blob: ac62d2729dade717c801d7c0d301020262735e11 [file] [log] [blame]
# Rebuilds the shaders needed for the GPU cube test.
# For SPIR-V: requires glslangValidator and spirv-cross, which can be obtained from the LunarG Vulkan SDK.
# For DXBC compilation: requires FXC, which is part of the Windows SDK.
# For DXIL compilation, requires DXC, which can be obtained via the Windows SDK or via here:
# For Metal compilation: requires Xcode
# On Windows, run this via Git Bash.
# To add the Windows SDK (FXC/DXC) to your path, run the command:
# `export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Windows\ Kits/10/bin/x.x.x.x/x64/`
glslangValidator cube.glsl -V -S vert -o cube.vert.spv --quiet -DVERTEX
glslangValidator cube.glsl -V -S frag -o cube.frag.spv --quiet
xxd -i cube.vert.spv | perl -w -p -e 's/\Aunsigned /const unsigned /;' > cube.vert.h
xxd -i cube.frag.spv | perl -w -p -e 's/\Aunsigned /const unsigned /;' > cube.frag.h
cat cube.vert.h cube.frag.h > testgpu_spirv.h
rm -f cube.vert.h cube.frag.h cube.vert.spv cube.frag.spv
# Platform-specific compilation
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# FIXME: Needs to be updated!
# Xcode
xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metal -c -std=$compileplatform-metal1.1 -m$sdkplatform-version-min=$minversion -Wall -O3 -DVERTEX=1 -o ./cube.vert.air ./cube.metal || exit $?
xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metal -c -std=$compileplatform-metal1.1 -m$sdkplatform-version-min=$minversion -Wall -O3 -o ./cube.frag.air ./cube.metal || exit $?
xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metallib -o cube.vert.metallib cube.vert.air || exit $?
xcrun -sdk $sdkplatform metallib -o cube.frag.metallib cube.frag.air || exit $?
xxd -i cube.vert.metallib | perl -w -p -e 's/\Aunsigned /const unsigned /;' >./cube.vert_$fileplatform.h
xxd -i cube.frag.metallib | perl -w -p -e 's/\Aunsigned /const unsigned /;' >./cube.frag_$fileplatform.h
rm -f cube.vert.air cube.vert.metallib
rm -f cube.frag.air cube.frag.metallib
generate_shaders macos macos macosx 10.11
generate_shaders ios ios iphoneos 8.0
generate_shaders iphonesimulator ios iphonesimulator 8.0
generate_shaders tvos ios appletvos 9.0
generate_shaders tvsimulator ios appletvsimulator 9.0
# Bundle together one mega-header
rm -f testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#if defined(SDL_PLATFORM_IOS)" >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR" >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.vert_iphonesimulator.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.frag_iphonesimulator.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#else" >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.vert_ios.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.frag_ios.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#endif" >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#elif defined(SDL_PLATFORM_TVOS)" >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR" >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.vert_tvsimulator.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.frag_tvsimulator.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#else" >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.vert_tvos.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.frag_tvos.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#endif" >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#else" >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.vert_macos.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
cat cube.frag_macos.h >> testgpu_metallib.h
echo "#endif" >> testgpu_metallib.h
# Clean up
rm -f cube.vert_macos.h cube.frag_macos.h
rm -f cube.vert_iphonesimulator.h cube.frag_iphonesimulator.h
rm -f cube.vert_tvsimulator.h cube.frag_tvsimulator.h
rm -f cube.vert_ios.h cube.frag_ios.h
rm -f cube.vert_tvos.h cube.frag_tvos.h
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin"* ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys"* ]]; then
fxc cube.hlsl /E VSMain /T vs_5_0 /Fh cube.vert.h
fxc cube.hlsl /E PSMain /T ps_5_0 /Fh cube.frag.h
cat cube.vert.h | perl -w -p -e 's/BYTE/unsigned char/;s/g_VSMain/D3D11_CubeVert/;' > cube.vert.temp.h
cat cube.frag.h | perl -w -p -e 's/BYTE/unsigned char/;s/g_PSMain/D3D11_CubeFrag/;' > cube.frag.temp.h
cat cube.vert.temp.h cube.frag.temp.h > testgpu_dxbc.h
rm -f cube.vert.h cube.frag.h cube.vert.temp.h cube.frag.temp.h
dxc cube.hlsl /E VSMain /T vs_6_0 /Fh cube.vert.h /D D3D12=1
dxc cube.hlsl /E PSMain /T ps_6_0 /Fh cube.frag.h /D D3D12=1
cat cube.vert.h | perl -w -p -e 's/BYTE/unsigned char/;s/g_VSMain/D3D12_CubeVert/;' > cube.vert.temp.h
cat cube.frag.h | perl -w -p -e 's/BYTE/unsigned char/;s/g_PSMain/D3D12_CubeFrag/;' > cube.frag.temp.h
cat cube.vert.temp.h cube.frag.temp.h > testgpu_dxil.h
rm -f cube.vert.h cube.frag.h cube.vert.temp.h cube.frag.temp.h