0} kelvin"} |
| } |
| } |
| torque{ |
| newton-meter{ |
| dnam{"newton-metru"} |
| other{"{0} newton-metru"} |
| } |
| pound-force-foot{ |
| dnam{"pe-libra"} |
| other{"{0} pe-libra"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| acre-foot{ |
| dnam{"ákri-pé"} |
| other{"{0} ákri-pé"} |
| } |
| barrel{ |
| dnam{"baril"} |
| other{"{0} baril"} |
| } |
| centiliter{ |
| dnam{"sentilitru"} |
| other{"{0} sentilitru"} |
| } |
| cubic-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"sentímetru kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} sentímetru kúbiku"} |
| per{"{0} pur sentímetru kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cubic-foot{ |
| dnam{"pé kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} pé kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cubic-inch{ |
| dnam{"pulegada kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} pulegada kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cubic-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"kilómetru kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} kilómetru kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cubic-meter{ |
| dnam{"metru kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} metru kúbiku"} |
| per{"{0} pur metru kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cubic-mile{ |
| dnam{"milha kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} milha kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cubic-yard{ |
| dnam{"jarda kúbiku"} |
| other{"{0} jarda kúbiku"} |
| } |
| cup{ |
| dnam{"xávina"} |
| other{"{0} xávina"} |
| } |
| cup-metric{ |
| dnam{"xávina métriku"} |
| other{"{0} xávina métriku"} |
| } |
| deciliter{ |
| dnam{"desilitru"} |
| other{"{0} desilitru"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon{ |
| dnam{"kudjer di subrimeza"} |
| other{"{0} kudjer di subrimeza"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"kudjer di subrimeza britániku"} |
| other{"{0} kudjer di subrimeza britániku"} |
| } |
| dram{ |
| dnam{"drakma fluídu"} |
| other{"{0} drakma fluídu"} |
| } |
| drop{ |
| dnam{"gota"} |
| other{"{0} gota"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce{ |
| dnam{"ónsa fluídu"} |
| other{"{0} ónsa fluídu"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce-imperial{ |
| dnam{"ónsa fluídu britániku"} |
| other{"{0} ónsa fluídu britániku"} |
| } |
| gallon{ |
| dnam{"galãu"} |
| other{"{0} galãu"} |
| per{"{0} pur galãu"} |
| } |
| gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"galãu britániku"} |
| other{"{0} galãu britániku"} |
| per{"{0} pur galãu britániku"} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| dnam{"ektolitru"} |
| other{"{0} ektolitru"} |
| } |
| jigger{ |
| dnam{"kopu di xot"} |
| other{"{0} kopu di xot"} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"litru"} |
| other{"{0} litru"} |
| per{"{0} pur litru"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| dnam{"megalitru"} |
| other{"{0} megalitru"} |
| } |
| milliliter{ |
| dnam{"mililitru"} |
| other{"{0} mililitru"} |
| } |
| pinch{ |
| dnam{"pitada"} |
| other{"{0} pitada"} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| dnam{"pint"} |
| other{"{0} pint"} |
| } |
| pint-metric{ |
| dnam{"pint métriku"} |
| other{"{0} pint métriku"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| dnam{"kuart"} |
| other{"{0} kuart"} |
| } |
| quart-imperial{ |
| dnam{"kuart britániku"} |
| other{"{0} kuart britániku"} |
| } |
| tablespoon{ |
| dnam{"kudjer di sopa"} |
| other{"{0} kudjer di sopa"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| dnam{"kudjer di xá"} |
| other{"{0} kudjer di xá"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| unitsNarrow{ |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"l/100km"} |
| other{"{0} l/100km"} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"direson"} |
| } |
| duration{ |
| day{ |
| dnam{"dia"} |
| other{"{0} dia"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| dnam{"ora"} |
| other{"{0} h"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| dnam{"ms"} |
| other{"{0} ms"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| dnam{"min."} |
| other{"{0} min."} |
| } |
| month{ |
| dnam{"mes"} |
| other{"{0} mes"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| dnam{"sig."} |
| other{"{0} s"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"sim."} |
| other{"{0} sim."} |
| } |
| year{ |
| dnam{"anu"} |
| other{"{0} anu"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| centimeter{ |
| dnam{"cm"} |
| other{"{0} cm"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| dnam{"km"} |
| other{"{0} km"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| dnam{"m"} |
| other{"{0} m"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| dnam{"mm"} |
| other{"{0} mm"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| gram{ |
| dnam{"g"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| other{"{0}kg"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"km/h"} |
| other{"{0} km/h"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"l"} |
| other{"{0} l"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| unitsShort{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| dnam{"G"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| arc-minute{ |
| dnam{"arkmin"} |
| other{"{0} arkmin"} |
| } |
| arc-second{ |
| dnam{"arksig"} |
| other{"{0} arksig"} |
| } |
| degree{ |
| dnam{"grau"} |
| other{"{0}°"} |
| } |
| radian{ |
| dnam{"rad"} |
| other{"{0} rad"} |
| } |
| revolution{ |
| dnam{"vol"} |
| other{"{0} vol"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| dnam{"ac"} |
| other{"{0} ac"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| dnam{"ha"} |
| other{"{0} ha"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"cm²"} |
| other{"{0} cm²"} |
| per{"{0}/cm²"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| dnam{"ft²"} |
| other{"{0} ft²"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| dnam{"in²"} |
| other{"{0} in²"} |
| per{"{0}/in²"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"km²"} |
| other{"{0} km²"} |
| per{"{0}/km²"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| dnam{"m²"} |
| other{"{0} m²"} |
| per{"{0}/m²"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| dnam{"mi²"} |
| other{"{0} mi²"} |
| per{"{0}/mi²"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| dnam{"yd²"} |
| other{"{0} yd²"} |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| karat{ |
| dnam{"kt"} |
| other{"{0} kt"} |
| } |
| milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ |
| dnam{"mg/dl"} |
| other{"{0} mg/dl"} |
| } |
| millimole-per-liter{ |
| dnam{"milimol/litru"} |
| other{"{0} mmol/l"} |
| } |
| permillion{ |
| dnam{"parti/milhãu"} |
| other{"{0} ppm"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"litru/100km"} |
| other{"{0} l/100 km"} |
| } |
| liter-per-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"l/km"} |
| other{"{0} l/km"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| dnam{"mpg"} |
| other{"{0} mpg"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"milha/gal brit."} |
| other{"{0} mpg brit."} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"direson"} |
| east{"{0} E"} |
| north{"{0} N"} |
| south{"{0} S"} |
| west{"{0} W"} |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| dnam{"b"} |
| other{"{0} b"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| dnam{"B"} |
| other{"{0} B"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| dnam{"Gb"} |
| other{"{0} Gb"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| dnam{"GB"} |
| other{"{0} GB"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| dnam{"kb"} |
| other{"{0} kb"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| dnam{"kB"} |
| other{"{0} kB"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| dnam{"Mb"} |
| other{"{0} Mb"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| dnam{"MB"} |
| other{"{0} MB"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| dnam{"Tb"} |
| other{"{0} Tb"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| dnam{"TB"} |
| other{"{0} TB"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| century{ |
| dnam{"sék."} |
| other{"{0} sék."} |
| } |
| day{ |
| dnam{"dia"} |
| other{"{0} dia"} |
| per{"{0}/dia"} |
| } |
| decade{ |
| dnam{"dék."} |
| other{"{0} dék."} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| dnam{"ora"} |
| other{"{0} h"} |
| per{"{0}/h"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| dnam{"μs"} |
| other{"{0} μs"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| dnam{"ms"} |
| other{"{0} ms"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| dnam{"min."} |
| other{"{0} min."} |
| per{"{0}/min."} |
| } |
| month{ |
| dnam{"mes"} |
| other{"{0} mes"} |
| per{"{0}/mes"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| dnam{"ns"} |
| other{"{0} ns"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| dnam{"sig."} |
| other{"{0} sig."} |
| per{"{0}/s"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"sim."} |
| other{"{0} sim."} |
| per{"{0}/sim."} |
| } |
| year{ |
| dnam{"anu"} |
| other{"{0} anu"} |
| per{"{0}/anu"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| dnam{"amp"} |
| other{"{0} A"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| dnam{"mA"} |
| other{"{0} mA"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| dnam{"ohm"} |
| other{"{0} Ω"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| dnam{"volt"} |
| other{"{0} V"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| calorie{ |
| dnam{"cal"} |
| other{"{0} cal"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| dnam{"Cal"} |
| other{"{0} Cal"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| dnam{"J"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| dnam{"kcal"} |
| other{"{0} kcal"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| dnam{"kJ"} |
| other{"{0} kJ"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| dnam{"kWh"} |
| other{"{0} kWh"} |
| } |
| therm-us{ |
| dnam{"thm SU"} |
| other{"{0} thm SU"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| dnam{"GHz"} |
| other{"{0} GHz"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| dnam{"Hz"} |
| other{"{0} Hz"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| dnam{"kHz"} |
| other{"{0} kHz"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| dnam{"MHz"} |
| other{"{0} MHz"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| dnam{"ua"} |
| other{"{0} ua"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| dnam{"cm"} |
| other{"{0} cm"} |
| per{"{0}/cm"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| dnam{"dm"} |
| other{"{0} dm"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| dnam{"pe"} |
| other{"{0} pe"} |
| per{"{0}/pe"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| dnam{"in"} |
| other{"{0} in"} |
| per{"{0}/in"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| dnam{"km"} |
| other{"{0} km"} |
| per{"{0}/km"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| dnam{"anu-lus"} |
| other{"{0} anu-lus"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| dnam{"m"} |
| other{"{0} m"} |
| per{"{0}/m"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| dnam{"μm"} |
| other{"{0} μm"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| dnam{"mi"} |
| other{"{0} mi"} |
| } |
| mile-scandinavian{ |
| dnam{"smi"} |
| other{"{0} smi"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| dnam{"mm"} |
| other{"{0} mm"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| dnam{"nm"} |
| other{"{0} nm"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| dnam{"nmi"} |
| other{"{0} nmi"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| dnam{"pc"} |
| other{"{0} pc"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| dnam{"pm"} |
| other{"{0} pm"} |
| } |
| point{ |
| other{"{0} pt"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"yd"} |
| other{"{0} yd"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| lux{ |
| dnam{"lux"} |
| other{"{0} lx"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| dnam{"kt"} |
| other{"{0} kt"} |
| } |
| grain{ |
| dnam{"grãu"} |
| other{"{0} grãu"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| dnam{"g"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| dnam{"ton"} |
| other{"{0} ton"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| dnam{"GW"} |
| other{"{0} GW"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| dnam{"cv"} |
| other{"{0} cv"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| dnam{"kW"} |
| other{"{0} kW"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| dnam{"MW"} |
| other{"{0} MW"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| dnam{"mW"} |
| other{"{0} mW"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| dnam{"watt"} |
| other{"{0} W"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| other{"{0} °C"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| other{"{0} °F"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| acre-foot{ |
| dnam{"ac ft"} |
| other{"{0} ac ft"} |
| } |
| centiliter{ |
| dnam{"cl"} |
| other{"{0} cl"} |
| } |
| cup{ |
| dnam{"xáv"} |
| other{"{0} xáv"} |
| } |
| cup-metric{ |
| dnam{"xávm"} |
| other{"{0} xávm"} |
| } |
| deciliter{ |
| dnam{"dl"} |
| other{"{0} dl"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"dstspn brit."} |
| other{"{0} dstspn brit."} |
| } |
| dram{ |
| dnam{"drakma fl."} |
| other{"{0} drakma fl."} |
| } |
| drop{ |
| dnam{"gota"} |
| other{"{0} gota"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce{ |
| dnam{"fl oz"} |
| other{"{0} fl oz"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce-imperial{ |
| dnam{"fl oz brit."} |
| other{"{0} fl oz brit."} |
| } |
| gallon{ |
| dnam{"gal"} |
| other{"{0} gal"} |
| per{"{0}/gal"} |
| } |
| gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"gal brit."} |
| other{"{0} gal brit."} |
| per{"{0}/gal brit."} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| dnam{"hl"} |
| other{"{0} hl"} |
| } |
| jigger{ |
| dnam{"kopu x."} |
| other{"{0} kopu x."} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"l"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| dnam{"Ml"} |
| other{"{0} Ml"} |
| } |
| milliliter{ |
| dnam{"ml"} |
| other{"{0} ml"} |
| } |
| pinch{ |
| dnam{"pit."} |
| other{"{0} pit."} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| dnam{"pt"} |
| other{"{0} pt"} |
| } |
| pint-metric{ |
| dnam{"ptm"} |
| other{"{0} ptm"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| dnam{"qt"} |
| other{"{0} qt"} |
| } |
| quart-imperial{ |
| dnam{"qt brit."} |
| other{"{0} qt brit."} |
| } |
| tablespoon{ |
| dnam{"ks"} |
| other{"{0} ks"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| dnam{"kx"} |
| other{"{0} kx"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |