| // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| /* |
| ******************************************************************************* |
| * Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines |
| * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. |
| ******************************************************************************* |
| * collationdatabuilder.h |
| * |
| * created on: 2012apr01 |
| * created by: Markus W. Scherer |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #include "unicode/utypes.h" |
| |
| |
| #include "unicode/uniset.h" |
| #include "unicode/unistr.h" |
| #include "unicode/uversion.h" |
| #include "collation.h" |
| #include "collationdata.h" |
| #include "collationsettings.h" |
| #include "normalizer2impl.h" |
| #include "utrie2.h" |
| #include "uvectr32.h" |
| #include "uvectr64.h" |
| #include "uvector.h" |
| |
| |
| struct ConditionalCE32; |
| |
| class CollationFastLatinBuilder; |
| class CopyHelper; |
| class DataBuilderCollationIterator; |
| class UCharsTrieBuilder; |
| |
| /** |
| * Low-level CollationData builder. |
| * Takes (character, CE) pairs and builds them into runtime data structures. |
| * Supports characters with context prefixes and contraction suffixes. |
| */ |
| class U_I18N_API CollationDataBuilder : public UObject { |
| public: |
| /** |
| * Collation element modifier. Interface class for a modifier |
| * that changes a tailoring builder's temporary CEs to final CEs. |
| * Called for every non-special CE32 and every expansion CE. |
| */ |
| class CEModifier : public UObject { |
| public: |
| virtual ~CEModifier(); |
| /** Returns a new CE to replace the non-special input CE32, or else Collation::NO_CE. */ |
| virtual int64_t modifyCE32(uint32_t ce32) const = 0; |
| /** Returns a new CE to replace the input CE, or else Collation::NO_CE. */ |
| virtual int64_t modifyCE(int64_t ce) const = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| CollationDataBuilder(UBool icu4xMode, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| virtual ~CollationDataBuilder(); |
| |
| void initForTailoring(const CollationData *b, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| virtual UBool isCompressibleLeadByte(uint32_t b) const; |
| |
| inline UBool isCompressiblePrimary(uint32_t p) const { |
| return isCompressibleLeadByte(p >> 24); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return true if this builder has mappings (e.g., add() has been called) |
| */ |
| UBool hasMappings() const { return modified; } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return true if c has CEs in this builder |
| */ |
| UBool isAssigned(UChar32 c) const; |
| |
| /** |
| * @return the three-byte primary if c maps to a single such CE and has no context data, |
| * otherwise returns 0. |
| */ |
| uint32_t getLongPrimaryIfSingleCE(UChar32 c) const; |
| |
| /** |
| * @return the single CE for c. |
| * Sets an error code if c does not have a single CE. |
| */ |
| int64_t getSingleCE(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &errorCode) const; |
| |
| void add(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s, |
| const int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength, |
| UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| /** |
| * Encodes the ces as either the returned ce32 by itself, |
| * or by storing an expansion, with the returned ce32 referring to that. |
| * |
| * add(p, s, ces, cesLength) = addCE32(p, s, encodeCEs(ces, cesLength)) |
| */ |
| virtual uint32_t encodeCEs(const int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| void addCE32(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s, |
| uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| /** |
| * Sets three-byte-primary CEs for a range of code points in code point order, |
| * if it is worth doing; otherwise no change is made. |
| * None of the code points in the range should have complex mappings so far |
| * (expansions/contractions/prefixes). |
| * @param start first code point |
| * @param end last code point (inclusive) |
| * @param primary primary weight for 'start' |
| * @param step per-code point primary-weight increment |
| * @param errorCode ICU in/out error code |
| * @return true if an OFFSET_TAG range was used for start..end |
| */ |
| UBool maybeSetPrimaryRange(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, |
| uint32_t primary, int32_t step, |
| UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| /** |
| * Sets three-byte-primary CEs for a range of code points in code point order. |
| * Sets range values if that is worth doing, or else individual values. |
| * None of the code points in the range should have complex mappings so far |
| * (expansions/contractions/prefixes). |
| * @param start first code point |
| * @param end last code point (inclusive) |
| * @param primary primary weight for 'start' |
| * @param step per-code point primary-weight increment |
| * @param errorCode ICU in/out error code |
| * @return the next primary after 'end': start primary incremented by ((end-start)+1)*step |
| */ |
| uint32_t setPrimaryRangeAndReturnNext(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, |
| uint32_t primary, int32_t step, |
| UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| /** |
| * Copies all mappings from the src builder, with modifications. |
| * This builder here must not be built yet, and should be empty. |
| */ |
| void copyFrom(const CollationDataBuilder &src, const CEModifier &modifier, |
| UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| void optimize(const UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| void suppressContractions(const UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| void enableFastLatin() { fastLatinEnabled = true; } |
| virtual void build(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| /** |
| * Looks up CEs for s and appends them to the ces array. |
| * Does not handle normalization: s should be in FCD form. |
| * |
| * Does not write completely ignorable CEs. |
| * Does not write beyond Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH. |
| * |
| * @return incremented cesLength |
| */ |
| int32_t getCEs(const UnicodeString &s, int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength); |
| int32_t getCEs(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s, |
| int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength); |
| |
| protected: |
| friend class CopyHelper; |
| friend class DataBuilderCollationIterator; |
| |
| uint32_t getCE32FromOffsetCE32(UBool fromBase, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32) const; |
| |
| int32_t addCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| int32_t addCE32(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| int32_t addConditionalCE32(const UnicodeString &context, uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| inline ConditionalCE32 *getConditionalCE32(int32_t index) const { |
| return static_cast<ConditionalCE32 *>(conditionalCE32s[index]); |
| } |
| inline ConditionalCE32 *getConditionalCE32ForCE32(uint32_t ce32) const { |
| return getConditionalCE32(Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32)); |
| } |
| |
| static uint32_t makeBuilderContextCE32(int32_t index) { |
| return Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG, index); |
| } |
| static inline UBool isBuilderContextCE32(uint32_t ce32) { |
| return Collation::hasCE32Tag(ce32, Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG); |
| } |
| |
| static uint32_t encodeOneCEAsCE32(int64_t ce); |
| uint32_t encodeOneCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| uint32_t encodeExpansion(const int64_t ces[], int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| uint32_t encodeExpansion32(const int32_t newCE32s[], int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| uint32_t copyFromBaseCE32(UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32, UBool withContext, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| /** |
| * Copies base contractions to a list of ConditionalCE32. |
| * Sets cond->next to the index of the first new item |
| * and returns the index of the last new item. |
| */ |
| int32_t copyContractionsFromBaseCE32(UnicodeString &context, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32, |
| ConditionalCE32 *cond, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| UBool getJamoCE32s(uint32_t jamoCE32s[], UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| void setDigitTags(UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| void setLeadSurrogates(UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| void buildMappings(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| void clearContexts(); |
| void buildContexts(UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| uint32_t buildContext(ConditionalCE32 *head, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| int32_t addContextTrie(uint32_t defaultCE32, UCharsTrieBuilder &trieBuilder, |
| UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| void buildFastLatinTable(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode); |
| |
| int32_t getCEs(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength); |
| |
| static UChar32 jamoCpFromIndex(int32_t i) { |
| // 0 <= i < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH = 19 + 21 + 27 |
| if(i < Hangul::JAMO_L_COUNT) { return Hangul::JAMO_L_BASE + i; } |
| i -= Hangul::JAMO_L_COUNT; |
| if(i < Hangul::JAMO_V_COUNT) { return Hangul::JAMO_V_BASE + i; } |
| i -= Hangul::JAMO_V_COUNT; |
| // i < 27 |
| return Hangul::JAMO_T_BASE + 1 + i; |
| } |
| |
| /** @see Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG */ |
| static const uint32_t IS_BUILDER_JAMO_CE32 = 0x100; |
| |
| const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl; |
| const CollationData *base; |
| const CollationSettings *baseSettings; |
| UTrie2 *trie; |
| UVector32 ce32s; |
| UVector64 ce64s; |
| UVector conditionalCE32s; // vector of ConditionalCE32 |
| // Characters that have context (prefixes or contraction suffixes). |
| UnicodeSet contextChars; |
| // Serialized UCharsTrie structures for finalized contexts. |
| UnicodeString contexts; |
| private: |
| /** |
| * The "era" of building intermediate contexts. |
| * When the array of cached, temporary contexts overflows, then clearContexts() |
| * removes them all and invalidates the builtCE32 that used to point to built tries. |
| * See ConditionalCE32::era. |
| */ |
| int32_t contextsEra = 0; |
| protected: |
| UnicodeSet unsafeBackwardSet; |
| UBool modified; |
| UBool icu4xMode; |
| |
| UBool fastLatinEnabled; |
| CollationFastLatinBuilder *fastLatinBuilder; |
| |
| DataBuilderCollationIterator *collIter; |
| }; |
| |
| |