Macos take2

draft because i need to get a todo list together.

Adds macos as a target for our ios runtime! Also adds a macos target for our example (which is a different app completely, very minimalistic right now).

<img width="331" alt="CleanShot 2023-05-17 at 20 32 45@2x" src="">

macos, macos rosetta, macos (designed for ipad), and ios  all co existing in peace, from the same runtime project

![CleanShot 2023-05-17 at 18 32 04@2x](

- [x] update build scripts to build supporting macos (gotta do this)
- [x] run formatter
- [x] test out builds in forked version of ios? (gotta do this)
- [ ] one more stab at catalyst? (i think we can try that later...)
- [ ] do we need a more comprehensive example setup for macos (I think we can do this later & try to pull zach's examples in)
- [ ] I think we should restructure the ios project, but i think we can do that after this as well (i just think the folder structure/project structure can do with some work, now that we add macos (and should make room for tvos as well)
- [x] probably got tests to fix
- [ ] there's probably a bunch of looking at errors in the debugger and figuring those out, but i would hope that we can deploy with some warnings here too.

catalyst problem:

we get this error:
and the problem is basically that we can target a specific library for macos, but we need one for macos and one for macos catalyst. they share the same architecture, so i dont think we can lipo them into one file...

we could change the compiled binaries before creating the frameworks I guess though? .. maybe something to try..

`/Users/maxwelltalbot/development/rive/rive/packages/runtime_ios/dependencies/debug/librive_skia_renderer_macos.a(cg_factory.o), building for Mac Catalyst, but linking in object file built for macOS, file '/Users/maxwelltalbot/development/rive/rive/packages/runtime_ios/dependencies/debug/librive_skia_renderer_macos.a' for architecture arm64` basically

a9f8a1c5d Macos take2 (#5258)
8 files changed
tree: 738025f67ec573f4508e211cdd451f70c021d8da
  1. .github/
  2. .vscode/
  3. build/
  4. dependencies/
  5. dev/
  6. include/
  7. rivinfo/
  8. skia/
  9. src/
  10. tess/
  11. test/
  12. utils/
  13. viewer/
  14. .dockerignore
  15. .gitignore
  16. .lua-format
  17. .rive_head
  19. Dockerfile
  20. Doxyfile

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C++ runtime for Rive. Provides these runtime features:

  • Loading Artboards and their contents from .riv files.
  • Querying LinearAnimations and StateMachines from Artboards.
  • Making changes to Artboard hierarchy (fundamentally same guts used by LinearAnimations and StateMachines) and effienclty solving those changes via Artboard::advance.
  • Abstract Renderer for submitting high level vector path commands with retained path objects to optimize and minimize path re-computation (ultimately up to the concrete rendering implementation).
  • Example concrete renderer written in C++ with Skia. Skia renderer code is in skia/renderer/src/skia_renderer.cpp.

Build System

We use premake5. The Rive dev team primarily works on MacOS. There is some work done by the community to also support Windows and Linux. PRs welcomed for specific platforms you wish to support! We encourage you to use premake as it's highly extensible and configurable for a variety of platforms.


In the rive-cpp directory, run to debug build and release for a release build.

If you've put the premake5 executable in the rive-cpp/build folder, you can run it with PATH=.:$PATH ./

Rive makes use of clang vector builtins, which are, as of 2022, still a work in progress. Please use clang and ensure you have the latest version.

Building skia projects

cd skia/dependencies
./      // this will invoke

To build viewer (plus you'll needed CMake installed)



Uses the Catch2 testing framework.

cd dev

In the dev directory, run to compile and execute the tests.

(if you've installed premake5 in rive-cpp/build, you can run it with PATH=../../build:$PATH ./

The tests live in rive/test. To add new tests, create a new xxx_test.cpp file here. The test harness will automatically pick up the new file.

There's a VSCode command provided to run tests from the Tasks: Run Task command palette.

Code Formatting

rive-cpp uses clang-format, you can install it with brew on MacOS: brew install clang-format.

Memory Checks

Note that if you‘re on MacOS you’ll want to install valgrind, which is somewhat complicated these days. This is the easiest solution (please PR a better one when it becomes available).

brew tap LouisBrunner/valgrind
brew install --HEAD LouisBrunner/valgrind/valgrind

You can now run the all the tests through valgrind by running memory.

Disassembly Explorer

If you want to examine the generated assembly code per cpp file, install Disassembly Explorer in VSCode.

A disassemble task is provided to compile and preview the generated assembly. You can reach it via the Tasks: Run Task command palette or you can bind it to a shortcut by editing your VSCode keybindings.json:

        "key": "cmd+d",
        "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask",
        "args": "disassemble"