ICU-20568 Add unit converter.

Add unit converter.
Commit: 9bcc4b698ff4b2afbf321188bceff809a27342f2

add comment about ratesInfo param in UnitConverter
Commit: cbed63622771dfc3b3e3c44346f1e530f1b86b65
diff --git a/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.cpp b/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.cpp
index cacf2db..516f223 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.cpp
+++ b/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
+#include <cmath>
 #include "charstr.h"
+#include "double-conversion.h"
 #include "measunit_impl.h"
 #include "unicode/errorcode.h"
 #include "unicode/measunit.h"
@@ -15,6 +18,164 @@
 namespace {
+/* Internal Structure */
+enum Constants {
+    CONSTANT_FT2M,    // ft2m stands for foot to meter.
+    CONSTANT_PI,      // PI
+    CONSTANT_GRAVITY, // Gravity
+    CONSTANT_GAL_IMP2M3, // Gallon imp to m3
+    CONSTANT_LB2KG,      // Pound to Kilogram
+    // Must be the last element.
+typedef enum SigNum {
+    NEGATIVE = -1,
+    POSITIVE = 1,
+} SigNum;
+/* Represents a conversion factor */
+struct Factor {
+    double factorNum = 1;
+    double factorDen = 1;
+    double offset = 0;
+    bool reciprocal = false;
+    int32_t constants[CONSTANTS_COUNT] = {};
+    void multiplyBy(const Factor &rhs) {
+        factorNum *= rhs.factorNum;
+        factorDen *= rhs.factorDen;
+        for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+            constants[i] += rhs.constants[i];
+        }
+        // NOTE
+        //  We need the offset when the source and the target are simple units. e.g. the source is
+        //  celsius and the target is Fahrenheit. Therefore, we just keep the value using `std::max`.
+        offset = std::max(rhs.offset, offset);
+    }
+    void divideBy(const Factor &rhs) {
+        factorNum *= rhs.factorDen;
+        factorDen *= rhs.factorNum;
+        for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+            constants[i] -= rhs.constants[i];
+        }
+        // NOTE
+        //  We need the offset when the source and the target are simple units. e.g. the source is
+        //  celsius and the target is Fahrenheit. Therefore, we just keep the value using `std::max`.
+        offset = std::max(rhs.offset, offset);
+    }
+    // Apply the power to the factor.
+    void power(int32_t power) {
+        // multiply all the constant by the power.
+        for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+            constants[i] *= power;
+        }
+        bool shouldFlip = power < 0; // This means that after applying the absolute power, we should flip
+                                     // the Numerator and Denominator.
+        factorNum = std::pow(factorNum, std::abs(power));
+        factorDen = std::pow(factorDen, std::abs(power));
+        if (shouldFlip) {
+            // Flip Numerator and Denominator.
+            std::swap(factorNum, factorDen);
+        }
+    }
+    // Flip the `Factor`, for example, factor= 2/3, flippedFactor = 3/2
+    void flip() {
+        std::swap(factorNum, factorDen);
+        for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+            constants[i] *= -1;
+        }
+    }
+    // Apply SI prefix to the `Factor`
+    void applySiPrefix(UMeasureSIPrefix siPrefix) {
+        if (siPrefix == UMeasureSIPrefix::UMEASURE_SI_PREFIX_ONE) return; // No need to do anything
+        double siApplied = std::pow(10.0, std::abs(siPrefix));
+        if (siPrefix < 0) {
+            factorDen *= siApplied;
+            return;
+        }
+        factorNum *= siApplied;
+    }
+    void substituteConstants() {
+        double constantsValues[CONSTANTS_COUNT];
+        // TODO: Load those constant values from units data.
+        constantsValues[CONSTANT_FT2M] = 0.3048;
+        constantsValues[CONSTANT_PI] = 411557987.0 / 131002976.0;
+        constantsValues[CONSTANT_GRAVITY] = 9.80665;
+        constantsValues[CONSTANT_G] = 6.67408E-11;
+        constantsValues[CONSTANT_LB2KG] = 0.45359237;
+        constantsValues[CONSTANT_GAL_IMP2M3] = 0.00454609;
+        for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+            if (this->constants[i] == 0) { continue;}
+            auto absPower = std::abs(this->constants[i]);
+            SigNum powerSig = this->constants[i] < 0 ? SigNum::NEGATIVE : SigNum::POSITIVE;
+            double absConstantValue = std::pow(constantsValues[i], absPower);
+            if (powerSig ==  SigNum::NEGATIVE) { this->factorDen *= absConstantValue;} 
+            else { this->factorNum *= absConstantValue;}
+            this->constants[i] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+/* Helpers */
+using icu::double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter;
+// TODO: Make this a shared-utility function.
+// Returns `double` from a scientific number(i.e. "1", "2.01" or "3.09E+4")
+double strToDouble(StringPiece strNum, UErrorCode &status) {
+    // We are processing well-formed input, so we don't need any special options to
+    // StringToDoubleConverter.
+    StringToDoubleConverter converter(0, 0, 0, "", "");
+    int32_t count;
+    double result = converter.StringToDouble(, strNum.length(), &count);
+    if (count != strNum.length()) { status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; }
+    return result;
+// Returns `double` from a scientific number that could has a division sign (i.e. "1", "2.01", "3.09E+4"
+// or "2E+2/3")
+double strHasDivideSignToDouble(StringPiece strWithDivide, UErrorCode &status) {
+    int divisionSignInd = -1;
+    for (int i = 0, n = strWithDivide.length(); i < n; ++i) {
+        if ([i] == '/') {
+            divisionSignInd = i;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (divisionSignInd >= 0) {
+        return strToDouble(strWithDivide.substr(0, divisionSignInd), status) /
+               strToDouble(strWithDivide.substr(divisionSignInd + 1), status);
+    }
+    return strToDouble(strWithDivide, status);
  * Extracts the compound base unit of a compound unit (`source`). For example, if the source unit is
  * `square-mile-per-hour`, the compound base unit will be `square-meter-per-second`
@@ -32,7 +193,7 @@
         // we will use `meter`
         const auto singleUnitImpl = SingleUnitImpl::forMeasureUnit(singleUnit, status);
         const auto rateInfo = conversionRates.extractConversionInfo(singleUnitImpl.getSimpleUnitID(), status);
-        if (U_FAILURE(status)) return result;
+        if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return result; }
         if (rateInfo == nullptr) {
             status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
             return result;
@@ -56,6 +217,206 @@
     return result;
+// TODO: Load those constant from units data.
+ * Adds a single factor element to the `Factor`. e.g "ft3m", "2.333" or "cup2m3". But not "cup2m3^3".
+ */
+void addSingleFactorConstant(StringPiece baseStr, int32_t power, SigNum sigNum, Factor &factor,
+                             UErrorCode &status) {
+    if (baseStr == "ft_to_m") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_FT2M] += power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "ft2_to_m2") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_FT2M] += 2 * power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "ft3_to_m3") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_FT2M] += 3 * power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "in3_to_m3") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_FT2M] += 3 * power * sigNum;
+        factor.factorDen *= 12 * 12 * 12;
+    } else if (baseStr == "gal_to_m3") {
+        factor.factorNum *= 231;
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_FT2M] += 3 * power * sigNum;
+        factor.factorDen *= 12 * 12 * 12;
+    } else if (baseStr == "gal_imp_to_m3") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_GAL_IMP2M3] += power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "G") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_G] += power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "gravity") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_GRAVITY] += power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "lb_to_kg") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_LB2KG] += power * sigNum;
+    } else if (baseStr == "PI") {
+        factor.constants[CONSTANT_PI] += power * sigNum;
+    } else {
+        if (sigNum == SigNum::NEGATIVE) {
+            factor.factorDen *= std::pow(strToDouble(baseStr, status), power);
+        } else {
+            factor.factorNum *= std::pow(strToDouble(baseStr, status), power);
+        }
+    }
+  Adds single factor to a `Factor` object. Single factor means "23^2", "23.3333", "ft2m^3" ...etc.
+  However, complex factor are not included, such as "ft2m^3*200/3"
+void addFactorElement(Factor &factor, StringPiece elementStr, SigNum sigNum, UErrorCode &status) {
+    StringPiece baseStr;
+    StringPiece powerStr;
+    int32_t power =
+        1; // In case the power is not written, then, the power is equal 1 ==> `ft2m^1` == `ft2m`
+    // Search for the power part
+    int32_t powerInd = -1;
+    for (int32_t i = 0, n = elementStr.length(); i < n; ++i) {
+        if ([i] == '^') {
+            powerInd = i;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (powerInd > -1) {
+        // There is power
+        baseStr = elementStr.substr(0, powerInd);
+        powerStr = elementStr.substr(powerInd + 1);
+        power = static_cast<int32_t>(strToDouble(powerStr, status));
+    } else {
+        baseStr = elementStr;
+    }
+    addSingleFactorConstant(baseStr, power, sigNum, factor, status);
+ * Extracts `Factor` from a complete string factor. e.g. "ft2m^3*1007/cup2m3*3"
+ */
+Factor extractFactorConversions(StringPiece stringFactor, UErrorCode &status) {
+    Factor result;
+    SigNum sigNum = SigNum::POSITIVE;
+    auto factorData =;
+    for (int32_t i = 0, start = 0, n = stringFactor.length(); i < n; i++) {
+        if (factorData[i] == '*' || factorData[i] == '/') {
+            StringPiece factorElement = stringFactor.substr(start, i - start);
+            addFactorElement(result, factorElement, sigNum, status);
+            start = i + 1; // Set `start` to point to the start of the new element.
+        } else if (i == n - 1) {
+            // Last element
+            addFactorElement(result, stringFactor.substr(start, i + 1), sigNum, status);
+        }
+        if (factorData[i] == '/') {
+            sigNum = SigNum::NEGATIVE; // Change the sigNum because we reached the Denominator.
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+// Load factor for a single source
+Factor loadSingleFactor(StringPiece source, const ConversionRates &ratesInfo, UErrorCode &status) {
+    const auto conversionUnit = ratesInfo.extractConversionInfo(source, status);
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) return Factor();
+    if (conversionUnit == nullptr) {
+        status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
+        return Factor();
+    }
+    Factor result = extractFactorConversions(conversionUnit->factor.toStringPiece(), status);
+    result.offset = strHasDivideSignToDouble(conversionUnit->offset.toStringPiece(), status);
+    return result;
+// Load Factor of a compound source unit.
+Factor loadCompoundFactor(const MeasureUnit &source, const ConversionRates &ratesInfo,
+                          UErrorCode &status) {
+    Factor result;
+    MeasureUnitImpl memory;
+    const auto &compoundSourceUnit = MeasureUnitImpl::forMeasureUnit(source, memory, status);
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) return result;
+    for (int32_t i = 0, n = compoundSourceUnit.units.length(); i < n; i++) {
+        auto singleUnit = *compoundSourceUnit.units[i]; // a SingleUnitImpl
+        Factor singleFactor = loadSingleFactor(singleUnit.getSimpleUnitID(), ratesInfo, status);
+        if (U_FAILURE(status)) return result;
+        // Apply SiPrefix before the power, because the power may be will flip the factor.
+        singleFactor.applySiPrefix(singleUnit.siPrefix);
+        // Apply the power of the `dimensionality`
+        singleFactor.power(singleUnit.dimensionality);
+        result.multiplyBy(singleFactor);
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Checks if the source unit and the target unit are simple. For example celsius or fahrenheit. But not
+ * square-celsius or square-fahrenheit.
+ */
+UBool checkSimpleUnit(const MeasureUnit &unit, UErrorCode &status) {
+    MeasureUnitImpl memory;
+    const auto &compoundSourceUnit = MeasureUnitImpl::forMeasureUnit(unit, memory, status);
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) return false;
+    if (compoundSourceUnit.complexity != UMEASURE_UNIT_SINGLE) { return false; }
+    U_ASSERT(compoundSourceUnit.units.length() == 1);
+    auto singleUnit = *(compoundSourceUnit.units[0]);
+    if (singleUnit.dimensionality != 1 || singleUnit.siPrefix != UMEASURE_SI_PREFIX_ONE) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+ *  Extract conversion rate from `source` to `target`
+ */
+void loadConversionRate(ConversionRate &conversionRate, const MeasureUnit &source,
+                        const MeasureUnit &target, UnitsConvertibilityState unitsState,
+                        const ConversionRates &ratesInfo, UErrorCode &status) {
+    // Represents the conversion factor from the source to the target.
+    Factor finalFactor;
+    // Represents the conversion factor from the source to the base unit that specified in the conversion
+    // data which is considered as the root of the source and the target.
+    Factor sourceToBase = loadCompoundFactor(source, ratesInfo, status);
+    Factor targetToBase = loadCompoundFactor(target, ratesInfo, status);
+    // Merger Factors
+    finalFactor.multiplyBy(sourceToBase);
+    if (unitsState == UnitsConvertibilityState::CONVERTIBLE) {
+        finalFactor.divideBy(targetToBase);
+    } else if (unitsState == UnitsConvertibilityState::RECIPROCAL) {
+        finalFactor.multiplyBy(targetToBase);
+    } else {
+        status = UErrorCode::U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
+        return;
+    }
+    finalFactor.substituteConstants();
+    conversionRate.factorNum = finalFactor.factorNum;
+    conversionRate.factorDen = finalFactor.factorDen;
+    // In case of simple units (such as: celsius or fahrenheit), offsets are considered.
+    if (checkSimpleUnit(source, status) && checkSimpleUnit(target, status)) {
+        conversionRate.sourceOffset =
+            sourceToBase.offset * sourceToBase.factorDen / sourceToBase.factorNum;
+        conversionRate.targetOffset =
+            targetToBase.offset * targetToBase.factorDen / targetToBase.factorNum;
+    }
+    conversionRate.reciprocal = unitsState == UnitsConvertibilityState::RECIPROCAL;
 } // namespace
 UnitsConvertibilityState U_I18N_API checkConvertibility(const MeasureUnit &source,
@@ -73,6 +434,35 @@
     return UNCONVERTIBLE;
+UnitConverter::UnitConverter(MeasureUnit source, MeasureUnit target, const ConversionRates &ratesInfo,
+                             UErrorCode &status) {
+    UnitsConvertibilityState unitsState = checkConvertibility(source, target, ratesInfo, status);
+    if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
+    if (unitsState == UnitsConvertibilityState::UNCONVERTIBLE) {
+        status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
+        return;
+    }
+    conversionRate_.source = source;
+ = target;
+    loadConversionRate(conversionRate_, source, target, unitsState, ratesInfo, status);
+double UnitConverter::convert(double inputValue) const {
+    double result =
+        inputValue + conversionRate_.sourceOffset; // Reset the input to the target zero index.
+    // Convert the quantity to from the source scale to the target scale.
+    result *= conversionRate_.factorNum / conversionRate_.factorDen;
+    result -= conversionRate_.targetOffset; // Set the result to its index.
+    if (result == 0)
+        return 0.0; // If the result is zero, it does not matter if the conversion are reciprocal or not.
+    if (conversionRate_.reciprocal) { result = 1.0 / result; }
+    return result;
 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
diff --git a/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.h b/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.h
index a7c70c4..39a8e81 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.h
+++ b/icu4c/source/i18n/unitconverter.h
@@ -15,6 +15,19 @@
+ * Represents the conversion rate between `source` and `target`.
+ */
+struct ConversionRate {
+    MeasureUnit source;
+    MeasureUnit target;
+    double factorNum = 1;
+    double factorDen = 1;
+    double sourceOffset = 0;
+    double targetOffset = 0;
+    bool reciprocal = false;
 enum U_I18N_API UnitsConvertibilityState {
@@ -26,6 +39,38 @@
                                                         const ConversionRates &conversionRates,
                                                         UErrorCode &status);
+ * Converts from a source `MeasureUnit` to a target `MeasureUnit`.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API UnitConverter {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Constructor of `UnitConverter`.
+     * NOTE:
+     *   - source and target must be under the same category
+     *      - e.g. meter to mile --> both of them are length units.
+     *
+     * @param source represents the source unit.
+     * @param target represents the target unit.
+     * @param ratesInfo Contains all the needed conversion rates.
+     * @param status
+     */
+    UnitConverter(MeasureUnit source, MeasureUnit target,
+                  const ConversionRates &ratesInfo, UErrorCode &status);
+    /**
+     * Convert a value in the source unit to another value in the target unit.
+     *
+     * @param input_value the value that needs to be converted.
+     * @param output_value the value that holds the result of the conversion.
+     * @param status
+     */
+    double convert(double inputValue) const;
+  private:
+    ConversionRate conversionRate_;
 #endif //__UNITCONVERTER_H__
diff --git a/icu4c/source/i18n/unitsdata.cpp b/icu4c/source/i18n/unitsdata.cpp
index c92e151..4575332 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/i18n/unitsdata.cpp
+++ b/icu4c/source/i18n/unitsdata.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,17 @@
 namespace {
+void trimSpaces(CharString& factor, UErrorCode& status){
+   CharString trimmed;
+   for (int i = 0 ; i < factor.length(); i++) {
+       if (factor[i] == ' ') continue;
+       trimmed.append(factor[i], status);
+   }
+   factor = std::move(trimmed);
  * A ResourceSink that collects conversion rate information.
@@ -84,6 +95,7 @@
                 cr->sourceUnit.append(srcUnit, status);
                 cr->baseUnit.appendInvariantChars(baseUnit, status);
                 cr->factor.appendInvariantChars(factor, status);
+                trimSpaces(cr->factor, status);
                 if (!offset.isBogus()) cr->offset.appendInvariantChars(offset, status);
diff --git a/icu4c/source/test/depstest/dependencies.txt b/icu4c/source/test/depstest/dependencies.txt
index 04e6485..dcb68bf 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/test/depstest/dependencies.txt
+++ b/icu4c/source/test/depstest/dependencies.txt
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
 group: unitsformatter
     unitsdata.o unitconverter.o
-    resourcebundle units_extra
+    resourcebundle units_extra double_conversion
 group: decnumber
     decContext.o decNumber.o
diff --git a/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.cpp b/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.cpp
index c264e09..38409d3 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.cpp
+++ b/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <cmath>
+#include <math.h>
 #include "unicode/ctest.h" // for str_timeDelta
 #include "unicode/curramt.h"
@@ -2172,6 +2173,23 @@
     return TRUE;
+UBool IntlTest::assertEqualsNear(const char *message, double expected, double actual, double precision) {
+    double diff = std::abs(expected - actual);
+    double diffPercent = expected != 0? diff / expected : diff; // If the expected is equals zero, we 
+    if (diffPercent > precision) {
+        errln((UnicodeString) "FAIL: " + message + "; got " + actual + "; expected " + expected);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    else {
+        logln((UnicodeString) "Ok: " + message + "; got " + expected);
+    }
+    return TRUE;
 static char ASSERT_BUF[256];
 static const char* extractToAssertBuf(const UnicodeString& message) {
diff --git a/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.h b/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.h
index 59a7679..8f5bd4a 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.h
+++ b/icu4c/source/test/intltest/intltest.h
@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@
     UBool assertEquals(const char* message, const UnicodeSet& expected, const UnicodeSet& actual);
     UBool assertEquals(const char* message,
         const std::vector<std::string>& expected, const std::vector<std::string>& actual);
+    UBool assertEqualsNear(const char* message, double expected, double actual, double precision);     
     UBool assertEquals(const char* message, const Formattable& expected,
                        const Formattable& actual, UBool possibleDataError=FALSE);
diff --git a/icu4c/source/test/intltest/unitstest.cpp b/icu4c/source/test/intltest/unitstest.cpp
index d3ecf60..4931bcd 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/test/intltest/unitstest.cpp
+++ b/icu4c/source/test/intltest/unitstest.cpp
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
     void testConversionCapability();
     void testConversions();
     void testPreferences();
-    // void testBasic();
-    // void testSiPrefixes();
-    // void testMass();
-    // void testTemperature();
-    // void testArea();
+    void testBasic();
+    void testSiPrefixes();
+    void testMass();
+    void testTemperature();
+    void testArea();
 extern IntlTest *createUnitsTest() { return new UnitsTest(); }
@@ -44,23 +44,14 @@
-    // TESTCASE_AUTO(testBasic);
-    // TESTCASE_AUTO(testSiPrefixes);
-    // TESTCASE_AUTO(testMass);
-    // TESTCASE_AUTO(testTemperature);
-    // TESTCASE_AUTO(testArea);
+    TESTCASE_AUTO(testBasic);
+    TESTCASE_AUTO(testSiPrefixes);
+    TESTCASE_AUTO(testMass);
+    TESTCASE_AUTO(testTemperature);
+    TESTCASE_AUTO(testArea);
-// Just for testing quick conversion ability.
-double testConvert(UnicodeString source, UnicodeString target, double input) {
-    if (source == u"meter" && target == u"foot" && input == 1.0) return 3.28084;
-    if (source == u"kilometer" && target == u"foot" && input == 1.0) return 328.084;
-    return -1;
 void UnitsTest::testConversionCapability() {
     struct TestCase {
         const StringPiece source;
@@ -90,122 +81,183 @@
-// void UnitsTest::testBasic() {
-//     IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testBasic");
+void UnitsTest::testBasic() {
+    IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testBasic");
-//     // Test Cases
-//     struct TestCase {
-//         const char16_t *source;
-//         const char16_t *target;
-//         const double inputValue;
-//         const double expectedValue;
-//     } testCases[]{{u"meter", u"foot", 1.0, 3.28084}, {u"kilometer", u"foot", 1.0, 328.084}};
+    // Test Cases
+    struct TestCase {
+        StringPiece source;
+        StringPiece target;
+        const double inputValue;
+        const double expectedValue;
+    } testCases[]{
+        {"meter", "foot", 1.0, 3.28084},     //
+        {"kilometer", "foot", 1.0, 3280.84}, //
+    };
-//     for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
-//         assertEquals("test convert", testConvert(testCase.source,,
-//         testCase.inputValue),
-//                      testCase.expectedValue);
-//     }
-// }
+    for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
+        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-// void UnitsTest::testSiPrefixes() {
-//     IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testSiPrefixes");
-//     // Test Cases
-//     struct TestCase {
-//         const char16_t *source;
-//         const char16_t *target;
-//         const double inputValue;
-//         const double expectedValue;
-//     } testCases[]{
-//         {u"gram", u"kilogram", 1.0, 0.001},            //
-//         {u"milligram", u"kilogram", 1.0, 0.000001},    //
-//         {u"microgram", u"kilogram", 1.0, 0.000000001}, //
-//         {u"megawatt", u"watt", 1, 1000000},            //
-//         {u"megawatt", u"kilowatt", 1.0, 1000},         //
-//         {u"gigabyte", u"byte", 1, 1000000000}          //
-//     };
+        MeasureUnit source = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(testCase.source, status);
+        MeasureUnit target = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(, status);
-//     for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
-//         assertEquals("test convert", testConvert(testCase.source,,
-//         testCase.inputValue),
-//                      testCase.expectedValue);
-//     }
-// }
+        MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> units;
+        units.emplaceBack(source);
+        units.emplaceBack(target);
-// void UnitsTest::testMass() {
-//     IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testMass");
+        ConversionRates conversionRates(status);
+        UnitConverter converter(source, target, conversionRates, status);
-//     // Test Cases
-//     struct TestCase {
-//         const char16_t *source;
-//         const char16_t *target;
-//         const double inputValue;
-//         const double expectedValue;
-//     } testCases[]{
-//         {u"gram", u"kilogram", 1.0, 0.001},      //
-//         {u"pound", u"kilogram", 1.0, 0.453592},  //
-//         {u"pound", u"kilogram", 2.0, 0.907185},  //
-//         {u"ounce", u"pound", 16.0, 1.0},         //
-//         {u"ounce", u"kilogram", 16.0, 0.453592}, //
-//         {u"ton", u"pound", 1.0, 2000},           //
-//         {u"stone", u"pound", 1.0, 14},           //
-//         {u"stone", u"kilogram", 1.0, 6.35029}    //
-//     };
+        assertEqualsNear("test conversion", testCase.expectedValue,
+                         converter.convert(testCase.inputValue), 0.001);
+    }
-//     for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
-//         assertEquals("test convert", testConvert(testCase.source,,
-//         testCase.inputValue),
-//                      testCase.expectedValue);
-//     }
-// }
+void UnitsTest::testSiPrefixes() {
+    IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testSiPrefixes");
+    // Test Cases
+    struct TestCase {
+        StringPiece source;
+        StringPiece target;
+        const double inputValue;
+        const double expectedValue;
+    } testCases[]{
+        {"gram", "kilogram", 1.0, 0.001},            //
+        {"milligram", "kilogram", 1.0, 0.000001},    //
+        {"microgram", "kilogram", 1.0, 0.000000001}, //
+        {"megagram", "gram", 1.0, 1000000},          //
+        {"megagram", "kilogram", 1.0, 1000},         //
+        {"gigabyte", "byte", 1.0, 1000000000},       //
+        // TODO: Fix `watt` probelms.
+        // {"megawatt", "watt", 1.0, 1000000},          //
+        // {"megawatt", "kilowatt", 1.0, 1000},         //
+    };
-// void UnitsTest::testTemperature() {
-//     IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testTemperature");
-//     // Test Cases
-//     struct TestCase {
-//         const char16_t *source;
-//         const char16_t *target;
-//         const double inputValue;
-//         const double expectedValue;
-//     } testCases[]{
-//         {u"celsius", u"fahrenheit", 0.0, 32.0},   //
-//         {u"celsius", u"fahrenheit", 10.0, 50.0},  //
-//         {u"fahrenheit", u"celsius", 32.0, 0.0},   //
-//         {u"fahrenheit", u"celsius", 89.6, 32},    //
-//         {u"kelvin", u"fahrenheit", 0.0, -459.67}, //
-//         {u"kelvin", u"fahrenheit", 300, 80.33},   //
-//         {u"kelvin", u"celsius", 0.0, -273.15},    //
-//         {u"kelvin", u"celsius", 300.0, 26.85}     //
-//     };
+    for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
+        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-//     for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
-//         assertEquals("test convert", testConvert(testCase.source,,
-//         testCase.inputValue),
-//                      testCase.expectedValue);
-//     }
-// }
+        MeasureUnit source = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(testCase.source, status);
+        MeasureUnit target = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(, status);
-// void UnitsTest::testArea() {
-//     IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units Area");
+        MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> units;
+        units.emplaceBack(source);
+        units.emplaceBack(target);
-//     // Test Cases
-//     struct TestCase {
-//         const char16_t *source;
-//         const char16_t *target;
-//         const double inputValue;
-//         const double expectedValue;
-//     } testCases[]{
-//         {u"square-meter", u"square-yard", 10.0, 11.9599}, //
-//         {u"hectare", u"square-yard", 1.0, 11959.9},       //
-//         {u"square-mile", u"square-foot", 0.0001, 2787.84} //
-//     };
+        ConversionRates conversionRates(status);
+        UnitConverter converter(source, target, conversionRates, status);
-//     for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
-//         assertEquals("test convert", testConvert(testCase.source,,
-//         testCase.inputValue),
-//                      testCase.expectedValue);
-//     }
-// }
+        assertEqualsNear("test conversion", testCase.expectedValue,
+                         converter.convert(testCase.inputValue), 0.001);
+    }
+void UnitsTest::testMass() {
+    IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testMass");
+    // Test Cases
+    struct TestCase {
+        StringPiece source;
+        StringPiece target;
+        const double inputValue;
+        const double expectedValue;
+    } testCases[]{
+        {"gram", "kilogram", 1.0, 0.001},      //
+        {"pound", "kilogram", 1.0, 0.453592},  //
+        {"pound", "kilogram", 2.0, 0.907185},  //
+        {"ounce", "pound", 16.0, 1.0},         //
+        {"ounce", "kilogram", 16.0, 0.453592}, //
+        {"ton", "pound", 1.0, 2000},           //
+        {"stone", "pound", 1.0, 14},           //
+        {"stone", "kilogram", 1.0, 6.35029}    //
+    };
+    for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
+        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+        MeasureUnit source = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(testCase.source, status);
+        MeasureUnit target = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(, status);
+        MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> units;
+        units.emplaceBack(source);
+        units.emplaceBack(target);
+        ConversionRates conversionRates(status);
+        UnitConverter converter(source, target, conversionRates, status);
+        assertEqualsNear("test conversion", testCase.expectedValue,
+                         converter.convert(testCase.inputValue), 0.001);
+    }
+void UnitsTest::testTemperature() {
+    IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units testTemperature");
+    // Test Cases
+    struct TestCase {
+        StringPiece source;
+        StringPiece target;
+        const double inputValue;
+        const double expectedValue;
+    } testCases[]{
+        {"celsius", "fahrenheit", 0.0, 32.0},   //
+        {"celsius", "fahrenheit", 10.0, 50.0},  //
+        {"fahrenheit", "celsius", 32.0, 0.0},   //
+        {"fahrenheit", "celsius", 89.6, 32},    //
+        {"kelvin", "fahrenheit", 0.0, -459.67}, //
+        {"kelvin", "fahrenheit", 300, 80.33},   //
+        {"kelvin", "celsius", 0.0, -273.15},    //
+        {"kelvin", "celsius", 300.0, 26.85}     //
+    };
+    for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
+        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+        MeasureUnit source = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(testCase.source, status);
+        MeasureUnit target = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(, status);
+        MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> units;
+        units.emplaceBack(source);
+        units.emplaceBack(target);
+        ConversionRates conversionRates(status);
+        UnitConverter converter(source, target, conversionRates, status);
+        assertEqualsNear("test conversion", testCase.expectedValue,
+                         converter.convert(testCase.inputValue), 0.001);
+    }
+void UnitsTest::testArea() {
+    IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "Units Area");
+    // Test Cases
+    struct TestCase {
+        StringPiece source;
+        StringPiece target;
+        const double inputValue;
+        const double expectedValue;
+    } testCases[]{
+        {"square-meter", "square-yard", 10.0, 11.9599}, //
+        {"hectare", "square-yard", 1.0, 11959.9},       //
+        {"square-mile", "square-foot", 0.0001, 2787.84} //
+    };
+    for (const auto &testCase : testCases) {
+        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+        MeasureUnit source = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(testCase.source, status);
+        MeasureUnit target = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(, status);
+        MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> units;
+        units.emplaceBack(source);
+        units.emplaceBack(target);
+        ConversionRates conversionRates(status);
+        UnitConverter converter(source, target, conversionRates, status);
+        assertEqualsNear("test conversion", testCase.expectedValue,
+                         converter.convert(testCase.inputValue), 0.001);
+    }
  * Trims whitespace (spaces only) off of the specified string.
@@ -233,10 +285,19 @@
- * WIP(hugovdm): deals with a single data-driven unit test for unit conversions.
- * This is a UParseLineFn as required by u_parseDelimitedFile.
+ * Deals with a single data-driven unit test for unit conversions.
- * context must point at a UnitsTestContext struct.
+ * This is a UParseLineFn as required by u_parseDelimitedFile, intended for
+ * parsing unitsTest.txt.
+ *
+ * @param context Must point at a UnitsTestContext struct.
+ * @param fields A list of pointer-pairs, each pair pointing at the start and
+ * end of each field. End pointers are important because these are *not*
+ * null-terminated strings. (Interpreted as a null-terminated string,
+ * fields[0][0] points at the whole line.)
+ * @param fieldCount The number of fields (pointer pairs) passed to the fields
+ * parameter.
+ * @param pErrorCode Receives status.
 void unitsTestDataLineFn(void *context, char *fields[][2], int32_t fieldCount, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
     if (U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) { return; }
@@ -282,15 +343,16 @@
     if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("msg construction")) { return; }
     unitsTest->assertNotEquals(, UNCONVERTIBLE, convertibility);
-    // TODO(hugovdm,younies): the following code can be uncommented (and
-    // fixed) once merged with a UnitConverter branch:
-    // UnitConverter converter(sourceUnit, targetUnit, unitsTest->conversionRates_, status);
-    // if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("constructor: UnitConverter(<%s>, <%s>, status)",
-    //                                 sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), targetUnit.getIdentifier())) {
-    //     return;
-    // }
-    // double got = converter.convert(1000);
-    // unitsTest->assertEqualsNear(fields[0][0], expected, got, 0.0001);
+    // Conversion:
+    UnitConverter converter(sourceUnit, targetUnit, *ctx->conversionRates, status);
+    if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("constructor: UnitConverter(<%s>, <%s>, status)",
+                                    sourceUnit.getIdentifier(), targetUnit.getIdentifier())) {
+        return;
+    }
+    double got = converter.convert(1000);
+    msg.clear();
+    msg.append("Converting 1000 ", status).append(x, status).append(" to ", status).append(y, status);
+    unitsTest->assertEqualsNear(, expected, got, 0.0001);