blob: bdfb75571c8db04c5509f28ffcf6592b0f378512 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/core/binary_reader.hpp"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace rive {
/// Rive file runtime header. The header is fonud at the beginning of every
/// Rive runtime file, and begins with a specific 4-byte format: "RIVE".
/// This is followed by the major and minor version of Rive used to create
/// the file. Finally the owner and file ids are at the end of header; these
/// unsigned integers may be zero.
class RuntimeHeader {
static constexpr char fingerprint[] = "RIVE";
int m_MajorVersion;
int m_MinorVersion;
int m_FileId;
std::unordered_map<int, int> m_PropertyToFieldIndex;
/// @returns the file's major version
int majorVersion() const { return m_MajorVersion; }
/// @returns the file's minor version
int minorVersion() const { return m_MinorVersion; }
/// @returns the file's id; may be zero
int fileId() const { return m_FileId; }
int propertyFieldId(int propertyKey) const {
auto itr = m_PropertyToFieldIndex.find(propertyKey);
if (itr == m_PropertyToFieldIndex.end()) {
return -1;
return itr->second;
/// Reads the header from a binary buffer/
/// @param reader the binary reader attached to the buffer
/// @param header a pointer to the header where the data will be stored.
/// @returns true if the header is successfully read
static bool read(BinaryReader& reader, RuntimeHeader& header) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
auto b = reader.readByte();
if (fingerprint[i] != b) {
return false;
header.m_MajorVersion = (int)reader.readVarUint64();
if (reader.didOverflow()) {
return false;
header.m_MinorVersion = (int)reader.readVarUint64();
if (reader.didOverflow()) {
return false;
header.m_FileId = (int)reader.readVarUint64();
if (reader.didOverflow()) {
return false;
std::vector<int> propertyKeys;
for (int propertyKey = (int)reader.readVarUint64();
propertyKey != 0;
propertyKey = (int)reader.readVarUint64())
if (reader.didOverflow()) {
return false;
int currentInt = 0;
int currentBit = 8;
for (auto propertyKey : propertyKeys) {
if (currentBit == 8) {
currentInt = reader.readUint32();
currentBit = 0;
int fieldIndex = (currentInt >> currentBit) & 3;
header.m_PropertyToFieldIndex[propertyKey] = fieldIndex;
currentBit += 2;
if (reader.didOverflow()) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace rive