Back to a stackless implementation

A "with stack" implementation gains too little in performance to be
worth all the noise from C-stack overflows.

This commit is almost a sketch, to test performance. There are several
pending stuff:

- review control of C-stack overflow and error messages;
- what to do with setcstacklimit;
- review comments;
- review unroll of Lua calls.
11 files changed
tree: 7629a59887da63d44267e872bc8e33be6db36582
  1. manual/
  2. testes/
  3. .gitignore
  4. all
  5. lapi.c
  6. lapi.h
  7. lauxlib.c
  8. lauxlib.h
  9. lbaselib.c
  10. lcode.c
  11. lcode.h
  12. lcorolib.c
  13. lctype.c
  14. lctype.h
  15. ldblib.c
  16. ldebug.c
  17. ldebug.h
  18. ldo.c
  19. ldo.h
  20. ldump.c
  21. lfunc.c
  22. lfunc.h
  23. lgc.c
  24. lgc.h
  25. linit.c
  26. liolib.c
  27. ljumptab.h
  28. llex.c
  29. llex.h
  30. llimits.h
  31. lmathlib.c
  32. lmem.c
  33. lmem.h
  34. loadlib.c
  35. lobject.c
  36. lobject.h
  37. lopcodes.c
  38. lopcodes.h
  39. lopnames.h
  40. loslib.c
  41. lparser.c
  42. lparser.h
  43. lprefix.h
  44. lstate.c
  45. lstate.h
  46. lstring.c
  47. lstring.h
  48. lstrlib.c
  49. ltable.c
  50. ltable.h
  51. ltablib.c
  52. ltests.c
  53. ltests.h
  54. ltm.c
  55. ltm.h
  56. lua.c
  57. lua.h
  58. luaconf.h
  59. lualib.h
  60. lundump.c
  61. lundump.h
  62. lutf8lib.c
  63. lvm.c
  64. lvm.h
  65. lzio.c
  66. lzio.h
  67. makefile
  68. onelua.c


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