Commit Checker Tool

This tool checks the ICU Git repository against the ICU Jira issue tracker to ensure that the two are consistent with one another.

Author: Shane Carr


Install pipenv globally:

$ sudo pip3 install pipenv

Install this project's dependencies locally:

$ pipenv install

Optional: save your Jira credentials in a .env file in this directory:


This is required if you want to process sensitive tickets.


Make sure you have updated your repository:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
$ git fetch --tags upstream

Sanity check: ensure that the “latest” tag is correct (points to the latest release). You may need to force-fetch the tags.

$ git show latest
# should show a commit with both "latest" and the previous version number

Run the tool and save the result into; set fixVersion to the upcoming ICU version:

$ pipenv run python3 --jira-query "project=ICU AND fixVersion=64.1" >

Create a branch and open a pull request so others can view the report easily.