blob: 166c8c77026abd446e9e8943a8abca9e16dd1d58 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
* VERY Basic Diff program. Compares two sequences of ints fed into it, and
* lets you know where they are different.
* <p>This version compares ints while the CLDR class Differ compares Objects.
* @author Mark Davis
* @version 1.0
final public class IntDiffer {
* @param stackSize The size of the largest difference you expect.
* @param matchCount The number of items that have to be the same to count as a match
public IntDiffer(int stackSize, int matchCount) {
this.STACKSIZE = stackSize;
this.EQUALSIZE = matchCount;
a = new int[stackSize+matchCount];
b = new int[stackSize+matchCount];
public void addA(int aStr) {
a[aCount++] = aStr;
public void addB(int bStr) {
b[bCount++] = bStr;
public int getA(int offset) {
return a[maxSame + offset];
public int getACount() {
return aTop-maxSame;
public int getBCount() {
return bTop-maxSame;
public int getB(int offset) {
return b[maxSame + offset];
* Checks for initial & final match.
* To be called after addA() and addB().
* Middle segments that are different are returned via get*Count() and get*().
* @param finalPass true if no more input
public void checkMatch(boolean finalPass) {
// find the initial strings that are the same
int max = aCount;
if (max > bCount) max = bCount;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) break;
// at this point, all items up to i are equal
maxSame = i;
aTop = bTop = maxSame;
if (finalPass) {
aTop = aCount;
bTop = bCount;
if (aCount - maxSame < EQUALSIZE || bCount - maxSame < EQUALSIZE) return;
// now see if the last few a's occur anywhere in the b's, or vice versa
int match = find(a, aCount-EQUALSIZE, aCount, b, maxSame, bCount);
if (match != -1) {
aTop = aCount-EQUALSIZE;
bTop = match;
match = find(b, bCount-EQUALSIZE, bCount, a, maxSame, aCount);
if (match != -1) {
bTop = bCount-EQUALSIZE;
aTop = match;
if (aCount >= STACKSIZE || bCount >= STACKSIZE) {
// flush some of them
aCount = (aCount + maxSame) / 2;
bCount = (bCount + maxSame) / 2;
* Finds a segment of the first array in the second array.
* @return -1 if not found, otherwise start position in bArr
private int find(int[] aArr, int aStart, int aEnd, int[] bArr, int bStart, int bEnd) {
int len = aEnd - aStart;
int bEndMinus = bEnd - len;
for (int i = bStart; i <= bEndMinus; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
if (bArr[i + j] != aArr[aStart + j]) continue tryA;
return i; // we have a match!
return -1;
// ====================== PRIVATES ======================
/** Removes equal prefixes of both arrays. */
private void flush() {
if (aTop != 0) {
int newCount = aCount-aTop;
System.arraycopy(a, aTop, a, 0, newCount);
aCount = newCount;
aTop = 0;
if (bTop != 0) {
int newCount = bCount-bTop;
System.arraycopy(b, bTop, b, 0, newCount);
bCount = newCount;
bTop = 0;
private int STACKSIZE;
private int EQUALSIZE;
// a[] and b[] are equal at 0 to before maxSame.
// maxSame to before *Top are different.
// *Top to *Count are equal again.
private int [] a;
private int [] b;
private int aCount = 0;
private int bCount = 0;
private int maxSame = 0, aTop = 0, bTop = 0;