blob: 7f277f84c1a766f7b6246c743fc792aedbaa0fc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Rive
#include "rive/span.hpp"
#include "rive/math/aabb.hpp"
#include "rive/math/mat2d.hpp"
#include "rive/math/path_types.hpp"
#include "rive/math/vec2d.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace rive
class CommandPath;
class RawPath
bool operator==(const RawPath& o) const;
bool operator!=(const RawPath& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
bool empty() const { return m_Points.empty(); }
AABB bounds() const;
size_t countMoveTos() const;
void move(Vec2D);
void line(Vec2D);
void quad(Vec2D, Vec2D);
void cubic(Vec2D, Vec2D, Vec2D);
void close();
void swap(RawPath&);
// Makes the path empty and frees any memory allocated by the drawing
// (line, curve, move, close) calls.
void reset();
// Makes the path empty but keeps the memory for the drawing calls reserved.
void rewind();
RawPath transform(const Mat2D&) const;
void transformInPlace(const Mat2D&);
RawPath operator*(const Mat2D& mat) const { return this->transform(mat); }
Span<const Vec2D> points() const { return m_Points; }
Span<Vec2D> points() { return m_Points; }
Span<const PathVerb> verbs() const { return m_Verbs; }
Span<PathVerb> verbs() { return m_Verbs; }
Span<const uint8_t> verbsU8() const
const uint8_t* ptr = (const uint8_t*);
return Span<const uint8_t>(ptr, m_Verbs.size());
// Syntactic sugar for x,y -vs- vec2d
void moveTo(float x, float y) { move({x, y}); }
void lineTo(float x, float y) { line({x, y}); }
void quadTo(float x, float y, float x1, float y1) { quad({x, y}, {x1, y1}); }
void cubicTo(float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
cubic({x, y}, {x1, y1}, {x2, y2});
// Helpers for adding new contours
void addRect(const AABB&, PathDirection = PathDirection::cw);
void addOval(const AABB&, PathDirection = PathDirection::cw);
void addPoly(Span<const Vec2D>, bool isClosed);
// Simple STL-style iterator. To traverse using range-for:
// for (auto [verb, pts] : rawPath) { ... }
class Iter
Iter() = default;
Iter(const PathVerb* verbs, const Vec2D* pts) : m_verbs(verbs), m_pts(pts) {}
bool operator!=(const Iter& that) const
assert(m_verbs != that.m_verbs || m_pts == that.m_pts);
return m_verbs != that.m_verbs;
bool operator==(const Iter& that) const
assert(m_verbs != that.m_verbs || m_pts == that.m_pts);
return m_verbs == that.m_verbs;
// Generic accessors. The points pointer is adjusted to point to p0 for each specific verb.
PathVerb verb() const { return *m_verbs; }
const Vec2D* pts() const { return m_pts + PtsBacksetForVerb(verb()); }
std::tuple<PathVerb, const Vec2D*> operator*() const
PathVerb verb = *m_verbs;
return {verb, m_pts + PtsBacksetForVerb(verb)};
// Specific point accessors for callers who already know the verb. (These may be a tiny bit
// faster in some cases since the iterator doesn't have to check the verb.)
Vec2D movePt() const
assert(verb() == PathVerb::move);
return m_pts[0];
const Vec2D* linePts() const
assert(verb() == PathVerb::line);
return m_pts - 1;
const Vec2D* quadPts() const
assert(verb() == PathVerb::quad);
return m_pts - 1;
const Vec2D* cubicPts() const
assert(verb() == PathVerb::cubic);
return m_pts - 1;
Vec2D ptBeforeClose() const
assert(verb() == PathVerb::close);
return m_pts[-1];
// P0 for a close can be accessed via rawPtsPtr()[-1]. Note than p1 for a close is not in
// the array at this location.
// Internal pointers held by the iterator. See PtsBacksetForVerb() for how pts() relates to
// the data for specific verbs.
const PathVerb* rawVerbsPtr() const { return m_verbs; }
const Vec2D* rawPtsPtr() const { return m_pts; }
Iter& operator++() // "++iter"
m_pts += PtsAdvanceAfterVerb(*m_verbs++);
return *this;
// How much should we advance pts after encountering this verb?
inline static int PtsAdvanceAfterVerb(PathVerb verb)
switch (verb)
case PathVerb::move:
return 1;
case PathVerb::line:
return 1;
case PathVerb::quad:
return 2;
case PathVerb::cubic:
return 3;
case PathVerb::close:
return 0;
// Where is p0 relative to our m_pts pointer? We find the start point of segments by
// peeking backwards from the current point, which works as long as there is always a
// PathVerb::move before any geometry. (injectImplicitMoveToIfNeeded() guarantees this
// to be the case.)
inline static int PtsBacksetForVerb(PathVerb verb)
switch (verb)
case PathVerb::move:
return 0;
case PathVerb::line:
return -1;
case PathVerb::quad:
return -1;
case PathVerb::cubic:
return -1;
case PathVerb::close:
return -1;
const PathVerb* m_verbs;
const Vec2D* m_pts;
Iter begin() const { return {,}; }
Iter end() const
return { + m_Verbs.size(), + m_Points.size()};
template <typename Handler> RawPath morph(Handler proc) const
RawPath dst;
// todo: dst.reserve(src.ptCount, src.verbCount);
for (auto iter : *this)
PathVerb verb = std::get<0>(iter);
const Vec2D* pts = std::get<1>(iter);
switch (verb)
case PathVerb::move:
case PathVerb::line:
case PathVerb::quad:
dst.quad(proc(pts[1]), proc(pts[2]));
case PathVerb::cubic:
dst.cubic(proc(pts[1]), proc(pts[2]), proc(pts[3]));
case PathVerb::close:
return dst;
// Adds the given RawPath to the end of this path, with an optional transform.
// Returns an iterator at the beginning of the newly added geometry.
Iter addPath(const RawPath&, const Mat2D* = nullptr);
void pruneEmptySegments(Iter start);
void pruneEmptySegments() { pruneEmptySegments(begin()); }
// Utility for pouring a RawPath into a CommandPath
void addTo(CommandPath*) const;
// If there is not currently an open contour, this method opens a new contour at the current pen
// location, or [0,0] if the path is empty. Otherwise it does nothing.
void injectImplicitMoveIfNeeded();
std::vector<Vec2D> m_Points;
std::vector<PathVerb> m_Verbs;
size_t m_lastMoveIdx;
// True of the path is nonempty and the most recent verb is not "close".
bool m_contourIsOpen = false;
} // namespace rive