Inputs: Fixed a miscalculation in the keyboard/mouse "typematic" repeat delay/rate calculation, used by keys and e.g. repeating mouse buttons as well as the GetKeyPressedAmount() function.
IMPORTANT: Renamed internal CalcTypematicPressedRepeatAmount to CalcTypematicRepeatAmount and reordered the t1, t0 arguments to t0, t1 !!
If you were using a non-default value for io.KeyRepeatRate (previous default was 0.250), you can add +io.KeyRepeatDelay to it to compensate for the fix.  The function was triggering on: 0.0 and (delay+rate*N) where (N>=1). Fixed formula responds to (N>=0).
Effectively it made io.KeyRepeatRate behave like it was set to (io.KeyRepeatRate + io.KeyRepeatDelay).
Fixed the code and altered default io.KeyRepeatRate,Delay from 0.250,0.050 to 0.300,0.050 to compensate.
If you never altered io.KeyRepeatRate nor used GetKeyPressedAmount() this won't affect you.
4 files changed