Merge branch 'master' of

Adding file to local repository.
tree: a0c289ef616db7904622b8c3afb7e4d0754e5c6e
  1. manual/
  2. testes/
  3. .gitignore
  4. all
  5. lapi.c
  6. lapi.h
  7. lauxlib.c
  8. lauxlib.h
  9. lbaselib.c
  10. lcode.c
  11. lcode.h
  12. lcorolib.c
  13. lctype.c
  14. lctype.h
  15. ldblib.c
  16. ldebug.c
  17. ldebug.h
  18. ldo.c
  19. ldo.h
  20. ldump.c
  21. lfunc.c
  22. lfunc.h
  23. lgc.c
  24. lgc.h
  25. linit.c
  26. liolib.c
  27. ljumptab.h
  28. llex.c
  29. llex.h
  30. llimits.h
  31. lmathlib.c
  32. lmem.c
  33. lmem.h
  34. loadlib.c
  35. lobject.c
  36. lobject.h
  37. lopcodes.c
  38. lopcodes.h
  39. lopnames.h
  40. loslib.c
  41. lparser.c
  42. lparser.h
  43. lprefix.h
  44. lstate.c
  45. lstate.h
  46. lstring.c
  47. lstring.h
  48. lstrlib.c
  49. ltable.c
  50. ltable.h
  51. ltablib.c
  52. ltests.c
  53. ltests.h
  54. ltm.c
  55. ltm.h
  56. lua.c
  57. lua.h
  58. luaconf.h
  59. lualib.h
  60. lundump.c
  61. lundump.h
  62. lutf8lib.c
  63. lvm.c
  64. lvm.h
  65. lzio.c
  66. lzio.h
  67. makefile
  68. onelua.c


This is the repository of Lua development code, as seen by the Lua team. It contains the full history of all commits but is mirrored irregularly. For complete information about Lua, visit

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