blob: e6b49a7fde7e73d21a35767985bcfed709e429f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// ---------------- Images
// wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul is an 8 bit per channel premultiplied
// Alpha, Red, Green, Blue color, as a uint32_t value. Its value is always
// 0xAARRGGBB (Alpha most significant, Blue least), regardless of endianness.
typedef uint32_t wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul;
// wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul__is_valid returns whether c's Red, Green
// and Blue channels are all less than or equal to its Alpha channel. c uses
// premultiplied alpha, so 50% opaque 100% saturated red is 0x7F7F_0000 and a
// value like 0x7F80_0000 is invalid.
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
uint32_t a = 0xFF & (c >> 24);
uint32_t r = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
uint32_t g = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
uint32_t b = 0xFF & (c >> 0);
return (a >= r) && (a >= g) && (a >= b);
static inline uint16_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
uint32_t r5 = 0xF800 & (c >> 8);
uint32_t g6 = 0x07E0 & (c >> 5);
uint32_t b5 = 0x001F & (c >> 3);
return (uint16_t)(r5 | g6 | b5);
static inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
wuffs_base__color_u16_rgb_565__as__color_u32_argb_premul(uint16_t rgb_565) {
uint32_t b5 = 0x1F & (rgb_565 >> 0);
uint32_t b = (b5 << 3) | (b5 >> 2);
uint32_t g6 = 0x3F & (rgb_565 >> 5);
uint32_t g = (g6 << 2) | (g6 >> 4);
uint32_t r5 = 0x1F & (rgb_565 >> 11);
uint32_t r = (r5 << 3) | (r5 >> 2);
return 0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);
static inline uint8_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
// Work in 16-bit color.
uint32_t cr = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 16));
uint32_t cg = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 8));
uint32_t cb = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 0));
// These coefficients (the fractions 0.299, 0.587 and 0.114) are the same
// as those given by the JFIF specification.
// Note that 19595 + 38470 + 7471 equals 65536, also known as (1 << 16). We
// shift by 24, not just by 16, because the return value is 8-bit color, not
// 16-bit color.
uint32_t weighted_average = (19595 * cr) + (38470 * cg) + (7471 * cb) + 32768;
return (uint8_t)(weighted_average >> 24);
static inline uint16_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
uint32_t a = 0xFF & (c >> 24);
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint32_t a16 = a * 0x101;
uint32_t cr = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
cr = (cr * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16;
uint32_t cg = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
cg = (cg * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16;
uint32_t cb = 0xFF & (c >> 0);
cb = (cb * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16;
uint32_t weighted_average = (19595 * cr) + (38470 * cg) + (7471 * cb) + 32768;
return (uint16_t)((a16 & 0xFF00) | (weighted_average >> 24));
static inline uint16_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
// Work in 16-bit color.
uint32_t cr = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 16));
uint32_t cg = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 8));
uint32_t cb = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 0));
// These coefficients (the fractions 0.299, 0.587 and 0.114) are the same
// as those given by the JFIF specification.
// Note that 19595 + 38470 + 7471 equals 65536, also known as (1 << 16).
uint32_t weighted_average = (19595 * cr) + (38470 * cg) + (7471 * cb) + 32768;
return (uint16_t)(weighted_average >> 16);
// wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_nonpremul__as__color_u32_argb_premul converts
// from non-premultiplied alpha to premultiplied alpha.
static inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
uint32_t argb_nonpremul) {
// Multiplying by 0x101 (twice, once for alpha and once for color) converts
// from 8-bit to 16-bit color. Shifting right by 8 undoes that.
// Working in the higher bit depth can produce slightly different (and
// arguably slightly more accurate) results. For example, given 8-bit blue
// and alpha of 0x80 and 0x81:
// - ((0x80 * 0x81 ) / 0xFF ) = 0x40 = 0x40
// - ((0x8080 * 0x8181) / 0xFFFF) >> 8 = 0x4101 >> 8 = 0x41
uint32_t a = 0xFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 24);
uint32_t a16 = a * (0x101 * 0x101);
uint32_t r = 0xFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 16);
r = ((r * a16) / 0xFFFF) >> 8;
uint32_t g = 0xFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 8);
g = ((g * a16) / 0xFFFF) >> 8;
uint32_t b = 0xFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 0);
b = ((b * a16) / 0xFFFF) >> 8;
return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);
// wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul__as__color_u32_argb_nonpremul converts
// from premultiplied alpha to non-premultiplied alpha.
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
uint32_t a = 0xFF & (c >> 24);
if (a == 0xFF) {
return c;
} else if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint32_t a16 = a * 0x101;
uint32_t r = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
r = ((r * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16) >> 8;
uint32_t g = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
g = ((g * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16) >> 8;
uint32_t b = 0xFF & (c >> 0);
b = ((b * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16) >> 8;
return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);
// wuffs_base__color_u64_argb_nonpremul__as__color_u32_argb_premul converts
// from 4x16LE non-premultiplied alpha to 4x8 premultiplied alpha.
static inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
uint64_t argb_nonpremul) {
uint32_t a16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 48)));
uint32_t r16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 32)));
r16 = (r16 * a16) / 0xFFFF;
uint32_t g16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 16)));
g16 = (g16 * a16) / 0xFFFF;
uint32_t b16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 0)));
b16 = (b16 * a16) / 0xFFFF;
return ((a16 >> 8) << 24) | ((r16 >> 8) << 16) | ((g16 >> 8) << 8) |
((b16 >> 8) << 0);
// wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul__as__color_u64_argb_nonpremul converts
// from 4x8 premultiplied alpha to 4x16LE non-premultiplied alpha.
static inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c) {
uint32_t a = 0xFF & (c >> 24);
if (a == 0xFF) {
uint64_t r16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 16));
uint64_t g16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 8));
uint64_t b16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 0));
return 0xFFFF000000000000u | (r16 << 32) | (g16 << 16) | (b16 << 0);
} else if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint64_t a16 = a * 0x101;
uint64_t r = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
uint64_t r16 = (r * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16;
uint64_t g = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
uint64_t g16 = (g * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16;
uint64_t b = 0xFF & (c >> 0);
uint64_t b16 = (b * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16;
return (a16 << 48) | (r16 << 32) | (g16 << 16) | (b16 << 0);
static inline uint8_t //
wuffs_base__color_u64_argb_premul__as__color_u8_gray(uint64_t argb_premul) {
uint32_t r16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_premul >> 32)));
uint32_t g16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_premul >> 16)));
uint32_t b16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_premul >> 0)));
// These coefficients (the fractions 0.299, 0.587 and 0.114) are the same
// as those given by the JFIF specification.
// Note that 19595 + 38470 + 7471 equals 65536, also known as (1 << 16). We
// shift by 24, not just by 16, because the return value is 8-bit color, not
// 16-bit color.
uint32_t weighted_average =
(19595 * r16) + (38470 * g16) + (7471 * b16) + 32768;
return (uint8_t)(weighted_average >> 24);
static inline uint8_t //
uint64_t argb_nonpremul) {
uint32_t a16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 48)));
uint32_t r16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 32)));
r16 = (r16 * a16) / 0xFFFF;
uint32_t g16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 16)));
g16 = (g16 * a16) / 0xFFFF;
uint32_t b16 = ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF & (argb_nonpremul >> 0)));
b16 = (b16 * a16) / 0xFFFF;
// These coefficients (the fractions 0.299, 0.587 and 0.114) are the same
// as those given by the JFIF specification.
// Note that 19595 + 38470 + 7471 equals 65536, also known as (1 << 16). We
// shift by 24, not just by 16, because the return value is 8-bit color, not
// 16-bit color.
uint32_t weighted_average =
(19595 * r16) + (38470 * g16) + (7471 * b16) + 32768;
return (uint8_t)(weighted_average >> 24);
static inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__color_u32__as__color_u64(uint32_t c) {
uint64_t a16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 24));
uint64_t r16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 16));
uint64_t g16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 8));
uint64_t b16 = 0x101 * (0xFF & (c >> 0));
return (a16 << 48) | (r16 << 32) | (g16 << 16) | (b16 << 0);
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__color_u64__as__color_u32(uint64_t c) {
uint32_t a = ((uint32_t)(0xFF & (c >> 56)));
uint32_t r = ((uint32_t)(0xFF & (c >> 40)));
uint32_t g = ((uint32_t)(0xFF & (c >> 24)));
uint32_t b = ((uint32_t)(0xFF & (c >> 8)));
return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);
// wuffs_base__color_ycc__as__color_u32 converts from YCbCr to 0xAARRGGBB. The
// alpha bits are always 0xFF.
static inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
wuffs_base__color_ycc__as__color_u32(uint8_t yy, uint8_t cb, uint8_t cr) {
// Work in 16.16 fixed point arithmetic (so that 'one half' is (1 << 15)) and
// bias the chroma values by 0x80.
uint32_t yy32 = (((uint32_t)yy) << 16) | (1 << 15);
uint32_t cb32 = (((uint32_t)cb) - 0x80);
uint32_t cr32 = (((uint32_t)cr) - 0x80);
// The formulae:
// R = Y + 1.40200 * Cr
// G = Y - 0.34414 * Cb - 0.71414 * Cr
// B = Y + 1.77200 * Cb
// When scaled by 1<<16:
// 0.34414 becomes 0x0581A = 22554.
// 0.71414 becomes 0x0B6D2 = 46802.
// 1.40200 becomes 0x166E9 = 91881.
// 1.77200 becomes 0x1C5A2 = 116130.
// Since we're working in 16.16 fixed point arithmetic, masking by 0x00FF0000
// (possibly followed by a shift) gives the relevant 8 bits per channel.
// However, we need to saturate for overflow (above 0x00FFFFFF, but not so
// high that the MSB Most Significant Bit is set) or for underflow (below
// 0x00000000 as int32_t, which means that the MSB is set as uint32_t). In
// both cases, some of the high 8 bits (bits 24 ..= 31) will be set.
// "((uint32_t)(((int32_t)x) >> 31))" just replicates x's MSB across all 32
// bits. Prepending that with "~" inverts those bits. Thus, "~(etc)" is
// either 0xFFFFFFFF (for overflow) or 0x00000000 (for underflow).
uint32_t rr32 = yy32 + (0x166E9 * cr32);
uint32_t gg32 = yy32 - (0x0581A * cb32) - (0x0B6D2 * cr32);
uint32_t bb32 = yy32 + (0x1C5A2 * cb32);
if (rr32 >> 24) {
rr32 = ~((uint32_t)(((int32_t)rr32) >> 31));
if (gg32 >> 24) {
gg32 = ~((uint32_t)(((int32_t)gg32) >> 31));
if (bb32 >> 24) {
bb32 = ~((uint32_t)(((int32_t)bb32) >> 31));
return 0xFF000000 | //
((0x00FF0000 & rr32) >> 0) | //
((0x00FF0000 & gg32) >> 8) | //
((0x00FF0000 & bb32) >> 16);
// wuffs_base__color_ycc__as__color_u32_abgr is like
// wuffs_base__color_ycc__as__color_u32 but the uint32_t returned is in
// 0xAABBGGRR order, not 0xAARRGGBB.
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__color_ycc__as__color_u32_abgr(uint8_t yy, uint8_t cb, uint8_t cr) {
uint32_t yy32 = (((uint32_t)yy) << 16) | (1 << 15);
uint32_t cb32 = (((uint32_t)cb) - 0x80);
uint32_t cr32 = (((uint32_t)cr) - 0x80);
uint32_t rr32 = yy32 + (0x166E9 * cr32);
uint32_t gg32 = yy32 - (0x0581A * cb32) - (0x0B6D2 * cr32);
uint32_t bb32 = yy32 + (0x1C5A2 * cb32);
if (rr32 >> 24) {
rr32 = ~((uint32_t)(((int32_t)rr32) >> 31));
if (gg32 >> 24) {
gg32 = ~((uint32_t)(((int32_t)gg32) >> 31));
if (bb32 >> 24) {
bb32 = ~((uint32_t)(((int32_t)bb32) >> 31));
return 0xFF000000 | //
((0x00FF0000 & bb32) >> 0) | //
((0x00FF0000 & gg32) >> 8) | //
((0x00FF0000 & rr32) >> 16);
// --------
typedef uint8_t wuffs_base__pixel_blend;
// wuffs_base__pixel_blend encodes how to blend source and destination pixels,
// accounting for transparency. It encompasses the Porter-Duff compositing
// operators as well as the other blending modes defined by PDF.
// TODO: implement the other modes.
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC ((wuffs_base__pixel_blend)0)
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER ((wuffs_base__pixel_blend)1)
// --------
// wuffs_base__pixel_alpha_transparency is a pixel format's alpha channel
// model. It is a property of the pixel format in general, not of a specific
// pixel. An RGBA pixel format (with alpha) can still have fully opaque pixels.
typedef uint32_t wuffs_base__pixel_alpha_transparency;
// --------
// wuffs_base__pixel_coloration is whether a pixel format's color model has no
// color (alpha only), gray color or rich (non-gray) color. Rich color includes
// Coloration does not capture the alpha aspect of the color model. It does not
// distinguish RGB from RGBA.
typedef uint32_t wuffs_base__pixel_coloration;
// --------
// A palette is 256 entries × 4 bytes per entry (e.g. BGRA).
// wuffs_base__pixel_format encodes the format of the bytes that constitute an
// image frame's pixel data.
// See
// Do not manipulate its bits directly; they are private implementation
// details. Use methods such as wuffs_base__pixel_format__num_planes instead.
typedef struct wuffs_base__pixel_format__struct {
uint32_t repr;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline bool is_valid() const;
inline uint32_t bits_per_pixel() const;
inline bool is_direct() const;
inline bool is_indexed() const;
inline bool is_interleaved() const;
inline bool is_planar() const;
inline uint32_t coloration() const;
inline uint32_t num_planes() const;
inline wuffs_base__pixel_alpha_transparency transparency() const;
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__pixel_format;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //
wuffs_base__make_pixel_format(uint32_t repr) {
wuffs_base__pixel_format f;
f.repr = repr;
return f;
// Common 8-bit-depth pixel formats. This list is not exhaustive; not all valid
// wuffs_base__pixel_format values are present.
// clang-format off
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__A 0x02000008
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__Y 0x20000008
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__Y_16LE 0x2000000B
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__Y_16BE 0x2010000B
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__YCBCR 0x40020888
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__YCOCG 0x60020888
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565 0x80000565
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR 0x80000888
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRX 0x90008888
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB 0xA0000888
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__CMY 0xC0020888
// clang-format on
extern const uint32_t wuffs_private_impl__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[16];
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_valid(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return f->repr != 0;
// wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel returns the number of bits per
// pixel for interleaved pixel formats, and returns 0 for planar pixel formats.
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
if (((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) != 0) {
return 0;
return wuffs_private_impl__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F &
(f->repr >> 0)] +
wuffs_private_impl__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F &
(f->repr >> 4)] +
wuffs_private_impl__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F &
(f->repr >> 8)] +
wuffs_private_impl__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F &
(f->repr >> 12)];
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_direct(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return ((f->repr >> 18) & 0x01) == 0;
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return ((f->repr >> 18) & 0x01) != 0;
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_interleaved(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return ((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) == 0;
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return ((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) != 0;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__coloration(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
uint32_t n = (f->repr) >> 29;
return (n <= 1) ? n : 3;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__num_planes(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return ((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) + 1;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_alpha_transparency //
wuffs_base__pixel_format__transparency(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {
return (wuffs_base__pixel_alpha_transparency)((f->repr >> 24) & 0x03);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::is_valid() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_valid(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::bits_per_pixel() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::is_direct() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_direct(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::is_indexed() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::is_interleaved() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_interleaved(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::is_planar() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::coloration() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__coloration(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::num_planes() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__num_planes(this);
inline wuffs_base__pixel_alpha_transparency //
wuffs_base__pixel_format::transparency() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_format__transparency(this);
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
// wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling encodes whether sample values cover one pixel
// or cover multiple pixels.
// See
// Do not manipulate its bits directly; they are private implementation
// details. Use methods such as wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_x instead.
typedef struct wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__struct {
uint32_t repr;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline uint32_t bias_x(uint32_t plane) const;
inline uint32_t denominator_x(uint32_t plane) const;
inline uint32_t bias_y(uint32_t plane) const;
inline uint32_t denominator_y(uint32_t plane) const;
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling //
wuffs_base__make_pixel_subsampling(uint32_t repr) {
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling s;
s.repr = repr;
return s;
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__444 0x000000
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__440 0x010100
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__422 0x101000
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__420 0x111100
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__411 0x303000
#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__410 0x313100
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_x(const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,
uint32_t plane) {
uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 6;
return (s->repr >> shift) & 0x03;
static inline uint32_t //
const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,
uint32_t plane) {
uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 4;
return ((s->repr >> shift) & 0x03) + 1;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_y(const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,
uint32_t plane) {
uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 2;
return (s->repr >> shift) & 0x03;
static inline uint32_t //
const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,
uint32_t plane) {
uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 0;
return ((s->repr >> shift) & 0x03) + 1;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::bias_x(uint32_t plane) const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_x(this, plane);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::denominator_x(uint32_t plane) const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__denominator_x(this, plane);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::bias_y(uint32_t plane) const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_y(this, plane);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::denominator_y(uint32_t plane) const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__denominator_y(this, plane);
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
typedef struct wuffs_base__pixel_config__struct {
// Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI
// compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.
struct {
wuffs_base__pixel_format pixfmt;
wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling pixsub;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
} private_impl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline void set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,
uint32_t pixsub_repr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
inline void invalidate();
inline bool is_valid() const;
inline wuffs_base__pixel_format pixel_format() const;
inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling pixel_subsampling() const;
inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds() const;
inline uint32_t width() const;
inline uint32_t height() const;
inline uint64_t pixbuf_len() const;
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__pixel_config;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_config //
wuffs_base__null_pixel_config(void) {
wuffs_base__pixel_config ret;
ret.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;
ret.private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;
ret.private_impl.width = 0;
ret.private_impl.height = 0;
return ret;
// TODO: Should this function return bool? An error type?
static inline void //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__set(wuffs_base__pixel_config* c,
uint32_t pixfmt_repr,
uint32_t pixsub_repr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) {
if (!c) {
if (pixfmt_repr) {
do {
uint64_t wh = ((uint64_t)width) * ((uint64_t)height);
// TODO: handle things other than 1 byte per pixel.
if (wh > ((uint64_t)SIZE_MAX)) {
c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr = pixfmt_repr;
c->private_impl.pixsub.repr = pixsub_repr;
c->private_impl.width = width;
c->private_impl.height = height;
} while (0);
c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;
c->private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;
c->private_impl.width = 0;
c->private_impl.height = 0;
static inline void //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__invalidate(wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
if (c) {
c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;
c->private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;
c->private_impl.width = 0;
c->private_impl.height = 0;
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__is_valid(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
return c && c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_format(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.pixfmt : wuffs_base__make_pixel_format(0);
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_subsampling(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.pixsub : wuffs_base__make_pixel_subsampling(0);
static inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__bounds(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
if (c) {
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;
ret.min_incl_x = 0;
ret.min_incl_y = 0;
ret.max_excl_x = c->private_impl.width;
ret.max_excl_y = c->private_impl.height;
return ret;
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;
ret.min_incl_x = 0;
ret.min_incl_y = 0;
ret.max_excl_x = 0;
ret.max_excl_y = 0;
return ret;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.width : 0;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.height : 0;
// TODO: this is the right API for planar (not interleaved) pixbufs? Should it
// allow decoding into a color model different from the format's intrinsic one?
// For example, decoding a JPEG image straight to RGBA instead of to YCbCr?
static inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixbuf_len(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {
if (!c) {
return 0;
if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&c->private_impl.pixfmt)) {
// TODO: support planar pixel formats, concious of pixel subsampling.
return 0;
uint32_t bits_per_pixel =
if ((bits_per_pixel == 0) || ((bits_per_pixel % 8) != 0)) {
// TODO: support fraction-of-byte pixels, e.g. 1 bit per pixel?
return 0;
uint64_t bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8;
uint64_t n =
((uint64_t)c->private_impl.width) * ((uint64_t)c->private_impl.height);
if (n > (UINT64_MAX / bytes_per_pixel)) {
return 0;
n *= bytes_per_pixel;
if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&c->private_impl.pixfmt)) {
if (n >
return 0;
return n;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline void //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,
uint32_t pixsub_repr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) {
wuffs_base__pixel_config__set(this, pixfmt_repr, pixsub_repr, width, height);
inline void //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::invalidate() {
inline bool //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::is_valid() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__is_valid(this);
inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::pixel_format() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_format(this);
inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::pixel_subsampling() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_subsampling(this);
inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::bounds() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__bounds(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::width() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::height() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(this);
inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__pixel_config::pixbuf_len() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixbuf_len(this);
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
typedef struct wuffs_base__image_config__struct {
wuffs_base__pixel_config pixcfg;
// Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI
// compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.
struct {
uint64_t first_frame_io_position;
bool first_frame_is_opaque;
} private_impl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline void set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,
uint32_t pixsub_repr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint64_t first_frame_io_position,
bool first_frame_is_opaque);
inline void invalidate();
inline bool is_valid() const;
inline uint64_t first_frame_io_position() const;
inline bool first_frame_is_opaque() const;
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__image_config;
static inline wuffs_base__image_config //
wuffs_base__null_image_config(void) {
wuffs_base__image_config ret;
ret.pixcfg = wuffs_base__null_pixel_config();
ret.private_impl.first_frame_io_position = 0;
ret.private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = false;
return ret;
// TODO: Should this function return bool? An error type?
static inline void //
wuffs_base__image_config__set(wuffs_base__image_config* c,
uint32_t pixfmt_repr,
uint32_t pixsub_repr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint64_t first_frame_io_position,
bool first_frame_is_opaque) {
if (!c) {
if (pixfmt_repr) {
c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = pixfmt_repr;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixsub.repr = pixsub_repr;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.width = width;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.height = height;
c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position = first_frame_io_position;
c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = first_frame_is_opaque;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.width = 0;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.height = 0;
c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position = 0;
c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = 0;
static inline void //
wuffs_base__image_config__invalidate(wuffs_base__image_config* c) {
if (c) {
c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.width = 0;
c->pixcfg.private_impl.height = 0;
c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position = 0;
c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = 0;
static inline bool //
wuffs_base__image_config__is_valid(const wuffs_base__image_config* c) {
return c && wuffs_base__pixel_config__is_valid(&(c->pixcfg));
static inline uint64_t //
const wuffs_base__image_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position : 0;
static inline bool //
const wuffs_base__image_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque : false;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline void //
wuffs_base__image_config::set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,
uint32_t pixsub_repr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint64_t first_frame_io_position,
bool first_frame_is_opaque) {
wuffs_base__image_config__set(this, pixfmt_repr, pixsub_repr, width, height,
first_frame_io_position, first_frame_is_opaque);
inline void //
wuffs_base__image_config::invalidate() {
inline bool //
wuffs_base__image_config::is_valid() const {
return wuffs_base__image_config__is_valid(this);
inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__image_config::first_frame_io_position() const {
return wuffs_base__image_config__first_frame_io_position(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__image_config::first_frame_is_opaque() const {
return wuffs_base__image_config__first_frame_is_opaque(this);
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
// wuffs_base__animation_disposal encodes, for an animated image, how to
// dispose of a frame after displaying it:
// - None means to draw the next frame on top of this one.
// - Restore Background means to clear the frame's dirty rectangle to "the
// background color" (in practice, this means transparent black) before
// drawing the next frame.
// - Restore Previous means to undo the current frame, so that the next frame
// is drawn on top of the previous one.
typedef uint8_t wuffs_base__animation_disposal;
#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_DISPOSAL__NONE ((wuffs_base__animation_disposal)0)
// --------
typedef struct wuffs_base__frame_config__struct {
// Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI
// compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.
struct {
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds;
wuffs_base__flicks duration;
uint64_t index;
uint64_t io_position;
wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal;
bool opaque_within_bounds;
bool overwrite_instead_of_blend;
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color;
} private_impl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline void set(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds,
wuffs_base__flicks duration,
uint64_t index,
uint64_t io_position,
wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal,
bool opaque_within_bounds,
bool overwrite_instead_of_blend,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color);
inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds() const;
inline uint32_t width() const;
inline uint32_t height() const;
inline wuffs_base__flicks duration() const;
inline uint64_t index() const;
inline uint64_t io_position() const;
inline wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal() const;
inline bool opaque_within_bounds() const;
inline bool overwrite_instead_of_blend() const;
inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color() const;
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__frame_config;
static inline wuffs_base__frame_config //
wuffs_base__null_frame_config(void) {
wuffs_base__frame_config ret;
ret.private_impl.bounds = wuffs_base__make_rect_ie_u32(0, 0, 0, 0);
ret.private_impl.duration = 0;
ret.private_impl.index = 0;
ret.private_impl.io_position = 0;
ret.private_impl.disposal = 0;
ret.private_impl.opaque_within_bounds = false;
ret.private_impl.overwrite_instead_of_blend = false;
return ret;
static inline void //
wuffs_base__frame_config* c,
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds,
wuffs_base__flicks duration,
uint64_t index,
uint64_t io_position,
wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal,
bool opaque_within_bounds,
bool overwrite_instead_of_blend,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color) {
if (!c) {
c->private_impl.bounds = bounds;
c->private_impl.duration = duration;
c->private_impl.index = index;
c->private_impl.io_position = io_position;
c->private_impl.disposal = disposal;
c->private_impl.opaque_within_bounds = opaque_within_bounds;
c->private_impl.overwrite_instead_of_blend = overwrite_instead_of_blend;
c->private_impl.background_color = background_color;
static inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //
wuffs_base__frame_config__bounds(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
if (c) {
return c->private_impl.bounds;
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;
ret.min_incl_x = 0;
ret.min_incl_y = 0;
ret.max_excl_x = 0;
ret.max_excl_y = 0;
return ret;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config__width(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__width(&c->private_impl.bounds) : 0;
static inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config__height(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__height(&c->private_impl.bounds) : 0;
// wuffs_base__frame_config__duration returns the amount of time to display
// this frame. Zero means to display forever - a still (non-animated) image.
static inline wuffs_base__flicks //
wuffs_base__frame_config__duration(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.duration : 0;
// wuffs_base__frame_config__index returns the index of this frame. The first
// frame in an image has index 0, the second frame has index 1, and so on.
static inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config__index(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.index : 0;
// wuffs_base__frame_config__io_position returns the I/O stream position before
// the frame config.
static inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config__io_position(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.io_position : 0;
// wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal returns, for an animated image, how to
// dispose of this frame after displaying it.
static inline wuffs_base__animation_disposal //
wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.disposal : 0;
// wuffs_base__frame_config__opaque_within_bounds returns whether all pixels
// within the frame's bounds are fully opaque. It makes no claim about pixels
// outside the frame bounds but still inside the overall image. The two
// bounding rectangles can differ for animated images.
// Its semantics are conservative. It is valid for a fully opaque frame to have
// this value be false: a false negative.
// If true, drawing the frame with WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC and
// WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER should be equivalent, in terms of
// resultant pixels, but the former may be faster.
static inline bool //
const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c && c->private_impl.opaque_within_bounds;
// wuffs_base__frame_config__overwrite_instead_of_blend returns, for an
// animated image, whether to ignore the previous image state (within the frame
// bounds) when drawing this incremental frame. Equivalently, whether to use
// The WebP spec (
// calls this the "Blending method" bit. WebP's "Do not blend" corresponds to
// Wuffs' "overwrite_instead_of_blend".
static inline bool //
const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c && c->private_impl.overwrite_instead_of_blend;
static inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
wuffs_base__frame_config__background_color(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {
return c ? c->private_impl.background_color : 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline void //
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds,
wuffs_base__flicks duration,
uint64_t index,
uint64_t io_position,
wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal,
bool opaque_within_bounds,
bool overwrite_instead_of_blend,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color) {
wuffs_base__frame_config__set(this, bounds, duration, index, io_position,
disposal, opaque_within_bounds,
overwrite_instead_of_blend, background_color);
inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //
wuffs_base__frame_config::bounds() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__bounds(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config::width() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__width(this);
inline uint32_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config::height() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__height(this);
inline wuffs_base__flicks //
wuffs_base__frame_config::duration() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__duration(this);
inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config::index() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__index(this);
inline uint64_t //
wuffs_base__frame_config::io_position() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__io_position(this);
inline wuffs_base__animation_disposal //
wuffs_base__frame_config::disposal() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__frame_config::opaque_within_bounds() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__opaque_within_bounds(this);
inline bool //
wuffs_base__frame_config::overwrite_instead_of_blend() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__overwrite_instead_of_blend(this);
inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
wuffs_base__frame_config::background_color() const {
return wuffs_base__frame_config__background_color(this);
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
typedef struct wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__struct {
wuffs_base__pixel_config pixcfg;
// Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI
// compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.
struct {
wuffs_base__table_u8 planes[WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__NUM_PLANES_MAX_INCL];
// TODO: color spaces.
} private_impl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline wuffs_base__status set_interleaved(
const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,
wuffs_base__table_u8 primary_memory,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette_memory);
inline wuffs_base__status set_from_slice(
const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_memory);
inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette();
inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette_or_else(wuffs_base__slice_u8 fallback);
inline wuffs_base__pixel_format pixel_format() const;
inline wuffs_base__table_u8 plane(uint32_t p);
inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color_u32_at(uint32_t x,
uint32_t y) const;
inline wuffs_base__status set_color_u32_at(
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color);
inline wuffs_base__status set_color_u32_fill_rect(
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 rect,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color);
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__pixel_buffer;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_buffer //
wuffs_base__null_pixel_buffer(void) {
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer ret;
ret.pixcfg = wuffs_base__null_pixel_config();
ret.private_impl.planes[0] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();
ret.private_impl.planes[1] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();
ret.private_impl.planes[2] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();
ret.private_impl.planes[3] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();
return ret;
static inline wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,
wuffs_base__table_u8 primary_memory,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette_memory) {
if (!pb) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_receiver);
memset(pb, 0, sizeof(*pb));
if (!pixcfg ||
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);
if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt) &&
(palette_memory.len <
return wuffs_base__make_status(
uint32_t bits_per_pixel =
if ((bits_per_pixel == 0) || ((bits_per_pixel % 8) != 0)) {
// TODO: support fraction-of-byte pixels, e.g. 1 bit per pixel?
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);
uint64_t bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8;
uint64_t width_in_bytes =
((uint64_t)pixcfg->private_impl.width) * bytes_per_pixel;
if ((width_in_bytes > primary_memory.width) ||
(pixcfg->private_impl.height > primary_memory.height)) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);
pb->pixcfg = *pixcfg;
pb->private_impl.planes[0] = primary_memory;
if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {
wuffs_base__table_u8* tab =
tab->ptr = palette_memory.ptr;
tab->height = 1;
return wuffs_base__make_status(NULL);
static inline wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_slice(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_memory) {
if (!pb) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_receiver);
memset(pb, 0, sizeof(*pb));
if (!pixcfg) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);
if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {
// TODO: support planar pixel formats, concious of pixel subsampling.
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);
uint32_t bits_per_pixel =
if ((bits_per_pixel == 0) || ((bits_per_pixel % 8) != 0)) {
// TODO: support fraction-of-byte pixels, e.g. 1 bit per pixel?
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);
uint64_t bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8;
uint8_t* ptr = pixbuf_memory.ptr;
uint64_t len = pixbuf_memory.len;
if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {
// chunk (1024 bytes = 256 palette entries × 4 bytes per entry) from the
// start of pixbuf_memory. We split from the start, not the end, so that
// the both chunks' pointers have the same alignment as the original
// pointer, up to an alignment of 1024.
return wuffs_base__make_status(
wuffs_base__table_u8* tab =
tab->ptr = ptr;
tab->height = 1;
uint64_t wh = ((uint64_t)pixcfg->private_impl.width) *
size_t width = (size_t)(pixcfg->private_impl.width);
if ((wh > (UINT64_MAX / bytes_per_pixel)) ||
(width > (SIZE_MAX / bytes_per_pixel))) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);
wh *= bytes_per_pixel;
width = ((size_t)(width * bytes_per_pixel));
if (wh > len) {
return wuffs_base__make_status(
pb->pixcfg = *pixcfg;
wuffs_base__table_u8* tab = &pb->private_impl.planes[0];
tab->ptr = ptr;
tab->width = width;
tab->height = pixcfg->private_impl.height;
tab->stride = width;
return wuffs_base__make_status(NULL);
// wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette returns the palette color data. If
// non-empty, it will have length
static inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb) {
if (pb &&
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&pb->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt)) {
wuffs_base__table_u8* tab =
if ((tab->width ==
(tab->height == 1)) {
return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(
return wuffs_base__empty_slice_u8();
static inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette_or_else(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 fallback) {
if (pb &&
wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&pb->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt)) {
wuffs_base__table_u8* tab =
if ((tab->width ==
(tab->height == 1)) {
return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(
return fallback;
static inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__pixel_format(const wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb) {
if (pb) {
return pb->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt;
return wuffs_base__make_pixel_format(WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INVALID);
static inline wuffs_base__table_u8 //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__plane(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb, uint32_t p) {
return pb->private_impl.planes[p];
wuffs_base__table_u8 ret;
ret.ptr = NULL;
ret.width = 0;
ret.height = 0;
ret.stride = 0;
return ret;
WUFFS_BASE__MAYBE_STATIC wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__color_u32_at(const wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y);
WUFFS_BASE__MAYBE_STATIC wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color);
WUFFS_BASE__MAYBE_STATIC wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 rect,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline wuffs_base__status //
const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg_arg,
wuffs_base__table_u8 primary_memory,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette_memory) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_interleaved(
this, pixcfg_arg, primary_memory, palette_memory);
inline wuffs_base__status //
const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg_arg,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_memory) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_slice(this, pixcfg_arg,
inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer::palette() {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette(this);
inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer::palette_or_else(wuffs_base__slice_u8 fallback) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette_or_else(this, fallback);
inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer::pixel_format() const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__pixel_format(this);
inline wuffs_base__table_u8 //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer::plane(uint32_t p) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__plane(this, p);
inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer::color_u32_at(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__color_u32_at(this, x, y);
inline wuffs_base__status //
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_color_u32_at(this, x, y, color);
inline wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 rect,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_color_u32_fill_rect(this, rect, color);
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
typedef struct wuffs_base__decode_frame_options__struct {
// Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI
// compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.
struct {
uint8_t TODO;
} private_impl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__decode_frame_options;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
// --------
// wuffs_base__pixel_palette__closest_element returns the index of the palette
// element that minimizes the sum of squared differences of the four ARGB
// channels, working in premultiplied alpha. Ties favor the smaller index.
// The palette_slice.len may equal (N*4), for N less than 256, which means that
// only the first N palette elements are considered. It returns 0 when N is 0.
// Applying this function on a per-pixel basis will not produce whole-of-image
// dithering.
wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette_slice,
wuffs_base__pixel_format palette_format,
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c);
// --------
// TODO: should the func type take restrict pointers?
typedef uint64_t (*wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func)(uint8_t* dst_ptr,
size_t dst_len,
uint8_t* dst_palette_ptr,
size_t dst_palette_len,
const uint8_t* src_ptr,
size_t src_len);
typedef uint64_t (*wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__transparent_black_func)(
uint8_t* dst_ptr,
size_t dst_len,
uint8_t* dst_palette_ptr,
size_t dst_palette_len,
uint64_t num_pixels,
uint32_t dst_pixfmt_bytes_per_pixel);
typedef struct wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__struct {
// Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI
// compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.
struct {
wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func func;
wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__transparent_black_func transparent_black_func;
uint32_t dst_pixfmt_bytes_per_pixel;
uint32_t src_pixfmt_bytes_per_pixel;
} private_impl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline wuffs_base__status prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_pixfmt,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,
wuffs_base__pixel_format src_pixfmt,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,
wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend);
inline uint64_t swizzle_interleaved_from_slice(
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) const;
#endif // __cplusplus
} wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler;
// wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare readies the pixel swizzler so that its
// other methods may be called.
// For modular builds that divide the base module into sub-modules, using this
// function requires the WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BASE__PIXCONV sub-module, not
WUFFS_BASE__MAYBE_STATIC wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,
wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_pixfmt,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,
wuffs_base__pixel_format src_pixfmt,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,
wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend);
// wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swizzle_interleaved_from_slice converts pixels
// from a source format to a destination format.
// For modular builds that divide the base module into sub-modules, using this
// function requires the WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BASE__PIXCONV sub-module, not
const wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 src);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline wuffs_base__status //
wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler::prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_pixfmt,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,
wuffs_base__pixel_format src_pixfmt,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,
wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {
return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare(this, dst_pixfmt, dst_palette,
src_pixfmt, src_palette, blend);
uint64_t //
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,
wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) const {
return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swizzle_interleaved_from_slice(
this, dst, dst_palette, src);
#endif // __cplusplus