Bump version to 1.5.4 to prepare for new commits
2 files changed
tree: e336109ff51476368e21d7a75bcc398c5d260be9
  1. ci/
  2. cmakescripts/
  3. doc/
  4. java/
  5. md5/
  6. release/
  7. sharedlib/
  8. simd/
  9. testimages/
  10. win/
  11. .gitignore
  12. .travis.yml
  13. acinclude.m4
  14. appveyor.yml
  15. bmp.c
  16. bmp.h
  17. BUILDING.md
  18. cderror.h
  19. cdjpeg.c
  20. cdjpeg.h
  21. change.log
  22. ChangeLog.md
  23. cjpeg.1
  24. cjpeg.c
  25. CMakeLists.txt
  26. coderules.txt
  27. configure.ac
  28. djpeg.1
  29. djpeg.c
  30. doxygen-extra.css
  31. doxygen.config
  32. example.c
  33. jaricom.c
  34. jcapimin.c
  35. jcapistd.c
  36. jcarith.c
  37. jccoefct.c
  38. jccolext.c
  39. jccolor.c
  40. jcdctmgr.c
  41. jchuff.c
  42. jchuff.h
  43. jcinit.c
  44. jcmainct.c
  45. jcmarker.c
  46. jcmaster.c
  47. jcomapi.c
  48. jconfig.h.in
  49. jconfig.txt
  50. jconfigint.h.in
  51. jcparam.c
  52. jcphuff.c
  53. jcprepct.c
  54. jcsample.c
  55. jcstest.c
  56. jctrans.c
  57. jdapimin.c
  58. jdapistd.c
  59. jdarith.c
  60. jdatadst-tj.c
  61. jdatadst.c
  62. jdatasrc-tj.c
  63. jdatasrc.c
  64. jdcoefct.c
  65. jdcoefct.h
  66. jdcol565.c
  67. jdcolext.c
  68. jdcolor.c
  69. jdct.h
  70. jddctmgr.c
  71. jdhuff.c
  72. jdhuff.h
  73. jdinput.c
  74. jdmainct.c
  75. jdmainct.h
  76. jdmarker.c
  77. jdmaster.c
  78. jdmaster.h
  79. jdmerge.c
  80. jdmrg565.c
  81. jdmrgext.c
  82. jdphuff.c
  83. jdpostct.c
  84. jdsample.c
  85. jdsample.h
  86. jdtrans.c
  87. jerror.c
  88. jerror.h
  89. jfdctflt.c
  90. jfdctfst.c
  91. jfdctint.c
  92. jidctflt.c
  93. jidctfst.c
  94. jidctint.c
  95. jidctred.c
  96. jinclude.h
  97. jmemmgr.c
  98. jmemnobs.c
  99. jmemsys.h
  100. jmorecfg.h
  101. jpeg_nbits_table.h
  102. jpegcomp.h
  103. jpegint.h
  104. jpeglib.h
  105. jpegtran.1
  106. jpegtran.c
  107. jquant1.c
  108. jquant2.c
  109. jsimd.h
  110. jsimd_none.c
  111. jsimddct.h
  112. jstdhuff.c
  113. jutils.c
  114. jversion.h
  115. libjpeg.map.in
  116. libjpeg.txt
  117. LICENSE.md
  118. Makefile.am
  119. rdbmp.c
  120. rdcolmap.c
  121. rdgif.c
  122. rdjpgcom.1
  123. rdjpgcom.c
  124. rdppm.c
  125. rdrle.c
  126. rdswitch.c
  127. rdtarga.c
  128. README.ijg
  129. README.md
  130. structure.txt
  131. tjbench.c
  132. tjbenchtest.in
  133. tjbenchtest.java.in
  134. tjexampletest.in
  135. tjunittest.c
  136. tjutil.c
  137. tjutil.h
  138. transupp.c
  139. transupp.h
  140. turbojpeg-jni.c
  141. turbojpeg-mapfile
  142. turbojpeg-mapfile.jni
  143. turbojpeg.c
  144. turbojpeg.h
  145. usage.txt
  146. wizard.txt
  147. wrbmp.c
  148. wrgif.c
  149. wrjpgcom.1
  150. wrjpgcom.c
  151. wrppm.c
  152. wrrle.c
  153. wrtarga.c