'luaL_newstate' should not allocate extra memory

The allocation of a userdata for the state of the warn system can
cause a panic if it fails; 'luaL_ref' also can fail. This commit
re-implements the warn system so that it does not need an explicit
state. Instead, the system uses different functions to represent
the different states.
3 files changed
tree: 9504237097bb72548e5e7b66b753dc23056330a8
  1. manual/
  2. testes/
  3. .gitignore
  4. all
  5. lapi.c
  6. lapi.h
  7. lauxlib.c
  8. lauxlib.h
  9. lbaselib.c
  10. lcode.c
  11. lcode.h
  12. lcorolib.c
  13. lctype.c
  14. lctype.h
  15. ldblib.c
  16. ldebug.c
  17. ldebug.h
  18. ldo.c
  19. ldo.h
  20. ldump.c
  21. lfunc.c
  22. lfunc.h
  23. lgc.c
  24. lgc.h
  25. linit.c
  26. liolib.c
  27. ljumptab.h
  28. llex.c
  29. llex.h
  30. llimits.h
  31. lmathlib.c
  32. lmem.c
  33. lmem.h
  34. loadlib.c
  35. lobject.c
  36. lobject.h
  37. lopcodes.c
  38. lopcodes.h
  39. lopnames.h
  40. loslib.c
  41. lparser.c
  42. lparser.h
  43. lprefix.h
  44. lstate.c
  45. lstate.h
  46. lstring.c
  47. lstring.h
  48. lstrlib.c
  49. ltable.c
  50. ltable.h
  51. ltablib.c
  52. ltests.c
  53. ltests.h
  54. ltm.c
  55. ltm.h
  56. lua.c
  57. lua.h
  58. luaconf.h
  59. lualib.h
  60. lundump.c
  61. lundump.h
  62. lutf8lib.c
  63. lvm.c
  64. lvm.h
  65. lzio.c
  66. lzio.h
  67. makefile
  68. onelua.c
  69. README.md


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