blob: 0e02b68fb3675c031cf8ad52bcee0a5a0939dea0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build ignore
package main
// print-crc32-x86-sse42-magic-numbers.go prints the std/crc32
// IEEE_X86_SSE42_ETC magic number tables.
// This reproduces the numbers on pages 16 and 22 of Gopal et al. "Fast CRC
// Computation for Generic Polynomials Using PCLMULQDQ Instruction":
// Usage: go run print-crc32-x86-sse42-magic-numbers.go
// Output:
// The numbers from page 16 (the regular format).
// Px = 0x1_04C1_1DB7
// k1 = 0x0_8833_794C
// k2 = 0x0_E622_8B11
// k3 = 0x0_C5B9_CD4C
// k4 = 0x0_E8A4_5605
// k5 = 0x0_F200_AA66
// k6 = 0x0_490D_678D
// μ = 0x1_04D1_01DF
// The numbers from page 22 (the bit-reflected format).
// Px' = 0x1_DB71_0641
// k1' = 0x1_5444_2BD4
// k2' = 0x1_C6E4_1596
// k3' = 0x1_7519_97D0
// k4' = 0x0_CCAA_009E
// k5' = 0x1_63CD_6124
// k6' = 0x1_DB71_0640
// μ' = 0x1_F701_1641
import (
// px is the P(x) polynomial given on page 16, a bit-reversal (with explicit
// high bit) of the CRC-32/IEEE polynomial sometimes written as 0xEDB8_8320.
// P(x) = 0x1_04C1_1DB7
// P(x) = 0b1_00000100_11000001_00011101_10110111
const px = "100000100110000010001110110110111"
// pxdash is P(x)', the bit-reversed format for P(x), given on page 22. This
// constant is not used by this program, but it is provided for completeness.
// P(x)' = 0x1_DB71_0641 = ((0xEDB8_8320 << 1) | 1)
// P(x)' = 0x1_11011011_01110001_00000110_01000001
const pxdash = "111011011011100010000011001000001"
var spaces = strings.Repeat(" ", 1024)
func debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
if false { // Change false to true to show the long divisions.
fmt.Printf(format, a...)
func show(name string, value string) {
v := uint64(0)
if strings.Contains(name, "'") {
for i := len(value) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v = (v << 1) | uint64(value[i]&1)
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(value); i++ {
v = (v << 1) | uint64(value[i]&1)
fmt.Printf("%s = 0x%X_%04X_%04X\n", name, v>>32, 0xFFFF&(v>>16), 0xFFFF&(v>>0))
func calcKn(name string, power int) {
numerator := "1" + strings.Repeat("0", power)
b := []byte(numerator)
i := 0
debugf(" %s\n", numerator)
for i+len(px) <= len(numerator) {
for j := 0; j < len(px); j++ {
b[i+j] ^= 1 & px[j]
debugf(" %s%s\n", spaces[:i], px)
for ; (i < len(b)) && (b[i] == '0'); i++ {
b[i] = ' '
debugf(" %s\n", b)
show(name, string(b[len(b)-len(px):]))
func calcMu(name string) {
numerator := "1" + strings.Repeat("0", 64)
mu := make([]byte, 65)
b := []byte(numerator)
i := 0
debugf(" %s\n", numerator)
for i+len(px) <= len(numerator) {
for j := 0; j < len(px); j++ {
b[i+j] ^= 1 & px[j]
debugf(" %s%s\n", spaces[:i], px)
b[i] = ':'
mu[i] = '1'
for ; (i < len(b)) && (b[i] == '0'); i++ {
b[i] = ' '
mu[i] = '0'
debugf(" %s\n", b)
show(name, string(mu[:33]))
func main() {
fmt.Println("The numbers from page 16 (the regular format).")
show("Px ", px)
calcKn("k1 ", 512+64)
calcKn("k2 ", 512)
calcKn("k3 ", 128+64)
calcKn("k4 ", 128)
calcKn("k5 ", 96)
calcKn("k6 ", 64)
calcMu("μ ")
fmt.Println("The numbers from page 22 (the bit-reflected format).")
show("Px'", px)
calcKn("k1'", 512+32)
calcKn("k2'", 512-32)
calcKn("k3'", 128+32)
calcKn("k4'", 128-32)
calcKn("k5'", 64)
calcKn("k6'", 32)
calcMu("μ' ")