| # Changelog |
| |
| |
| ## Work In Progress |
| |
| - Added `0b` prefixed binary numbers. |
| - Added `WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565`. |
| - Added `WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BASE__ETC` sub-modules. |
| - Added `auxiliary` code. |
| - Added `base` library support for UTF-8. |
| - Added `base` library support for `atoi`-like string conversion. |
| - Added `choose` and `choosy`. |
| - Added `cpu_arch`. |
| - Added `doc/logo`. |
| - Added `endwhile` syntax. |
| - Added `example/cbor-to-json`. |
| - Added `example/convert-to-nia`. |
| - Added `example/imageviewer`. |
| - Added `example/json-to-cbor`. |
| - Added `example/jsonfindptrs`. |
| - Added `example/jsonptr`. |
| - Added `slice base.u8 peek/poke` methods. |
| - Added `std/bmp`. |
| - Added `std/cbor`. |
| - Added `std/gif.config_decoder`. |
| - Added `std/json`. |
| - Added `std/nie`. |
| - Added `std/png`. |
| - Added `std/wbmp`. |
| - Added `tell_me_more?` mechanism. |
| - Added SIMD. |
| - Added alloc functions. |
| - Added colons to const syntax. |
| - Added double-curly blocks. |
| - Added interfaces. |
| - Added iterate advance parameter. |
| - Added preprocessor. |
| - Added single-quoted strings. |
| - Added slice `uintptr_low_12_bits` method. |
| - Added tokens. |
| - Changed `gif.decoder_workbuf_len_max_incl_worst_case` from 1 to 0. |
| - Changed default C compilers from `clang-5.0,gcc` to `clang-9,gcc`. |
| - Changed the C formatting style; removed the `-cformatter` flag. |
| - Changed what the `std/gif` benchmarks actually measure. |
| - Made `wuffs_base__pixel_format` a struct. |
| - Made `wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling` a struct. |
| - Made `wuffs_base__status` a struct. |
| - Removed `ack_metadata_chunk?`. |
| - Removed `wuffs_base__frame_config__blend`. |
| - Renamed I/O `available` methods to `length`. |
| - Renamed `decode_io_writer?` methods to `transform_io?`. |
| - Renamed `example/library` to `example/toy-genlib`. |
| - Renamed `load` and `store` to `peek` and `poke`. |
| - Renamed `{read,writ}er_io_position` to `{read,writ}er_position`. |
| - Renamed `set_ignore_checksum!` as a quirk. |
| - Renamed `swizzle_interleaved!` to `swizzle_interleaved_from_slice!`. |
| - Renamed warnings to notes. |
| |
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| ## 2019-12-19 version 0.2.0 |
| |
| The headline feature is that the GIF decoder is now of production quality. |
| There is now API for overall metadata (e.g. ICCP color profiles) and to |
| recreate each frame (width, height, BGRA pixels, timing, etc.) of a GIF |
| animation, instead of version 0.1's proof-of-concept GIF decoder API, which |
| just gave you a one-dimensional stream of palette indexes. It also now accepts |
| a variety of GIF images that are invalid, when strictly following the GIF |
| specifiction, but are nonetheless accepted by other real world GIF |
| implementations. The Wuffs GIF decoder has also been optimized to be about 1.5x |
| faster than Wuffs version 0.1 and about 2x faster than giflib (the C library). |
| |
| The Wuffs GIF decoder is being trialled by Skia, the 2-D graphics library used |
| by both the Android operating system and the Chromium web browser. |
| |
| Work also proceeds on the NIE and RAC file formats, but both are still |
| experimental and may change later in backwards incompatible ways. |
| |
| The dot points below probably aren't of interest unless you're upgrading from |
| Wuffs version 0.1. |
| |
| - Renamed Puffs to Wuffs. |
| - Ship as a "single file C library" |
| - Added a `skipgendeps` flag. |
| - Added a `nullptr` literal and `nptr T` type. |
| - Added `io_bind` and `io_limit` keywords. |
| - Added a `use` keyword. |
| - Added a `yield` keyword. |
| - Made the `return` value mandatory; added `ok` literal. |
| - Restricted `var` statements to the top of functions. |
| - Dropped the `= RHS` out of `var x T = RHS`. |
| - Changed func out-type from struct to bare type. |
| - Renamed the implicit `in` variable to `args`. |
| - Added an implicit `coroutine_resumed` variable. |
| - Added `std/adler32`, `std/crc32` and `std/gzip`. |
| - Added `std/gif` quirks. |
| - Spun `std/lzw` out of `std/gif`. |
| - Spun `std/zlib` out of `std/flate`. |
| - Let the `std/gzip` and `std/zlib` decoder ignore checksums. |
| - Renamed `std/flate` to `std/deflate`. |
| - Renamed `!=` to `<>`; `!` is now only for impure functions. |
| - Renamed `~+` to `~mod+`; added `~mod-`, `~sat+` and `~sat-`. |
| - Removed `&^`. |
| - Renamed `$(etc)` to `[etc]`. |
| - Renamed `[i..j]` to `[i ..= j]`, consistent with Rust syntax. |
| - Renamed `[i:j]` to `[i .. j]`, consistent with Rust syntax. |
| - Renamed `x T` to `x: T`, consistent with Rust syntax. |
| - Renamed `[N] T` and `[] T` types to `array[N] T` and `slice T`. |
| - Renamed `while:label` to `while.label`. |
| - Renamed `u32`, `buf1`, etc to `base.u32`, `base.io_buffer`, etc. |
| - Renamed `unread_u8?` to `undo_byte!`; added `can_undo_byte`. |
| - Renamed some `decode?` methods to `decode_io_writer?`. |
| - Replaced `= try foo` with `=? foo`. |
| - Prohibited effect-ful subexpressions. |
| - Redesigned iterate blocks. |
| - Added `{frame,image,pixel}_config` and `pixel_buffer` types. |
| - Added a `reset` method. |
| - Added `peek_uxx`, `skip_fast` and `write_fast_uxx` methods. |
| - Renamed some `read_uxx` methods as `read_uxx_as_uyy`. |
| - Report image metadata such as ICCP and XMP. |
| - Added I/O positions. |
| - Tweaked how I/O marks and limits work. |
| - Tweaked `io_buffer` / `io_reader` distinction in C and Wuffs. |
| - Added extra fields (uninitialized internal buffers) to structs. |
| - Supported animated (not just single frame) and interlaced GIFs. |
| - Marked some internal status codes as private. |
| - Removed closed-for-read/write built-in status codes. |
| - Changed the string messages for built-in status codes. |
| - Changed `error "foo"` to `"#foo"` or `base."#bar"`. |
| - Added warnings as another status code category. |
| - Made the status type a `const char *`, not an `int32_t`. |
| - Disallowed `__double_underscore` prefixed names. |
| - Added fuzz tests. |
| - Added some C++ convenience methods. |
| - Added some Go and Rust benchmarks. |
| - Made struct implementations private (opaque pointers). |
| - Sped up the `mimic_deflate_xxx` benchmarks. |
| - Fix compile errors under MSVC (Microsoft Visual C/C++). |
| - Moved the base38 package from `lang/base38` to `lib/base38`. |
| - Added a stand-alone `lib/interval` package. |
| - Added NIE file format spec. |
| - Added RAC file format spec and Go implementation. |
| |
| |
| ## 2017-11-16 version 0.1.0 |
| |
| - [Initial open source |
| release](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/puffslang/2z61mNTAMns/discussion), |
| under the "Puffs" name. |
| |
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| --- |
| |
| Updated on January 2020. |