IO: Renamed InputCharacters[], marked internal as was always intended. AddInputCharacter() goes into a queue which can receive as many characters as needed during the frame. This is useful for automation to not have an upper limit on typing speed. Will later transition key/mouse to use the event queue later.
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
index bfbd0ca..a56140e 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@
 - Error recovery: Missing calls to End(), pass the assert, should not lead to crashes or to the fallback Debug window 
   appearing on screen, (#1651).
 - IO: Added BackendPlatformUserData, BackendRendererUserData, BackendLanguageUserData void* for storage use by back-ends.
+- IO: Renamed InputCharacters[], marked internal as was always intended. Please don't access directly, and use AddInputCharacter() instead!
+- IO: AddInputCharacter() goes into a queue which can receive as many characters as needed during the frame. This is useful
+  for automation to not have an upper limit on typing speed. Will later transition key/mouse to use the event queue later.
 - Style: Tweaked default value of style.DisplayWindowPadding from (20,20) to (19,19) so the default style as a value
   which is the same as the title bar height.
 - Demo: "Simple Layout" and "Style Editor" are now using tabs.
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 07e26e0..f426d75 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@
  When you are not sure about a old symbol or function name, try using the Search/Find function of your IDE to look for comments or references in all imgui files.
  You can read releases logs for more details.
+ - 2019/01/04 (1.67) - renamed io.InputCharacters[], marked internal as was always intended. Please don't access directly, and use AddInputCharacter() instead!
  - 2018/12/10 (1.67) - renamed io.ConfigResizeWindowsFromEdges to io.ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges as we are doing a large pass on configuration flags.
  - 2018/10/12 (1.66) - renamed misc/stl/imgui_stl.* to misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.* in prevision for other C++ helper files.
  - 2018/09/28 (1.66) - renamed SetScrollHere() to SetScrollHereY(). Kept redirection function (will obsolete).
@@ -1164,22 +1165,23 @@
 // - on Windows you can get those using ToAscii+keyboard state, or via the WM_CHAR message
 void ImGuiIO::AddInputCharacter(ImWchar c)
-    const int n = ImStrlenW(InputCharacters);
-    if (n + 1 < IM_ARRAYSIZE(InputCharacters))
-    {
-        InputCharacters[n] = c;
-        InputCharacters[n+1] = '\0';
-    }
+    InputQueueCharacters.push_back(c);
 void ImGuiIO::AddInputCharactersUTF8(const char* utf8_chars)
-    // We can't pass more wchars than ImGuiIO::InputCharacters[] can hold so don't convert more
-    const int wchars_buf_len = sizeof(ImGuiIO::InputCharacters) / sizeof(ImWchar);
-    ImWchar wchars[wchars_buf_len];
-    ImTextStrFromUtf8(wchars, wchars_buf_len, utf8_chars, NULL);
-    for (int i = 0; i < wchars_buf_len && wchars[i] != 0; i++)
-        AddInputCharacter(wchars[i]);
+    while (*utf8_chars != 0)
+    {
+        unsigned int c = 0;
+        utf8_chars += ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, utf8_chars, NULL);
+        if (c > 0 && c <= 0xFFFF)
+            InputQueueCharacters.push_back((ImWchar)c);
+    }
+void ImGuiIO::ClearInputCharacters()
+    InputQueueCharacters.resize(0);
@@ -3713,7 +3715,7 @@
     // Clear Input data for next frame
     g.IO.MouseWheel = g.IO.MouseWheelH = 0.0f;
-    memset(g.IO.InputCharacters, 0, sizeof(g.IO.InputCharacters));
+    g.IO.InputQueueCharacters.resize(0);
     memset(g.IO.NavInputs, 0, sizeof(g.IO.NavInputs));
diff --git a/imgui.h b/imgui.h
index eaf2c64..753382a 100644
--- a/imgui.h
+++ b/imgui.h
@@ -1353,13 +1353,12 @@
     bool        KeyAlt;                         // Keyboard modifier pressed: Alt
     bool        KeySuper;                       // Keyboard modifier pressed: Cmd/Super/Windows
     bool        KeysDown[512];                  // Keyboard keys that are pressed (ideally left in the "native" order your engine has access to keyboard keys, so you can use your own defines/enums for keys).
-    ImWchar     InputCharacters[16+1];          // List of characters input (translated by user from keypress+keyboard state). Fill using AddInputCharacter() helper.
     float       NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_COUNT]; // Gamepad inputs. Cleared back to zero by EndFrame(). Keyboard keys will be auto-mapped and be written here by NewFrame().
     // Functions
-    IMGUI_API void  AddInputCharacter(ImWchar c);                       // Add new character into InputCharacters[]
-    IMGUI_API void  AddInputCharactersUTF8(const char* utf8_chars);     // Add new characters into InputCharacters[] from an UTF-8 string
-    inline void     ClearInputCharacters() { InputCharacters[0] = 0; }  // Clear the text input buffer manually
+    IMGUI_API void  AddInputCharacter(ImWchar c);               // Queue new character input 
+    IMGUI_API void  AddInputCharactersUTF8(const char* str);    // Queue new characters input from an UTF-8 string
+    IMGUI_API void  ClearInputCharacters();                     // Clear the text input buffer manually
     // Output - Retrieve after calling NewFrame()
@@ -1399,6 +1398,7 @@
     float       KeysDownDurationPrev[512];      // Previous duration the key has been down
     float       NavInputsDownDuration[ImGuiNavInput_COUNT];
     float       NavInputsDownDurationPrev[ImGuiNavInput_COUNT];
+    ImVector<ImWchar> InputQueueCharacters;     // Queue of _characters_ input (obtained by platform back-end). Fill using AddInputCharacter() helper.
     IMGUI_API   ImGuiIO();
diff --git a/imgui_widgets.cpp b/imgui_widgets.cpp
index 7f6b86e..618de9b 100644
--- a/imgui_widgets.cpp
+++ b/imgui_widgets.cpp
@@ -3127,7 +3127,7 @@
     IM_ASSERT(!((flags & ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion) && (flags & ImGuiInputTextFlags_AllowTabInput))); // Can't use both together (they both use tab key)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    const ImGuiIO& io = g.IO;
+    ImGuiIO& io = g.IO;
     const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
     const bool is_multiline = (flags & ImGuiInputTextFlags_Multiline) != 0;
@@ -3312,22 +3312,22 @@
         if (edit_state.SelectedAllMouseLock && !io.MouseDown[0])
             edit_state.SelectedAllMouseLock = false;
-        if (io.InputCharacters[0])
+        if (io.InputQueueCharacters.Size > 0)
             // Process text input (before we check for Return because using some IME will effectively send a Return?)
             // We ignore CTRL inputs, but need to allow ALT+CTRL as some keyboards (e.g. German) use AltGR (which _is_ Alt+Ctrl) to input certain characters.
             bool ignore_inputs = (io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt) || (is_osx && io.KeySuper);
             if (!ignore_inputs && is_editable && !user_nav_input_start)
-                for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(io.InputCharacters) && io.InputCharacters[n]; n++)
+                for (int n = 0; n < io.InputQueueCharacters.Size; n++)
                     // Insert character if they pass filtering
-                    unsigned int c = (unsigned int)io.InputCharacters[n];
+                    unsigned int c = (unsigned int)io.InputQueueCharacters[n];
                     if (InputTextFilterCharacter(&c, flags, callback, callback_user_data))
             // Consume characters
-            memset(g.IO.InputCharacters, 0, sizeof(g.IO.InputCharacters));
+            io.InputQueueCharacters.resize(0);