layout: default title: FormattedValue nav_order: 4 grand_parent: Formatting parent: Formatting Numbers


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FormattedValue is an abstraction for localized strings with attributes returned by a number of ICU formatters. APIs for FormattedValue are available in Java, C++, and C. For more details and a list of all implementing classes, refer to the API docs:

Nested Span Fields

Certain ICU formatters, like FormattedList and FormattedDateInterval, use span fields to return information about which spans of a string correspond to different input parameters. In C and C++, span fields are implemented using a field category, with the field being set to the input index; in Java, they are implemented by associating an Integer value with a SpanField subclass.

For example, in C++, here is how you can determine which region in a formatted date interval corresponds to the 2nd argument (index 1) in the input date interval (the “to” date):

// Let fmt be a DateIntervalFormat for locale en-US and skeleton dMMMMy
// Let input1 be July 20, 2018 and input2 be August 3, 2018:
FormattedDateInterval result = fmt->formatToValue(*input1, *input2, status);
assertEquals("Expected output from format",
    u"July 20 \u2013 August 3, 2018", result.toString(status));
ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos;
if (result.nextPosition(cfpos, status)) {
    assertEquals("Expect start index", 0, cfpos.getStart());
    assertEquals("Expect end index", 7, cfpos.getLimit());
} else {
    // No such span: can happen if input dates are equal.
assertFalse("No more than one occurrence of the field",
    result.nextPosition(cfpos, status));

In C, the code looks very similar, except you use the equivalent C types.

In Java, use the constrainFieldAndValue method:

// Let fmt be a DateIntervalFormat for locale en-US and skeleton dMMMMy
// Let input1 be July 20, 2018 and input2 be August 3, 2018:
FormattedDateInterval result = fmt.formatToValue(input1, input2);
assertEquals("Expected output from format",
    "July 20 \u2013 August 3, 2018", result.toString());
ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos = new ConstrainedFieldPosition();
cfpos.constrainFieldAndValue(DateIntervalFormat.SpanField.DATE_INTERVAL_SPAN, 0);
if (result.nextPosition(cfpos)) {
    assertEquals("Expect start index", 0, cfpos.getStart());
    assertEquals("Expect end index", 7, cfpos.getLimit());
} else {
    // No such span: can happen if input dates are equal.
assertFalse("No more than one occurrence of the field",

A span may cover multiple primitive fields; in the above example, the span contains both a month and a date. Using FormattedValue, those primitive fields will also be present, and you can check their start and end indices to see if they are contained within a desired span.