Nav: Store key mods associated to a nav request (for range_select) + use io.KeyMods.

+ renamed NavScoringRectScreen > NavScoringRect
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 5dc479f..984c667 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -2226,7 +2226,7 @@
     // We create the union of the ClipRect and the NavScoringRect which at worst should be 1 page away from ClipRect
     ImRect unclipped_rect = window->ClipRect;
     if (g.NavMoveRequest)
-        unclipped_rect.Add(g.NavScoringRectScreen);
+        unclipped_rect.Add(g.NavScoringRect);
     const ImVec2 pos = window->DC.CursorPos;
     int start = (int)((unclipped_rect.Min.y - pos.y) / items_height);
@@ -3677,7 +3677,7 @@
     g.IO.WantTextInput = (g.WantTextInputNextFrame != -1) ? (g.WantTextInputNextFrame != 0) : false;
-static ImGuiKeyModFlags GetMergedKeyModFlags()
+ImGuiKeyModFlags ImGui::GetMergedKeyModFlags()
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     ImGuiKeyModFlags key_mod_flags = ImGuiKeyModFlags_None;
@@ -7988,7 +7988,7 @@
     if (g.NavLayer != window->DC.NavLayerCurrent)
         return false;
-    const ImRect& curr = g.NavScoringRectScreen; // Current modified source rect (NB: we've applied Max.x = Min.x in NavUpdate() to inhibit the effect of having varied item width)
+    const ImRect& curr = g.NavScoringRect; // Current modified source rect (NB: we've applied Max.x = Min.x in NavUpdate() to inhibit the effect of having varied item width)
     // When entering through a NavFlattened border, we consider child window items as fully clipped for scoring
@@ -8569,6 +8569,7 @@
     if (g.NavMoveDir != ImGuiDir_None)
         g.NavMoveRequest = true;
+        g.NavMoveRequestKeyMods = g.IO.KeyMods;
         g.NavMoveDirLast = g.NavMoveDir;
     if (g.NavMoveRequest && g.NavId == 0)
@@ -8632,11 +8633,11 @@
     // For scoring we use a single segment on the left side our current item bounding box (not touching the edge to avoid box overlap with zero-spaced items)
     ImRect nav_rect_rel = (g.NavWindow && !g.NavWindow->NavRectRel[g.NavLayer].IsInverted()) ? g.NavWindow->NavRectRel[g.NavLayer] : ImRect(0,0,0,0);
-    g.NavScoringRectScreen = g.NavWindow ? ImRect(g.NavWindow->Pos + nav_rect_rel.Min, g.NavWindow->Pos + nav_rect_rel.Max) : GetViewportRect();
-    g.NavScoringRectScreen.TranslateY(nav_scoring_rect_offset_y);
-    g.NavScoringRectScreen.Min.x = ImMin(g.NavScoringRectScreen.Min.x + 1.0f, g.NavScoringRectScreen.Max.x);
-    g.NavScoringRectScreen.Max.x = g.NavScoringRectScreen.Min.x;
-    IM_ASSERT(!g.NavScoringRectScreen.IsInverted()); // Ensure if we have a finite, non-inverted bounding box here will allows us to remove extraneous ImFabs() calls in NavScoreItem().
+    g.NavScoringRect = g.NavWindow ? ImRect(g.NavWindow->Pos + nav_rect_rel.Min, g.NavWindow->Pos + nav_rect_rel.Max) : GetViewportRect();
+    g.NavScoringRect.TranslateY(nav_scoring_rect_offset_y);
+    g.NavScoringRect.Min.x = ImMin(g.NavScoringRect.Min.x + 1.0f, g.NavScoringRect.Max.x);
+    g.NavScoringRect.Max.x = g.NavScoringRect.Min.x;
+    IM_ASSERT(!g.NavScoringRect.IsInverted()); // Ensure if we have a finite, non-inverted bounding box here will allows us to remove extraneous ImFabs() calls in NavScoreItem().
     //GetForegroundDrawList()->AddRect(g.NavScoringRectScreen.Min, g.NavScoringRectScreen.Max, IM_COL32(255,200,0,255)); // [DEBUG]
     g.NavScoringCount = 0;
@@ -8706,7 +8707,7 @@
         // Don't set NavJustMovedToId if just landed on the same spot (which may happen with ImGuiNavMoveFlags_AllowCurrentNavId)
         g.NavJustMovedToId = result->ID;
         g.NavJustMovedToFocusScopeId = result->FocusScopeId;
+        g.NavJustMovedToKeyMods = g.NavMoveRequestKeyMods;
     SetNavIDWithRectRel(result->ID, g.NavLayer, result->FocusScopeId, result->RectRel);
     g.NavMoveFromClampedRefRect = false;
diff --git a/imgui_internal.h b/imgui_internal.h
index eb5c82e..705f904 100644
--- a/imgui_internal.h
+++ b/imgui_internal.h
@@ -1098,9 +1098,10 @@
     ImGuiID                 NavJustTabbedId;                    // Just tabbed to this id.
     ImGuiID                 NavJustMovedToId;                   // Just navigated to this id (result of a successfully MoveRequest).
     ImGuiID                 NavJustMovedToFocusScopeId;         // Just navigated to this focus scope id (result of a successfully MoveRequest).
+    ImGuiKeyModFlags        NavJustMovedToKeyMods;
     ImGuiID                 NavNextActivateId;                  // Set by ActivateItem(), queued until next frame.
     ImGuiInputSource        NavInputSource;                     // Keyboard or Gamepad mode? THIS WILL ONLY BE None or NavGamepad or NavKeyboard.
-    ImRect                  NavScoringRectScreen;               // Rectangle used for scoring, in screen space. Based of window->DC.NavRefRectRel[], modified for directional navigation scoring.
+    ImRect                  NavScoringRect;                     // Rectangle used for scoring, in screen space. Based of window->DC.NavRefRectRel[], modified for directional navigation scoring.
     int                     NavScoringCount;                    // Metrics for debugging
     ImGuiNavLayer           NavLayer;                           // Layer we are navigating on. For now the system is hard-coded for 0=main contents and 1=menu/title bar, may expose layers later.
     int                     NavIdTabCounter;                    // == NavWindow->DC.FocusIdxTabCounter at time of NavId processing
@@ -1117,6 +1118,7 @@
     bool                    NavMoveRequest;                     // Move request for this frame
     ImGuiNavMoveFlags       NavMoveRequestFlags;
     ImGuiNavForward         NavMoveRequestForward;              // None / ForwardQueued / ForwardActive (this is used to navigate sibling parent menus from a child menu)
+    ImGuiKeyModFlags        NavMoveRequestKeyMods;
     ImGuiDir                NavMoveDir, NavMoveDirLast;         // Direction of the move request (left/right/up/down), direction of the previous move request
     ImGuiDir                NavMoveClipDir;                     // FIXME-NAV: Describe the purpose of this better. Might want to rename?
     ImGuiNavMoveResult      NavMoveResultLocal;                 // Best move request candidate within NavWindow
@@ -1274,8 +1276,9 @@
         NavWindow = NULL;
         NavId = NavFocusScopeId = NavActivateId = NavActivateDownId = NavActivatePressedId = NavInputId = 0;
         NavJustTabbedId = NavJustMovedToId = NavJustMovedToFocusScopeId = NavNextActivateId = 0;
+        NavJustMovedToKeyMods = ImGuiKeyModFlags_None;
         NavInputSource = ImGuiInputSource_None;
-        NavScoringRectScreen = ImRect();
+        NavScoringRect = ImRect();
         NavScoringCount = 0;
         NavLayer = ImGuiNavLayer_Main;
         NavIdTabCounter = INT_MAX;
@@ -1291,6 +1294,7 @@
         NavMoveRequest = false;
         NavMoveRequestFlags = ImGuiNavMoveFlags_None;
         NavMoveRequestForward = ImGuiNavForward_None;
+        NavMoveRequestKeyMods = ImGuiKeyModFlags_None;
         NavMoveDir = NavMoveDirLast = NavMoveClipDir = ImGuiDir_None;
         NavWindowingTarget = NavWindowingTargetAnim = NavWindowingList = NULL;
@@ -1777,6 +1781,7 @@
     inline bool             IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey key, bool repeat = true)           { ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; const int key_index = g.IO.KeyMap[key]; return (key_index >= 0) ? IsKeyPressed(key_index, repeat) : false; }
     inline bool             IsNavInputDown(ImGuiNavInput n)                             { ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; return g.IO.NavInputs[n] > 0.0f; }
     inline bool             IsNavInputTest(ImGuiNavInput n, ImGuiInputReadMode rm)      { return (GetNavInputAmount(n, rm) > 0.0f); }
+    IMGUI_API ImGuiKeyModFlags GetMergedKeyModFlags();
     // Drag and Drop
     IMGUI_API bool          BeginDragDropTargetCustom(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id);
diff --git a/imgui_widgets.cpp b/imgui_widgets.cpp
index 08b09f1..c204a65 100644
--- a/imgui_widgets.cpp
+++ b/imgui_widgets.cpp
@@ -3728,14 +3728,16 @@
     if (g.ActiveId == id && !g.ActiveIdIsJustActivated && !clear_active_id)
         IM_ASSERT(state != NULL);
+        IM_ASSERT(io.KeyMods == GetMergedKeyModFlags() && "Mismatching io.KeyCtrl/io.KeyShift/io.KeyAlt/io.KeySuper vs io.KeyMods"); // We rarely do this check, but if anything let's do it here.
         const int k_mask = (io.KeyShift ? STB_TEXTEDIT_K_SHIFT : 0);
         const bool is_osx = io.ConfigMacOSXBehaviors;
-        const bool is_shortcut_key = (is_osx ? (io.KeySuper && !io.KeyCtrl) : (io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeySuper)) && !io.KeyAlt && !io.KeyShift; // OS X style: Shortcuts using Cmd/Super instead of Ctrl
-        const bool is_osx_shift_shortcut = is_osx && io.KeySuper && io.KeyShift && !io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt;
+        const bool is_osx_shift_shortcut = is_osx && (io.KeyMods == (ImGuiKeyModFlags_Super | ImGuiKeyModFlags_Shift));
         const bool is_wordmove_key_down = is_osx ? io.KeyAlt : io.KeyCtrl;                     // OS X style: Text editing cursor movement using Alt instead of Ctrl
         const bool is_startend_key_down = is_osx && io.KeySuper && !io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt;  // OS X style: Line/Text Start and End using Cmd+Arrows instead of Home/End
-        const bool is_ctrl_key_only = io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyShift && !io.KeyAlt && !io.KeySuper;
-        const bool is_shift_key_only = io.KeyShift && !io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt && !io.KeySuper;
+        const bool is_ctrl_key_only = (io.KeyMods == ImGuiKeyModFlags_Ctrl);
+        const bool is_shift_key_only = (io.KeyMods == ImGuiKeyModFlags_Shift);
+        const bool is_shortcut_key = g.IO.ConfigMacOSXBehaviors ? (io.KeyMods == ImGuiKeyModFlags_Super) : (io.KeyMods == ImGuiKeyModFlags_Ctrl);
         const bool is_cut   = ((is_shortcut_key && IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey_X)) || (is_shift_key_only && IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey_Delete))) && !is_readonly && !is_password && (!is_multiline || state->HasSelection());
         const bool is_copy  = ((is_shortcut_key && IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey_C)) || (is_ctrl_key_only  && IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey_Insert))) && !is_password && (!is_multiline || state->HasSelection());