tree: 4842bd077ca84fe6638b444fa8bef79c90541176 [path history] [tgz]
  1. bmp_fuzzer.c
  2. bzip2_fuzzer.c
  3. cbor_fuzzer.c
  4. gif_fuzzer.c
  5. jpeg_fuzzer.c
  7. pixel_swizzler_fuzzer.c
  8. png_fuzzer.c
  10. seed_corpora.txt
  11. tga_fuzzer.c
  12. xz_fuzzer.c
  13. zlib_fuzzer.c

Wuffs' Fuzzer Programs

This directory contains multiple programs to fuzz Wuffs' implementations of various codecs. For example, gif_fuzzer.c is a program to fuzz Wuffs' GIF implementation.

They are typically run indirectly, by a fuzzing framework such as OSS-Fuzz. That repository‘s projects/wuffs directory contains the complementary configuration for this directory’s code.

When working on these files, it is possible to run them directly on an explicit test suite, in order to speed up the edit-compile-run cycle. Look for WUFFS_CONFIG__FUZZLIB_MAIN for more details, and in seed_corpora.txt for suggested test data.


Running from the top level directory will build all of the fuzzers. To check out and build just one, such as json_fuzzer:

git clone
cd wuffs
./ fuzz/c/std/

When re-building, you only need the last of those three lines. To run it:

gen/bin/fuzz-json test/data/json-things.*