Further partial image decompression fixes

- Referring to 073b0e88a192adebbb479ee2456beb089d8b5de7 and #185, the
  reason why BMP and RLE didn't (and won't) work with partial image
  decompression is that the output engines for both formats maintain a
  whole-image buffer, which is used to reverse the order of scanlines.
  However, it was straightforward to add -crop support for GIF and
  Targa, which is useful for testing partial image decompression along
  with color quantization.
- Such testing reproduced a bug reported by Mozilla (refer to PR #182)
  whereby jpeg_skip_scanlines() would segfault if color quantization was
  enabled.  To fix this issue, read_and_discard_scanlines() now sets up
  a dummy quantize function in the same manner that it sets up a dummy
  color conversion function.

Closes #182
11 files changed
tree: f9f1a8f9f21077b88c1e3d27592aac7d87d3e9d6
  1. ci/
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  9. testimages/
  10. win/
  11. .gitignore
  12. .travis.yml
  13. acinclude.m4
  14. appveyor.yml
  15. bmp.c
  16. bmp.h
  17. BUILDING.md
  18. cderror.h
  19. cdjpeg.c
  20. cdjpeg.h
  21. change.log
  22. ChangeLog.md
  23. cjpeg.1
  24. cjpeg.c
  25. CMakeLists.txt
  26. coderules.txt
  27. configure.ac
  28. djpeg.1
  29. djpeg.c
  30. doxygen-extra.css
  31. doxygen.config
  32. example.c
  33. jaricom.c
  34. jcapimin.c
  35. jcapistd.c
  36. jcarith.c
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  38. jccolext.c
  39. jccolor.c
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  41. jchuff.c
  42. jchuff.h
  43. jcinit.c
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  48. jconfig.h.in
  49. jconfig.txt
  50. jconfigint.h.in
  51. jcparam.c
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  55. jcstest.c
  56. jctrans.c
  57. jdapimin.c
  58. jdapistd.c
  59. jdarith.c
  60. jdatadst-tj.c
  61. jdatadst.c
  62. jdatasrc-tj.c
  63. jdatasrc.c
  64. jdcoefct.c
  65. jdcoefct.h
  66. jdcol565.c
  67. jdcolext.c
  68. jdcolor.c
  69. jdct.h
  70. jddctmgr.c
  71. jdhuff.c
  72. jdhuff.h
  73. jdinput.c
  74. jdmainct.c
  75. jdmainct.h
  76. jdmarker.c
  77. jdmaster.c
  78. jdmaster.h
  79. jdmerge.c
  80. jdmrg565.c
  81. jdmrgext.c
  82. jdphuff.c
  83. jdpostct.c
  84. jdsample.c
  85. jdsample.h
  86. jdtrans.c
  87. jerror.c
  88. jerror.h
  89. jfdctflt.c
  90. jfdctfst.c
  91. jfdctint.c
  92. jidctflt.c
  93. jidctfst.c
  94. jidctint.c
  95. jidctred.c
  96. jinclude.h
  97. jmemmgr.c
  98. jmemnobs.c
  99. jmemsys.h
  100. jmorecfg.h
  101. jpeg_nbits_table.h
  102. jpegcomp.h
  103. jpegint.h
  104. jpeglib.h
  105. jpegtran.1
  106. jpegtran.c
  107. jquant1.c
  108. jquant2.c
  109. jsimd.h
  110. jsimd_none.c
  111. jsimddct.h
  112. jstdhuff.c
  113. jutils.c
  114. jversion.h
  115. libjpeg.map.in
  116. libjpeg.txt
  117. LICENSE.md
  118. Makefile.am
  119. rdbmp.c
  120. rdcolmap.c
  121. rdgif.c
  122. rdjpgcom.1
  123. rdjpgcom.c
  124. rdppm.c
  125. rdrle.c
  126. rdswitch.c
  127. rdtarga.c
  128. README.ijg
  129. README.md
  130. structure.txt
  131. tjbench.c
  132. tjbenchtest.in
  133. tjbenchtest.java.in
  134. tjexampletest.in
  135. tjunittest.c
  136. tjutil.c
  137. tjutil.h
  138. transupp.c
  139. transupp.h
  140. turbojpeg-jni.c
  141. turbojpeg-mapfile
  142. turbojpeg-mapfile.jni
  143. turbojpeg.c
  144. turbojpeg.h
  145. usage.txt
  146. wizard.txt
  147. wrbmp.c
  148. wrgif.c
  149. wrjpgcom.1
  150. wrjpgcom.c
  151. wrppm.c
  152. wrrle.c
  153. wrtarga.c