blob: 18673e15fe7cac8dbf17261dbf8b8332d136b474 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
* A transliterator that converts from hexadecimal Unicode
* escape sequences to the characters they represent. For example, "U+0040"
* and '\u0040'. It recognizes the
* prefixes "U+", "u+", "\U", and "\u". Hex values may be
* upper- or lowercase.
* <p>Copyright &copy; IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
* @author Alan Liu
* @version $RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 1999/12/20 18:29:21 $
public class HexToUnicodeTransliterator extends Transliterator {
private static final String COPYRIGHT =
"\u00A9 IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.";
* Package accessible ID for this transliterator.
static String _ID = "Hex-Unicode";
* Constructs a transliterator.
public HexToUnicodeTransliterator() {
super(_ID, null);
* Transliterates a segment of a string. <code>Transliterator</code> API.
* @param text the string to be transliterated
* @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
* <= limit</code>.
* @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
* <= text.length()</code>.
* @return the new limit index
public int transliterate(Replaceable text, int start, int limit) {
int[] offsets = { start, limit, start };
handleKeyboardTransliterate(text, offsets);
return offsets[LIMIT];
* Implements {@link Transliterator#handleKeyboardTransliterate}.
protected void handleKeyboardTransliterate(Replaceable text,
int[] offsets) {
* Performs transliteration changing Unicode hexadecimal
* escapes to characters. For example, "U+0040" -> '@'. A fixed
* set of prefixes is recognized: "&#92;u", "&#92;U", "u+", "U+".
int cursor = offsets[CURSOR];
int limit = offsets[LIMIT];
int maxCursor = limit - 6;
while (cursor <= maxCursor) {
char c = filteredCharAt(text, cursor + 5);
int digit0 = Character.digit(c, 16);
if (digit0 < 0) {
if (c == '\\') {
cursor += 5;
} else if (c == 'U' || c == 'u' || c == '+') {
cursor += 4;
} else {
cursor += 6;
int u = digit0;
for (int i=4; i>=2; --i) {
c = filteredCharAt(text, cursor + i);
int digit = Character.digit(c, 16);
if (digit < 0) {
if (c == 'U' || c == 'u' || c == '+') {
cursor += i-1;
} else {
cursor += 6;
continue loop;
u |= digit << (4 * (5-i));
c = filteredCharAt(text, cursor);
char d = filteredCharAt(text, cursor + 1);
if (((c == 'U' || c == 'u') && d == '+')
|| (c == '\\' && (d == 'U' || d == 'u'))) {
// At this point, we have a match; replace cursor..cursor+5
// with u.
text.replace(cursor, cursor+6, String.valueOf((char) u));
limit -= 5;
maxCursor -= 5;
} else {
cursor += 6;
offsets[LIMIT] = limit;
offsets[CURSOR] = cursor;
private char filteredCharAt(Replaceable text, int i) {
char c;
UnicodeFilter filter = getFilter();
return (filter == null) ? text.charAt(i) :
(filter.isIn(c = text.charAt(i)) ? c : '\uFFFF');
* Return the length of the longest context required by this transliterator.
* This is <em>preceding</em> context.
* @param direction either <code>FORWARD</code> or <code>REVERSE</code>
* @return maximum number of preceding context characters this
* transliterator needs to examine
protected int getMaximumContextLength() {
return 0;