blob: 20d7206a91c1fe92c66f8a0d6c202add92da07ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Rive
#include "rive/math/raw_path.hpp"
#include "rive/refcnt.hpp"
#include "rive/span.hpp"
namespace rive {
using Unichar = int32_t;
using GlyphID = uint16_t;
class RenderFont : public RefCnt {
// This is experimental
// -- may only be needed by Editor
// -- so it may be removed from here later
struct Axis {
uint32_t tag;
float min;
float def; // default value
float max;
// Returns the canonical set of Axes for this font. Use this to know
// what variations are possible. If you want to know the specific
// coordinate within that variations space for *this* font, call
// getCoords().
virtual std::vector<Axis> getAxes() const = 0;
struct Coord {
uint32_t axis;
float value;
// Returns the specific coords in variation space for this font.
// If you want to have a description of the entire variation space,
// call getAxes().
virtual std::vector<Coord> getCoords() const = 0;
virtual rcp<RenderFont> makeAtCoords(Span<const Coord>) const = 0;
rcp<RenderFont> makeAtCoord(Coord c) {
return this->makeAtCoords(Span<const Coord>(&c, 1));
// Returns a 1-point path for this glyph. It will be positioned
// relative to (0,0) with the typographic baseline at y = 0.
virtual RawPath getPath(GlyphID) const = 0;
struct RenderTextRun {
rcp<RenderFont> font;
float size;
uint32_t unicharCount;
struct RenderGlyphRun {
rcp<RenderFont> font;
float size;
uint32_t startTextIndex;
std::vector<GlyphID> glyphs;
std::vector<float> xpos; // xpos.size() == glyphs.size() + 1
} // namespace rive