blob: 2272c2fb6ee347fbb68f434fce9bc369a18559c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
package cgen
// This file deals with liveness analysis, determining whether local variables
// need to be kept: saved / loaded when suspending / resuming a coroutine. For
// simplicity, this is a boolean property of each local variable. The analysis
// does not determine that a local variable needs saving at some CSPs
// (coroutine suspension points) but not others.
// For example, in this code:
// i = etc
// yield? foo // The first CSP.
// j = 0
// while j < i {
// a[j] = 42
// j += 1
// }
// c = args.src.read_u8?() // The second CSP.
// k = a[c]
// There are two CSPs. The i local variable will need to be kept, as it is
// written to before the first CSP and read from after the first CSP.
// Similarly, the a local variable (an array) will need to be kept, as its use
// crosses the second CSP. The j local variable need not be kept, as all of its
// uses happens between two consecutive CSPs. To be precise, for every possible
// code path (including if branches and while loops), each read from j is
// preceded by a write to j without an intervening CSP. The c and k local
// variables also need not be kept, as their uses are all after the last CSP.
// Algorithmically, we walk through a function's statements in two passes. The
// first pass finds all of the local variables, and assigns an integer index to
// each one. The second tracks (in a slice indexed by that integer index) each
// local variable's liveness, one of three possible states: none, weak and
// strong. Strong means that the local variable definitely needs to be kept.
// Weak means that we have (in the worst case, for branches' and loops'
// multiple paths) seen a CSP without a write afterwards, so that seeing a read
// would change the liveness to strong. None means that we have not seen a CSP
// since the last write.
// Essentially, the state transitions are: strong is sticky, weak to strong
// happens on a read and weak to none happens on a write. On a CSP, none/weak
// to strong happens for variables explicitly mentioned in the CSP expression
// and none to weak happens for other variables.
// When reconciling multiple code paths, the strongest wins, where strong >
// weak and weak > none. Loops are repeated until the reconciliations between
// the N'th and N+1'th iteration are all no-ops: a steady state has been
// reached. There can be multiple reconciliations per iteration, due to break
// and continue statements.
import (
a ""
t ""
// liveness tracks whether a local variable's value will need to be kept across
// CSPs (coroutine suspension points).
type liveness uint32
const (
livenessNone = liveness(0)
livenessWeak = liveness(1)
livenessStrong = liveness(2)
// livenesses is a slice of liveness values, one per local variable.
type livenesses []liveness
func (r livenesses) clear() {
for i := range r {
r[i] = livenessNone
func (r livenesses) clone() livenesses {
return append(livenesses(nil), r...)
func (r livenesses) reconcile(s livenesses) (changed bool) {
if len(r) != len(s) {
panic("livenesses have different length")
for i := range r {
if r[i] < s[i] {
r[i] = s[i]
changed = true
return changed
func (r livenesses) lowerWeakToNone(i int) {
if r[i] == livenessWeak {
r[i] = livenessNone
func (r livenesses) raiseToStrong(i int) {
r[i] = livenessStrong
func (r livenesses) raiseWeakToStrong(i int) {
if r[i] == livenessWeak {
r[i] = livenessStrong
func (r livenesses) raiseNoneToWeak() {
for i, x := range r {
if x == livenessNone {
r[i] = livenessWeak
type loopLivenesses struct {
before livenesses
after livenesses
changed bool
type livenessHelper struct {
tm *t.Map
vars map[t.ID]int // Maps from local variable name to livenesses index.
loops map[a.Loop]*loopLivenesses
final livenesses
func (g *gen) findVars() error {
h := livenessHelper{
vars: map[t.ID]int{},
loops: map[a.Loop]*loopLivenesses{},
f := g.currFunk.astFunc
for _, n := range f.Body() {
if n.Kind() != a.KVar {
g.currFunk.varList = append(g.currFunk.varList, n.AsVar())
h.vars[n.AsVar().Name()] = len(h.vars)
if f.Effect().Coroutine() { = make(livenesses, len(h.vars))
r := make(livenesses, len(h.vars))
if err := h.doBlock(r, f.Body(), 0); err != nil {
return err
g.currFunk.varResumables = map[t.ID]bool{}
for i, v := range g.currFunk.varList {
g.currFunk.varResumables[v.Name()] =[i] == livenessStrong
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doBlock(r livenesses, block []*a.Node, depth uint32) error {
if depth > a.MaxBodyDepth {
return fmt.Errorf("body recursion depth too large")
for _, o := range block {
switch o.Kind() {
case a.KAssign:
if err := h.doAssign(r, o.AsAssign(), depth); err != nil {
return err
case a.KExpr:
if err := h.doExpr(r, o.AsExpr()); err != nil {
return err
case a.KIOManip:
if err := h.doIOManip(r, o.AsIOManip(), depth); err != nil {
return err
case a.KIf:
if err := h.doIf(r, o.AsIf(), depth); err != nil {
return err
case a.KIterate:
return fmt.Errorf("iterate loop is inside a coroutine")
case a.KJump:
if err := h.doJump(r, o.AsJump(), depth); err != nil {
return err
break loop
case a.KRet:
if err := h.doRet(r, o.AsRet(), depth); err != nil {
return err
if o.AsRet().Keyword() == t.IDReturn {
break loop
case a.KVar:
if err := h.doVar(r, o.AsVar(), depth); err != nil {
return err
case a.KWhile:
if err := h.doWhile(r, o.AsWhile(), depth); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doAssign(r livenesses, n *a.Assign, depth uint32) error {
if n.Operator() == t.IDEqQuestion {
if err := h.doExpr1(r, n.RHS(), false, 0); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := h.doExpr(r, n.RHS()); err != nil {
return err
if n.LHS() == nil {
return nil
// If the LHS is not a local variable (e.g. "[bar] = etc", or if
// the LHS is implicitly also on the RHS (e.g. for a += or *= operator),
// walk the LHS Expr.
if n.LHS().Operator() != 0 || (n.Operator() != t.IDEq && n.Operator() != t.IDEqQuestion) {
if err := h.doExpr(r, n.LHS()); err != nil {
return err
// If the LHS is just a local variable, then call lowerWeakToNone.
if lhs := n.LHS(); lhs.Operator() == 0 {
if i, ok := h.vars[lhs.Ident()]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized variable %q", lhs.Ident().Str(
} else {
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doExpr(r livenesses, n *a.Expr) error {
allToStrong := false
if n.Effect().Coroutine() {
recv := n.LHS().AsExpr().LHS().AsExpr()
if recv.MType().IsIOTokenType() {
// No-op. These methods already save their args across suspensions.
} else {
allToStrong = true
if err := h.doExpr1(r, n, allToStrong, 0); err != nil {
return err
if n.Effect().Coroutine() {
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doExpr1(r livenesses, n *a.Expr, allToStrong bool, depth uint32) error {
if depth > a.MaxBodyDepth {
return fmt.Errorf("body recursion depth too large")
for _, o := range n.AsNode().AsRaw().SubNodes() {
if o != nil && o.Kind() == a.KExpr {
if err := h.doExpr1(r, o.AsExpr(), allToStrong, depth); err != nil {
return err
for _, o := range n.Args() {
e := (*a.Expr)(nil)
switch o.Kind() {
case a.KArg:
e = o.AsArg().Value()
case a.KExpr:
e = o.AsExpr()
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized arg kind")
if err := h.doExpr1(r, e, allToStrong, depth); err != nil {
return err
if n.Operator() == 0 {
if i, ok := h.vars[n.Ident()]; ok {
if allToStrong {
} else {
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doIOManip(r livenesses, n *a.IOManip, depth uint32) error {
if err := h.doExpr(r, n.IO()); err != nil {
return err
if arg1 := n.Arg1(); arg1 != nil {
if err := h.doExpr(r, arg1); err != nil {
return err
if histPos := n.HistoryPosition(); histPos != nil {
if err := h.doExpr(r, histPos); err != nil {
return err
return h.doBlock(r, n.Body(), depth)
func (h *livenessHelper) doIf(r livenesses, n *a.If, depth uint32) error {
scratch := make(livenesses, len(r))
result := make(livenesses, len(r))
for {
if err := h.doExpr(r, n.Condition()); err != nil {
return err
copy(scratch, r)
if err := h.doBlock(scratch, n.BodyIfTrue(), depth); err != nil {
return err
if ei := n.ElseIf(); ei != nil {
n = ei
copy(scratch, r)
if err := h.doBlock(scratch, n.BodyIfFalse(), depth); err != nil {
return err
copy(r, result)
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doJump(r livenesses, n *a.Jump, depth uint32) error {
l := h.loops[n.JumpTarget()]
switch n.Keyword() {
case t.IDBreak:
l.changed = l.after.reconcile(r) || l.changed
case t.IDContinue:
l.changed = l.before.reconcile(r) || l.changed
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized ast.Jump keyword")
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doRet(r livenesses, n *a.Ret, depth uint32) error {
if err := h.doExpr(r, n.Value()); err != nil {
return err
switch n.Keyword() {
case t.IDReturn:
case t.IDYield:
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized ast.Ret keyword")
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doVar(r livenesses, n *a.Var, depth uint32) error {
name := n.Name()
if i, ok := h.vars[name]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized variable %q", name.Str(
} else {
return nil
func (h *livenessHelper) doWhile(r livenesses, n *a.While, depth uint32) error {
l := &loopLivenesses{
before: make(livenesses, len(r)),
after: make(livenesses, len(r)),
changed: false,
h.loops[n] = l
copy(l.before, r)
for l.changed = true; l.changed; {
l.changed = false
copy(r, l.before)
if err := h.doExpr(r, n.Condition()); err != nil {
return err
} else if !n.IsWhileTrue() {
l.changed = l.after.reconcile(r) || l.changed
if err := h.doBlock(r, n.Body(), depth); err != nil {
return err
} else {
l.changed = l.before.reconcile(r) || l.changed
copy(r, l.after)
return nil