blob: 6acb47ccedd4c51fc2a8034c2ac9cebb64de6fcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rac
import (
const (
numRBuffersPerWorker = 2
rBufferSize = 65536
type rBuffer [rBufferSize]byte
// rWork is a unit of work for concurrent reading. The Manager sends dRanges
// for Workers to read. Workers send filled buffers to the concReader.
type rWork struct {
err error
// dRange is set by the Manager goroutine, for a Worker's incoming work.
// That Worker may slice that dRange into smaller pieces of outgoing work.
// Each outgoing piece has a dRange.Size() of at most rBufferSize.
dRange Range
// buffer[i:j] holds bytes decompressed from the underlying RAC file but
// not yet served onwards to concReader.Read's caller.
// j should equal dRange.Size().
// When the buffer is done with (e.g. if i == j, or if we've canceled a
// read-in-progress), the buffer is returned to its owning Worker
// goroutine via recyclec.
// These fields are not used by the Manager goroutine.
buffer *rBuffer
i, j uint32
recyclec chan<- *rBuffer
func (r *rWork) recycle() {
if (r.recyclec != nil) && (r.buffer != nil) {
r.recyclec <- r.buffer
r.recyclec = nil
r.buffer = nil
r.i = 0
r.j = 0
// stopWork is a cancel (non-permanent, keepWorking = true) or close
// (permanent, keepWorking = false) notice to the Manager and Workers. The
// recipient needs to acknowledge the request by receiving from ackc (if
// non-nil).
type stopWork struct {
ackc <-chan struct{}
keepWorking bool
// concReader co-ordinates multiple goroutines (1 Manager, multiple Workers)
// serving a Reader.
type concReader struct {
// Channels between the concReader, the Manager and multiple Workers.
// The concReader sends roic and recvs resc.
// The Manager recvs roic and sends reqc.
// Each Worker recvs reqc and sends resc.
roic chan Range // Region of Interest channel.
reqc chan rWork // Work-Request channel.
resc chan rWork // Work-Response channel.
// stopc and ackc are used to synchronize the concReader, Manager and
// Workers, either canceling work-in-progress or closing everything down.
// Importantly, these are unbuffered channels. Sending and receiving will
// wait for the other end to synchronize.
stopc chan stopWork
ackc chan struct{}
// currWork holds the unit of work currently being processed by Read. It
// will be recycled after Read is done with it, or if a Seek causes us to
// cancel the work-in-progress.
currWork rWork
// completedWorks hold completed units of work that are not the next unit
// to be sent out via Read. Works may arrive out of order.
// The map is keyed by an rWork's dRange[0].
completedWorks map[int64]rWork
// numWorkers is the number of concurrent Workers.
numWorkers int
// seekResolved means that Read does not have to seek to pos.
// Each Seek call is relatively cheap, only changing the pos field. The
// bulk of the work happens in the first Read call following a Seek call.
seekResolved bool
// seenRead means that we've already seen at least one Read call.
seenRead bool
// pos is the current position, in DSpace. It is the base value when Seek
// is called with io.SeekCurrent.
pos int64
// posLimit is an upper limit on pos. pos can go higher than it (e.g.
// seeking past the end of the file in DSpace), but after doing so, Read
// will always return (0, io.EOF).
posLimit int64
// decompressedSize is the size of the RAC file in DSpace.
decompressedSize int64
func (c *concReader) initialize(racReader *Reader) {
if racReader.Concurrency <= 1 {
c.numWorkers = racReader.Concurrency
if c.numWorkers > 65536 {
c.numWorkers = 65536
// Set up other state.
c.completedWorks = map[int64]rWork{}
c.posLimit = racReader.chunkReader.decompressedSize
c.decompressedSize = racReader.chunkReader.decompressedSize
// Set up the Manager and the Workers.
c.roic = make(chan Range)
c.reqc = make(chan rWork, c.numWorkers)
c.resc = make(chan rWork, c.numWorkers*numRBuffersPerWorker)
// Set up the channels used in stopAnyWorkInProgress. It is important that
// these are unbuffered, so that communication is also synchronization.
c.stopc = make(chan stopWork)
c.ackc = make(chan struct{})
for i := 0; i < c.numWorkers; i++ {
rr := racReader.clone()
rr.Concurrency = 0
go runRWorker(c.stopc, c.resc, c.reqc, rr)
go runRManager(c.stopc, c.roic, c.reqc, &racReader.chunkReader)
func (c *concReader) ready() bool {
return c.stopc != nil
func (c *concReader) Close() error {
if c.stopc != nil {
c.stopc = nil
return nil
func (c *concReader) CloseWithoutWaiting() error {
if c.stopc != nil {
// Just close the c.stopc channel, which should eventually shut down
// the Manager and Worker goroutines. Everything else can be garbage
// collected.
c.stopc = nil
return nil
func (c *concReader) seek(offset int64, whence int, limit int64) (int64, error) {
pos := c.pos
switch whence {
case io.SeekStart:
pos = offset
case io.SeekCurrent:
pos += offset
case io.SeekEnd:
pos = c.decompressedSize + offset
return 0, errSeekToInvalidWhence
if c.pos != pos {
if pos < 0 {
return 0, errSeekToNegativePosition
c.pos = pos
c.seekResolved = false
if limit > c.decompressedSize {
limit = c.decompressedSize
c.posLimit = limit
return pos, nil
func (c *concReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if c.pos >= c.posLimit {
return 0, io.EOF
if !c.seekResolved {
c.seekResolved = true
if c.seenRead {
c.seenRead = true
c.roic <- Range{c.pos, c.posLimit}
for numRead := 0; ; {
if c.pos >= c.posLimit {
return numRead, io.EOF
if len(p) == 0 {
return numRead, nil
if c.currWork.i >= c.currWork.j {
err := c.currWork.err
if err != nil {
return numRead, err
c.currWork = c.nextWork()
// Fill p from c.currWork.
n := copy(p, c.currWork.buffer[c.currWork.i:c.currWork.j])
p = p[n:]
numRead += n
c.pos += int64(n)
c.currWork.i += uint32(n)
func (c *concReader) nextWork() rWork {
for {
if work, ok := c.completedWorks[c.pos]; ok {
delete(c.completedWorks, c.pos)
return work
work := <-c.resc
c.completedWorks[work.dRange[0]] = work
// stopAnyWorkInProgress winds up any Manager and Worker work-in-progress.
// keepWorking is whether those goroutines should stick around to do future
// work. It should be false for closes and true otherwise.
func (c *concReader) stopAnyWorkInProgress(keepWorking bool) {
// Synchronize the Manager and Workers on stopc (an unbuffered channel).
for i, n := 0, 1+c.numWorkers; i < n; i++ {
c.stopc <- stopWork{c.ackc, keepWorking}
if keepWorking {
// Synchronize the Manager and Workers on ackc (an unbuffered channel).
for i, n := 0, 1+c.numWorkers; i < n; i++ {
c.ackc <- struct{}{}
func (c *concReader) recycleBuffers() {
for k, work := range c.completedWorks {
delete(c.completedWorks, k)
// Drain c's buffered channels.
func drainWorkChan(c chan rWork) {
for {
select {
case work := <-c:
func runRWorker(stopc <-chan stopWork, resc chan<- rWork, reqc <-chan rWork, racReader *Reader) {
input, output := reqc, (chan<- rWork)(nil)
outWork := rWork{}
// dRange is what part of incoming work remains to be read from the
// racReader.
dRange := Range{}
// Each worker owns up to numRBuffersPerWorker buffers, some of which may
// be temporarily loaned to the concReader goroutine.
buffers := [numRBuffersPerWorker]*rBuffer{}
recyclec := make(chan *rBuffer, numRBuffersPerWorker)
canAlloc := numRBuffersPerWorker
for {
select {
case stop := <-stopc:
if stop.ackc != nil {
} else {
// No need to ack. This is CloseWithoutWaiting.
if !stop.keepWorking {
continue loop
case inWork := <-input:
input = nil
if inWork.err == nil {
dRange = inWork.dRange
if dRange.Empty() {
inWork.err = errInternalEmptyDRange
} else {
inWork.err = racReader.SeekRange(dRange[0], dRange[1])
if inWork.err == io.EOF {
inWork.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if inWork.err != nil {
output, outWork = resc, inWork
continue loop
case output <- outWork:
output, outWork = nil, rWork{}
case recycledBuffer := <-recyclec:
for i := range buffers {
if buffers[i] == nil {
buffers[i], recycledBuffer = recycledBuffer, nil
if recycledBuffer != nil {
// If there's existing outWork, sending it trumps making new outWork.
if output != nil {
continue loop
// If dRange was completely processsed, get new inWork.
if dRange.Empty() {
input = reqc
continue loop
// Find a new or recycled buffer.
buffer := (*rBuffer)(nil)
b := -1
if buffers[0] != nil {
b = 0
} else if buffers[1] != nil {
b = 1
if b >= 0 {
buffer, buffers[b] = buffers[b], nil
} else if canAlloc == 0 {
// Wait until we receive a recycled buffer.
continue loop
} else {
buffer = &rBuffer{}
// Make a new outWork, shrinking dRange to be whatever's left over.
n, err := racReader.Read(buffer[:])
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
oldDPos := dRange[0]
newDPos := dRange[0] + int64(n)
dRange[0] = newDPos
output, outWork = resc, rWork{
err: err,
dRange: Range{oldDPos, newDPos},
buffer: buffer,
i: 0,
j: uint32(n),
recyclec: recyclec,
func runRManager(stopc <-chan stopWork, roic <-chan Range, reqc chan<- rWork, chunkReader *ChunkReader) {
input, output := roic, (chan<- rWork)(nil)
roi := Range{}
work := rWork{}
for {
select {
case stop := <-stopc:
if stop.ackc != nil {
} else {
// No need to ack. This is CloseWithoutWaiting.
if !stop.keepWorking {
continue loop
case roi = <-input:
input, output = nil, reqc
if err := chunkReader.SeekToChunkContaining(roi[0]); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
work = rWork{err: err}
continue loop
case output <- work:
err := work.err
work = rWork{}
if err != nil {
input, output = roic, nil
continue loop
for {
chunk, err := chunkReader.NextChunk()
if err == io.EOF {
input, output = roic, nil
continue loop
} else if err != nil {
work = rWork{err: err}
continue loop
if chunk.DRange[0] >= roi[1] {
input, output = roic, nil
continue loop
if dr := chunk.DRange.Intersect(roi); !dr.Empty() {
work = rWork{dRange: dr}
continue loop