blob: 60609a571427c11a407692ec845874c1973daf97 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <rive/bones/skin.hpp>
#include <rive/bones/tendon.hpp>
#include <rive/file.hpp>
#include <rive/node.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/clipping_shape.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/path_vertex.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/points_path.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/rectangle.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/shape.hpp>
#include <rive/assets/file_asset.hpp>
#include <rive/assets/image_asset.hpp>
#include <rive/assets/font_asset.hpp>
#include "utils/no_op_factory.hpp"
#include "rive_file_reader.hpp"
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
TEST_CASE("Image assets with cdn information loads correctly", "[cdn]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/hosted_image_file.riv");
auto assets = file->assets();
REQUIRE(assets.size() == 1);
auto firstAsset = assets[0];
// this is a 16 byte uuid, any good ideas on how to manage this test?
// we could convert it to a string for the getter...
REQUIRE(firstAsset->cdnUuid().size() == 16);
REQUIRE(strcmp("edcb1816-8405-4983-acd2-16db48d85df4", firstAsset->cdnUuidStr().c_str()) == 0);
REQUIRE(firstAsset->cdnBaseUrl() == "");
REQUIRE(firstAsset->uniqueFilename() == "one-45008.png");
REQUIRE(firstAsset->fileExtension() == "png");
TEST_CASE("Font assets with cdn information loads correctly", "[cdn]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/hosted_font_file.riv");
auto assets = file->assets();
REQUIRE(assets.size() == 1);
auto firstAsset = assets[0];
// this is a 16 byte uuid, any good ideas on how to manage this test?
// we could convert it to a string for the getter...
REQUIRE(firstAsset->cdnUuid().size() == 16);
REQUIRE(firstAsset->cdnBaseUrl() == "");
REQUIRE(firstAsset->uniqueFilename() == "Inter-43276.ttf");
REQUIRE(firstAsset->fileExtension() == "ttf");