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Copyright (C) Valve Corporation
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Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
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#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
// Purpose: Steam Controller models
typedef enum
k_eControllerType_None = -1,
k_eControllerType_Unknown = 0,
// Steam Controllers
k_eControllerType_UnknownSteamController = 1,
k_eControllerType_SteamController = 2,
k_eControllerType_SteamControllerV2 = 3,
k_eControllerType_SteamControllerNeptune = 4,
// Other Controllers
k_eControllerType_UnknownNonSteamController = 30,
k_eControllerType_XBox360Controller = 31,
k_eControllerType_XBoxOneController = 32,
k_eControllerType_PS3Controller = 33,
k_eControllerType_PS4Controller = 34,
k_eControllerType_WiiController = 35,
k_eControllerType_AppleController = 36,
k_eControllerType_AndroidController = 37,
k_eControllerType_SwitchProController = 38,
k_eControllerType_SwitchJoyConLeft = 39,
k_eControllerType_SwitchJoyConRight = 40,
k_eControllerType_SwitchJoyConPair = 41,
k_eControllerType_SwitchInputOnlyController = 42,
k_eControllerType_MobileTouch = 43,
k_eControllerType_XInputSwitchController = 44, // Client-side only, used to mark Nintendo Switch style controllers as using XInput instead of the Nintendo Switch protocol
k_eControllerType_PS5Controller = 45,
k_eControllerType_XInputPS4Controller = 46, // Client-side only, used to mark DualShock 4 style controllers using XInput instead of the DualShock 4 controller protocol
k_eControllerType_LastController, // Don't add game controllers below this enumeration - this enumeration can change value
// Keyboards and Mice
k_eControllertype_GenericKeyboard = 400,
k_eControllertype_GenericMouse = 800,
} EControllerType;
typedef struct
unsigned int m_unDeviceID;
EControllerType m_eControllerType;
const char *m_pszName;
} ControllerDescription_t;
extern EControllerType GuessControllerType( int nVID, int nPID );
extern const char *GuessControllerName( int nVID, int nPID );