Changed access to global table in the registry

The global table is always in the array part of the registry; we can
use this fact to make its access slightly more efficient.
2 files changed
tree: 6cd1a6d00eaf7156d1537d165de26abf82787782
  1. manual/
  2. testes/
  3. .gitignore
  4. all
  5. lapi.c
  6. lapi.h
  7. lauxlib.c
  8. lauxlib.h
  9. lbaselib.c
  10. lcode.c
  11. lcode.h
  12. lcorolib.c
  13. lctype.c
  14. lctype.h
  15. ldblib.c
  16. ldebug.c
  17. ldebug.h
  18. ldo.c
  19. ldo.h
  20. ldump.c
  21. lfunc.c
  22. lfunc.h
  23. lgc.c
  24. lgc.h
  25. linit.c
  26. liolib.c
  27. ljumptab.h
  28. llex.c
  29. llex.h
  30. llimits.h
  31. lmathlib.c
  32. lmem.c
  33. lmem.h
  34. loadlib.c
  35. lobject.c
  36. lobject.h
  37. lopcodes.c
  38. lopcodes.h
  39. lopnames.h
  40. loslib.c
  41. lparser.c
  42. lparser.h
  43. lprefix.h
  44. lstate.c
  45. lstate.h
  46. lstring.c
  47. lstring.h
  48. lstrlib.c
  49. ltable.c
  50. ltable.h
  51. ltablib.c
  52. ltests.c
  53. ltests.h
  54. ltm.c
  55. ltm.h
  56. lua.c
  57. lua.h
  58. luaconf.h
  59. lualib.h
  60. lundump.c
  61. lundump.h
  62. lutf8lib.c
  63. lvm.c
  64. lvm.h
  65. lzio.c
  66. lzio.h
  67. makefile
  68. onelua.c


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