Fix parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire comment typos
diff --git a/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-code.c b/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-code.c
index e6de026..16ed86b 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-code.c
+++ b/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-code.c
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
 // Preconditions:
 //  - man is non-zero.
-//  - exp10 is in the range -307 ..= 288, the same range of the
+//  - exp10 is in the range [-307 ..= 288], the same range of the
 //    wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 array.
 // The exp10 range (and the fact that man is in the range [1 ..= UINT64_MAX],
diff --git a/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-data.c b/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-data.c
index c36a22b..0bb006e 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-data.c
+++ b/internal/cgen/base/floatconv-submodule-data.c
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 // wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 contains truncated
 // approximations to the powers of 10, ranging from 1e-307 to 1e+288 inclusive,
-// as 637 uint32_t quintuples (128-bit mantissa, 32-bit base-2 exponent biased
+// as 596 uint32_t quintuples (128-bit mantissa, 32-bit base-2 exponent biased
 // by 0x04BE (which is 1214)). The array size is 596 * 5 = 2980.
 // The 1214 bias in this look-up table equals 1023 + 191. 1023 is the bias for
diff --git a/internal/cgen/data/data.go b/internal/cgen/data/data.go
index 869cb9d..5bc3861 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/data/data.go
+++ b/internal/cgen/data/data.go
@@ -385,13 +385,13 @@
 	"   upper_delta = +1;\n      } else if (hd != ud) {\n        // For example:\n        // h     = 12345???\n        // upper = 12346???\n        upper_delta = +0;\n      }\n    } else if (upper_delta == 0) {\n      if ((hd != 9) || (ud != 0)) {\n        // For example:\n        // h     = 1234598?\n        // upper = 1234600?\n        upper_delta = +1;\n      }\n    }\n\n    // We can round up if upper has a different digit than h and either upper\n    // is inclusive or upper is bigger than the result of rounding up.\n    bool can_round_up =\n        (upper_delta > 0) ||    //\n        ((upper_delta == 0) &&  //\n         (inclusive || ((ui + 1) < ((int32_t)(upper.num_digits)))));\n\n    // If we can round either way, round to nearest. If we can round only one\n    // way, do it. If we can't round, continue the loop.\n    if (can_round_down) {\n      if (can_round_up) {\n        wuffs_base__private_implementation__high_prec_dec__round_nearest(\n            h, hi + 1);\n        return;\n      } else {\n        wuffs_base__private_implementat" +
 	"ion__high_prec_dec__round_down(h,\n                                                                      hi + 1);\n        return;\n      }\n    } else {\n      if (can_round_up) {\n        wuffs_base__private_implementation__high_prec_dec__round_up(h, hi + 1);\n        return;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n" +
 	"" +
-	"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire produces\n// the IEEE 754 double-precision value for an exact mantissa and base-10\n// exponent. For example:\n//  - when parsing \"12345.678e+02\", man is 12345678 and exp10 is -1.\n//  - when parsing \"-12\", man is 12 and exp10 is 0. Processing the leading\n//    minus sign is the responsibility of the caller, not this function.\n//\n// On success, it returns a non-negative int64_t such that the low 63 bits hold\n// the 11-bit exponent and 52-bit mantissa.\n//\n// On failure, it returns a negative value.\n//\n// The algorithm is based on an original idea by Michael Eisel that was refined\n// by Daniel Lemire. See\n//\n//\n// Preconditions:\n//  - man is non-zero.\n//  - exp10 is in the range -307 ..= 288, the same range of the\n//    wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 array.\n//\n// The exp10 range (and the fact that man is in the range [1 ..= UINT64_MAX],\n// approximatel" +
-	"y [1 ..= 1.85e+19]) means that (man * (10 ** exp10)) is in the\n// range [1e-307 ..= 1.85e+307]. This is entirely within the range of normal\n// (neither subnormal nor non-finite) f64 values: DBL_MIN and DBL_MAX are\n// approximately 2.23e–308 and 1.80e+308.\nstatic int64_t  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire(\n    uint64_t man,\n    int32_t exp10) {\n  // Look up the (possibly truncated) base-2 representation of (10 ** exp10).\n  // The look-up table was constructed so that it is already normalized: the\n  // table entry's mantissa's MSB (most significant bit) is on.\n  const uint32_t* po10 =\n      &wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10[5 * (exp10 + 307)];\n\n  // Normalize the man argument. The (man != 0) precondition means that a\n  // non-zero bit exists.\n  uint32_t clz = wuffs_base__count_leading_zeroes_u64(man);\n  man <<= clz;\n\n  // Calculate the return value's base-2 exponent. We might tweak it by ±1\n  // later, but its initial value comes from the look-up table and c" +
-	"lz.\n  uint64_t ret_exp2 = ((uint64_t)po10[4]) - ((uint64_t)clz);\n\n  // Multiply the two mantissas. Normalization means that both mantissas are at\n  // least (1<<63), so the 128-bit product must be at least (1<<126). The high\n  // 64 bits of the product, x_hi, must therefore be at least (1<<62).\n  //\n  // As a consequence, x_hi has either 0 or 1 leading zeroes. Shifting x_hi\n  // right by either 9 or 10 bits (depending on x_hi's MSB) will therefore\n  // leave the top 10 MSBs (bits 54 ..= 63) off and the 11th MSB (bit 53) on.\n  wuffs_base__multiply_u64__output x = wuffs_base__multiply_u64(\n      man, ((uint64_t)po10[2]) | (((uint64_t)po10[3]) << 32));\n  uint64_t x_hi = x.hi;\n  uint64_t x_lo = x.lo;\n\n  // Before we shift right by at least 9 bits, recall that the look-up table\n  // entry was possibly truncated. We have so far only calculated a lower bound\n  // for the product (man * e), where e is (10 ** exp10). The upper bound would\n  // add a further (man * 1) to the 128-bit product, which overflows the lower\n " +
-	" // 64-bit limb if ((x_lo + man) < man).\n  //\n  // If overflow occurs, that adds 1 to x_hi. Since we're about to shift right\n  // by at least 9 bits, that carried 1 can be ignored unless the higher 64-bit\n  // limb's low 9 bits are all on.\n  if (((x_hi & 0x1FF) == 0x1FF) && ((x_lo + man) < man)) {\n    // Refine our calculation of (man * e). Before, our approximation of e used\n    // a \"low resolution\" 64-bit mantissa. Now use a \"high resolution\" 128-bit\n    // mantissa. We've already calculated x = (man * bits_0_to_63_incl_of_e).\n    // Now calculate y = (man * bits_64_to_127_incl_of_e).\n    wuffs_base__multiply_u64__output y = wuffs_base__multiply_u64(\n        man, ((uint64_t)po10[0]) | (((uint64_t)po10[1]) << 32));\n    uint64_t y_hi = y.hi;\n    uint64_t y_lo = y.lo;\n\n    // Merge the 128-bit x and 128-bit y, which overlap by 64 bits, to\n    // calculate the 192-bit product of the 64-bit man by the 128-bit e.\n    // As we exit this if-block, we only care about the high 128 bits\n    // (merged_hi and merged_l" +
-	"o) of that 192-bit product.\n    uint64_t merged_hi = x_hi;\n    uint64_t merged_lo = x_lo + y_hi;\n    if (merged_lo < x_lo) {\n      merged_hi++;  // Carry the overflow bit.\n    }\n\n    // The \"high resolution\" approximation of e is still a lower bound. Once\n    // again, see if the upper bound is large enough to produce a different\n    // result. This time, if it does, give up instead of reaching for an even\n    // more precise approximation to e.\n    //\n    // This three-part check is similar to the two-part check that guarded the\n    // if block that we're now in, but it has an extra term for the middle 64\n    // bits (checking that adding 1 to merged_lo would overflow).\n    if (((merged_hi & 0x1FF) == 0x1FF) && ((merged_lo + 1) == 0) &&\n        (y_lo + man < man)) {\n      return -1;\n    }\n\n    // Replace the 128-bit x with merged.\n    x_hi = merged_hi;\n    x_lo = merged_lo;\n  }\n\n  // As mentioned above, shifting x_hi right by either 9 or 10 bits will leave\n  // the top 10 MSBs (bits 54 ..= 63) off and the 11" +
-	"th MSB (bit 53) on. If the\n  // MSB (before shifting) was on, adjust ret_exp2 for the larger shift.\n  //\n  // Having bit 53 on (and higher bits off) means that ret_mantissa is a 54-bit\n  // number.\n  uint64_t msb = x_hi >> 63;\n  uint64_t ret_mantissa = x_hi >> (msb + 9);\n  ret_exp2 -= 1 ^ msb;\n\n  // IEEE 754 rounds to-nearest with ties rounded to-even. Rounding to-even can\n  // be tricky. If we're half-way between two exactly representable numbers\n  // (x's low 73 bits are zero and the next 2 bits that matter are \"01\"), give\n  // up instead of trying to pick the winner.\n  //\n  // Technically, we could tighten the condition by changing \"73\" to \"73 or 74,\n  // depending on msb\", but a flat \"73\" is simpler.\n  if ((x_lo == 0) && ((x_hi & 0x1FF) == 0) && ((ret_mantissa & 3) == 1)) {\n    return -1;\n  }\n\n  // If we're not halfway then it's rounding to-nearest. Starting with a 54-bit\n  // number, carry the lowest bit (bit 0) up if it's on. Regardless of whether\n  // it was on or off, shifting right by one then produc" +
-	"es a 53-bit number. If\n  // carrying up overflowed, shift again.\n  ret_mantissa += ret_mantissa & 1;\n  ret_mantissa >>= 1;\n  // This if block is equivalent to (but benchmarks slightly faster than) the\n  // following branchless form:\n  //    uint64_t overflow_adjustment = ret_mantissa >> 53;\n  //    ret_mantissa >>= overflow_adjustment;\n  //    ret_exp2 += overflow_adjustment;\n  if ((ret_mantissa >> 53) > 0) {\n    ret_mantissa >>= 1;\n    ret_exp2++;\n  }\n\n  // Starting with a 53-bit number, IEEE 754 double-precision normal numbers\n  // have an implicit mantissa bit. Mask that away and keep the low 52 bits.\n  ret_mantissa &= 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF;\n\n  // Pack the bits and return.\n  return ((int64_t)(ret_mantissa | (ret_exp2 << 52)));\n}\n\n" +
+	"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire produces\n// the IEEE 754 double-precision value for an exact mantissa and base-10\n// exponent. For example:\n//  - when parsing \"12345.678e+02\", man is 12345678 and exp10 is -1.\n//  - when parsing \"-12\", man is 12 and exp10 is 0. Processing the leading\n//    minus sign is the responsibility of the caller, not this function.\n//\n// On success, it returns a non-negative int64_t such that the low 63 bits hold\n// the 11-bit exponent and 52-bit mantissa.\n//\n// On failure, it returns a negative value.\n//\n// The algorithm is based on an original idea by Michael Eisel that was refined\n// by Daniel Lemire. See\n//\n//\n// Preconditions:\n//  - man is non-zero.\n//  - exp10 is in the range [-307 ..= 288], the same range of the\n//    wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 array.\n//\n// The exp10 range (and the fact that man is in the range [1 ..= UINT64_MAX],\n// approximat" +
+	"ely [1 ..= 1.85e+19]) means that (man * (10 ** exp10)) is in the\n// range [1e-307 ..= 1.85e+307]. This is entirely within the range of normal\n// (neither subnormal nor non-finite) f64 values: DBL_MIN and DBL_MAX are\n// approximately 2.23e–308 and 1.80e+308.\nstatic int64_t  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire(\n    uint64_t man,\n    int32_t exp10) {\n  // Look up the (possibly truncated) base-2 representation of (10 ** exp10).\n  // The look-up table was constructed so that it is already normalized: the\n  // table entry's mantissa's MSB (most significant bit) is on.\n  const uint32_t* po10 =\n      &wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10[5 * (exp10 + 307)];\n\n  // Normalize the man argument. The (man != 0) precondition means that a\n  // non-zero bit exists.\n  uint32_t clz = wuffs_base__count_leading_zeroes_u64(man);\n  man <<= clz;\n\n  // Calculate the return value's base-2 exponent. We might tweak it by ±1\n  // later, but its initial value comes from the look-up table and" +
+	" clz.\n  uint64_t ret_exp2 = ((uint64_t)po10[4]) - ((uint64_t)clz);\n\n  // Multiply the two mantissas. Normalization means that both mantissas are at\n  // least (1<<63), so the 128-bit product must be at least (1<<126). The high\n  // 64 bits of the product, x_hi, must therefore be at least (1<<62).\n  //\n  // As a consequence, x_hi has either 0 or 1 leading zeroes. Shifting x_hi\n  // right by either 9 or 10 bits (depending on x_hi's MSB) will therefore\n  // leave the top 10 MSBs (bits 54 ..= 63) off and the 11th MSB (bit 53) on.\n  wuffs_base__multiply_u64__output x = wuffs_base__multiply_u64(\n      man, ((uint64_t)po10[2]) | (((uint64_t)po10[3]) << 32));\n  uint64_t x_hi = x.hi;\n  uint64_t x_lo = x.lo;\n\n  // Before we shift right by at least 9 bits, recall that the look-up table\n  // entry was possibly truncated. We have so far only calculated a lower bound\n  // for the product (man * e), where e is (10 ** exp10). The upper bound would\n  // add a further (man * 1) to the 128-bit product, which overflows the lower" +
+	"\n  // 64-bit limb if ((x_lo + man) < man).\n  //\n  // If overflow occurs, that adds 1 to x_hi. Since we're about to shift right\n  // by at least 9 bits, that carried 1 can be ignored unless the higher 64-bit\n  // limb's low 9 bits are all on.\n  if (((x_hi & 0x1FF) == 0x1FF) && ((x_lo + man) < man)) {\n    // Refine our calculation of (man * e). Before, our approximation of e used\n    // a \"low resolution\" 64-bit mantissa. Now use a \"high resolution\" 128-bit\n    // mantissa. We've already calculated x = (man * bits_0_to_63_incl_of_e).\n    // Now calculate y = (man * bits_64_to_127_incl_of_e).\n    wuffs_base__multiply_u64__output y = wuffs_base__multiply_u64(\n        man, ((uint64_t)po10[0]) | (((uint64_t)po10[1]) << 32));\n    uint64_t y_hi = y.hi;\n    uint64_t y_lo = y.lo;\n\n    // Merge the 128-bit x and 128-bit y, which overlap by 64 bits, to\n    // calculate the 192-bit product of the 64-bit man by the 128-bit e.\n    // As we exit this if-block, we only care about the high 128 bits\n    // (merged_hi and merged" +
+	"_lo) of that 192-bit product.\n    uint64_t merged_hi = x_hi;\n    uint64_t merged_lo = x_lo + y_hi;\n    if (merged_lo < x_lo) {\n      merged_hi++;  // Carry the overflow bit.\n    }\n\n    // The \"high resolution\" approximation of e is still a lower bound. Once\n    // again, see if the upper bound is large enough to produce a different\n    // result. This time, if it does, give up instead of reaching for an even\n    // more precise approximation to e.\n    //\n    // This three-part check is similar to the two-part check that guarded the\n    // if block that we're now in, but it has an extra term for the middle 64\n    // bits (checking that adding 1 to merged_lo would overflow).\n    if (((merged_hi & 0x1FF) == 0x1FF) && ((merged_lo + 1) == 0) &&\n        (y_lo + man < man)) {\n      return -1;\n    }\n\n    // Replace the 128-bit x with merged.\n    x_hi = merged_hi;\n    x_lo = merged_lo;\n  }\n\n  // As mentioned above, shifting x_hi right by either 9 or 10 bits will leave\n  // the top 10 MSBs (bits 54 ..= 63) off and the " +
+	"11th MSB (bit 53) on. If the\n  // MSB (before shifting) was on, adjust ret_exp2 for the larger shift.\n  //\n  // Having bit 53 on (and higher bits off) means that ret_mantissa is a 54-bit\n  // number.\n  uint64_t msb = x_hi >> 63;\n  uint64_t ret_mantissa = x_hi >> (msb + 9);\n  ret_exp2 -= 1 ^ msb;\n\n  // IEEE 754 rounds to-nearest with ties rounded to-even. Rounding to-even can\n  // be tricky. If we're half-way between two exactly representable numbers\n  // (x's low 73 bits are zero and the next 2 bits that matter are \"01\"), give\n  // up instead of trying to pick the winner.\n  //\n  // Technically, we could tighten the condition by changing \"73\" to \"73 or 74,\n  // depending on msb\", but a flat \"73\" is simpler.\n  if ((x_lo == 0) && ((x_hi & 0x1FF) == 0) && ((ret_mantissa & 3) == 1)) {\n    return -1;\n  }\n\n  // If we're not halfway then it's rounding to-nearest. Starting with a 54-bit\n  // number, carry the lowest bit (bit 0) up if it's on. Regardless of whether\n  // it was on or off, shifting right by one then prod" +
+	"uces a 53-bit number. If\n  // carrying up overflowed, shift again.\n  ret_mantissa += ret_mantissa & 1;\n  ret_mantissa >>= 1;\n  // This if block is equivalent to (but benchmarks slightly faster than) the\n  // following branchless form:\n  //    uint64_t overflow_adjustment = ret_mantissa >> 53;\n  //    ret_mantissa >>= overflow_adjustment;\n  //    ret_exp2 += overflow_adjustment;\n  if ((ret_mantissa >> 53) > 0) {\n    ret_mantissa >>= 1;\n    ret_exp2++;\n  }\n\n  // Starting with a 53-bit number, IEEE 754 double-precision normal numbers\n  // have an implicit mantissa bit. Mask that away and keep the low 52 bits.\n  ret_mantissa &= 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF;\n\n  // Pack the bits and return.\n  return ((int64_t)(ret_mantissa | (ret_exp2 << 52)));\n}\n\n" +
 	"" +
 	"// --------\n\nstatic wuffs_base__result_f64  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_special(\n    wuffs_base__slice_u8 s,\n    uint32_t options) {\n  do {\n    if (options & WUFFS_BASE__PARSE_NUMBER_FXX__REJECT_INF_AND_NAN) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n\n    uint8_t* p = s.ptr;\n    uint8_t* q = s.ptr + s.len;\n\n    for (; (p < q) && (*p == '_'); p++) {\n    }\n    if (p >= q) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n\n    // Parse sign.\n    bool negative = false;\n    do {\n      if (*p == '+') {\n        p++;\n      } else if (*p == '-') {\n        negative = true;\n        p++;\n      } else {\n        break;\n      }\n      for (; (p < q) && (*p == '_'); p++) {\n      }\n    } while (0);\n    if (p >= q) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n\n    bool nan = false;\n    switch (p[0]) {\n      case 'I':\n      case 'i':\n        if (((q - p) < 3) ||                     //\n            ((p[1] != 'N') && (p[1] != 'n')) ||  //\n            ((p[2] != 'F') && (p[2] != 'f'))) {\n          goto fail;\n        }\n        p += 3;\n\n        if ((p >= q) || (*p == '_" +
 	"')) {\n          break;\n        } else if (((q - p) < 5) ||                     //\n                   ((p[0] != 'I') && (p[0] != 'i')) ||  //\n                   ((p[1] != 'N') && (p[1] != 'n')) ||  //\n                   ((p[2] != 'I') && (p[2] != 'i')) ||  //\n                   ((p[3] != 'T') && (p[3] != 't')) ||  //\n                   ((p[4] != 'Y') && (p[4] != 'y'))) {\n          goto fail;\n        }\n        p += 5;\n\n        if ((p >= q) || (*p == '_')) {\n          break;\n        }\n        goto fail;\n\n      case 'N':\n      case 'n':\n        if (((q - p) < 3) ||                     //\n            ((p[1] != 'A') && (p[1] != 'a')) ||  //\n            ((p[2] != 'N') && (p[2] != 'n'))) {\n          goto fail;\n        }\n        p += 3;\n\n        if ((p >= q) || (*p == '_')) {\n          nan = true;\n          break;\n        }\n        goto fail;\n\n      default:\n        goto fail;\n    }\n\n    // Finish.\n    for (; (p < q) && (*p == '_'); p++) {\n    }\n    if (p != q) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n" +
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
 	"5, 0, 0, 6, 2, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 9, 4, 5, 2, 6, 6, 7, 2, 3, 6, 3, 2, 8, 1, 2,\n    5, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 4, 9, 2, 5, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 8, 0, 8, 4, 7, 2, 6,\n    3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 8, 1, 6, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 6, 2,\n    5, 1, 5, 6, 5, 4, 0, 4, 2, 3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 6, 8, 0, 9, 0, 8, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2,\n    5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 2, 7, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 1, 5,\n    8, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5, 4, 1, 0, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 6, 1, 5,\n    6, 2, 8, 9, 1, 3, 5, 1, 0, 5, 9, 0, 7, 9, 1, 7, 0, 2, 2, 7, 0, 5, 0, 7, 8,\n    1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 8, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 0, 7, 8, 1, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 5, 2, 9,\n    5, 3, 9, 5, 8, 5, 1, 1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 3, 9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 6, 9, 3, 8, 8, 9, 3,\n    9, 0, 3, 9, 0, 7, 2, 2, 8, 3, 7, 7, 6, 4, 7, 6, 9, 7, 9, 2, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6,\n    2, 6, 9, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 9, 4, 4, 6, 9, 5, 1, 9, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1,\n    8, 8, 8, 2, 3, 8, 4, 8, 9, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3, 8, 1, 3, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1,\n    7, 3, 4, 7, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 9, 7, 6, 8, 0, 7, 0, 9, 4, 4, 1, 1, 9, 2, 4, 4,\n " +
 	"   8, 1, 3, 9, 1, 9, 0, 6, 7, 3, 8, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 8, 6, 7, 3, 6, 1, 7, 3, 7,\n    9, 8, 8, 4, 0, 3, 5, 4, 7, 2, 0, 5, 9, 6, 2, 2, 4, 0, 6, 9, 5, 9, 5, 3, 3,\n    6, 9, 1, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5,\n};\n\n" +
 	"" +
-	"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 contains truncated\n// approximations to the powers of 10, ranging from 1e-307 to 1e+288 inclusive,\n// as 637 uint32_t quintuples (128-bit mantissa, 32-bit base-2 exponent biased\n// by 0x04BE (which is 1214)). The array size is 596 * 5 = 2980.\n//\n// The 1214 bias in this look-up table equals 1023 + 191. 1023 is the bias for\n// IEEE 754 double-precision floating point. 191 is ((3 * 64) - 1) and\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire works with\n// multiples-of-64-bit mantissas.\n//\n// For example, the third approximation, for 1e-305, consists of the uint32_t\n// quintuple (0xFE94DE87, 0x331ACDAB, 0x29ABA83C, 0xE0B62E29, 0x0049,). The\n// first four form a little-endian uint128_t value. The last one is an int32_t\n// value: -1140. Together, they represent the approximation to 1e-324:\n//   0xE0B62E29_29ABA83C_331ACDAB_FE94DE87 * (2 ** (0x0049 - 0x04BE))\n//\n// Similarly, 1e+4 is approximated by the uint64_t quintuple\n// (0x00" +
+	"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 contains truncated\n// approximations to the powers of 10, ranging from 1e-307 to 1e+288 inclusive,\n// as 596 uint32_t quintuples (128-bit mantissa, 32-bit base-2 exponent biased\n// by 0x04BE (which is 1214)). The array size is 596 * 5 = 2980.\n//\n// The 1214 bias in this look-up table equals 1023 + 191. 1023 is the bias for\n// IEEE 754 double-precision floating point. 191 is ((3 * 64) - 1) and\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__parse_number_f64_eisel_lemire works with\n// multiples-of-64-bit mantissas.\n//\n// For example, the third approximation, for 1e-305, consists of the uint32_t\n// quintuple (0xFE94DE87, 0x331ACDAB, 0x29ABA83C, 0xE0B62E29, 0x0049,). The\n// first four form a little-endian uint128_t value. The last one is an int32_t\n// value: -1140. Together, they represent the approximation to 1e-324:\n//   0xE0B62E29_29ABA83C_331ACDAB_FE94DE87 * (2 ** (0x0049 - 0x04BE))\n//\n// Similarly, 1e+4 is approximated by the uint64_t quintuple\n// (0x00" +
 	"000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x9C400000, 0x044C) which means:\n//   0x9C400000_00000000_00000000_00000000 * (2 ** (0x044C - 0x04BE))\n//\n// Similarly, 1e+68 is approximated by the uint64_t quintuple\n// (0x63EE4BDD, 0x4CA7AAA8, 0xD4C4FB27, 0xED63A231, 0x0520) which means:\n//   0xED63A231_D4C4FB27.4CA7AAA8_63EE4BDD * (2 ** (0x0520 - 0x04BE))\n//\n// This table was generated by by script/print-mpb-powers-of-10.go\nstatic const uint32_t wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10[2980] = {\n    0x79F8E056, 0xA5D3B6D4, 0x06306BAB, 0x8FD0C162, 0x0043,  // 1e-307\n    0x9877186C, 0x8F48A489, 0x87BC8696, 0xB3C4F1BA, 0x0046,  // 1e-306\n    0xFE94DE87, 0x331ACDAB, 0x29ABA83C, 0xE0B62E29, 0x0049,  // 1e-305\n    0x7F1D0B14, 0x9FF0C08B, 0xBA0B4925, 0x8C71DCD9, 0x004D,  // 1e-304\n    0x5EE44DD9, 0x07ECF0AE, 0x288E1B6F, 0xAF8E5410, 0x0050,  // 1e-303\n    0xF69D6150, 0xC9E82CD9, 0x32B1A24A, 0xDB71E914, 0x0053,  // 1e-302\n    0x3A225CD2, 0xBE311C08, 0x9FAF056E, 0x892731AC, 0x0057,  // 1e-301\n    0x48AAF406, 0x6DBD630A, 0xC79" +
 	"AC6CA, 0xAB70FE17, 0x005A,  // 1e-300\n    0xDAD5B108, 0x092CBBCC, 0xB981787D, 0xD64D3D9D, 0x005D,  // 1e-299\n    0x08C58EA5, 0x25BBF560, 0x93F0EB4E, 0x85F04682, 0x0061,  // 1e-298\n    0x0AF6F24E, 0xAF2AF2B8, 0x38ED2621, 0xA76C5823, 0x0064,  // 1e-297\n    0x0DB4AEE1, 0x1AF5AF66, 0x07286FAA, 0xD1476E2C, 0x0067,  // 1e-296\n    0xC890ED4D, 0x50D98D9F, 0x847945CA, 0x82CCA4DB, 0x006B,  // 1e-295\n    0xBAB528A0, 0xE50FF107, 0x6597973C, 0xA37FCE12, 0x006E,  // 1e-294\n    0xA96272C8, 0x1E53ED49, 0xFEFD7D0C, 0xCC5FC196, 0x0071,  // 1e-293\n    0x13BB0F7A, 0x25E8E89C, 0xBEBCDC4F, 0xFF77B1FC, 0x0074,  // 1e-292\n    0x8C54E9AC, 0x77B19161, 0xF73609B1, 0x9FAACF3D, 0x0078,  // 1e-291\n    0xEF6A2417, 0xD59DF5B9, 0x75038C1D, 0xC795830D, 0x007B,  // 1e-290\n    0x6B44AD1D, 0x4B057328, 0xD2446F25, 0xF97AE3D0, 0x007E,  // 1e-289\n    0x430AEC32, 0x4EE367F9, 0x836AC577, 0x9BECCE62, 0x0082,  // 1e-288\n    0x93CDA73F, 0x229C41F7, 0x244576D5, 0xC2E801FB, 0x0085,  // 1e-287\n    0x78C1110F, 0x6B435275, 0xED56D48A, 0xF3A20279, 0x0088,  //" +
 	" 1e-286\n    0x6B78AAA9, 0x830A1389, 0x345644D6, 0x9845418C, 0x008C,  // 1e-285\n    0xC656D553, 0x23CC986B, 0x416BD60C, 0xBE5691EF, 0x008F,  // 1e-284\n    0xB7EC8AA8, 0x2CBFBE86, 0x11C6CB8F, 0xEDEC366B, 0x0092,  // 1e-283\n    0x32F3D6A9, 0x7BF7D714, 0xEB1C3F39, 0x94B3A202, 0x0096,  // 1e-282\n    0x3FB0CC53, 0xDAF5CCD9, 0xA5E34F07, 0xB9E08A83, 0x0099,  // 1e-281\n    0x8F9CFF68, 0xD1B3400F, 0x8F5C22C9, 0xE858AD24, 0x009C,  // 1e-280\n    0xB9C21FA1, 0x23100809, 0xD99995BE, 0x91376C36, 0x00A0,  // 1e-279\n    0x2832A78A, 0xABD40A0C, 0x8FFFFB2D, 0xB5854744, 0x00A3,  // 1e-278\n    0x323F516C, 0x16C90C8F, 0xB3FFF9F9, 0xE2E69915, 0x00A6,  // 1e-277\n    0x7F6792E3, 0xAE3DA7D9, 0x907FFC3B, 0x8DD01FAD, 0x00AA,  // 1e-276\n    0xDF41779C, 0x99CD11CF, 0xF49FFB4A, 0xB1442798, 0x00AD,  // 1e-275\n    0xD711D583, 0x40405643, 0x31C7FA1D, 0xDD95317F, 0x00B0,  // 1e-274\n    0x666B2572, 0x482835EA, 0x7F1CFC52, 0x8A7D3EEF, 0x00B4,  // 1e-273\n    0x0005EECF, 0xDA324365, 0x5EE43B66, 0xAD1C8EAB, 0x00B7,  // 1e-272\n    0x40076A82, 0x90BE" +
diff --git a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
index 394946b..858edf6 100644
--- a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
+++ b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
@@ -9987,7 +9987,7 @@
 // wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 contains truncated
 // approximations to the powers of 10, ranging from 1e-307 to 1e+288 inclusive,
-// as 637 uint32_t quintuples (128-bit mantissa, 32-bit base-2 exponent biased
+// as 596 uint32_t quintuples (128-bit mantissa, 32-bit base-2 exponent biased
 // by 0x04BE (which is 1214)). The array size is 596 * 5 = 2980.
 // The 1214 bias in this look-up table equals 1023 + 191. 1023 is the bias for
@@ -11580,7 +11580,7 @@
 // Preconditions:
 //  - man is non-zero.
-//  - exp10 is in the range -307 ..= 288, the same range of the
+//  - exp10 is in the range [-307 ..= 288], the same range of the
 //    wuffs_base__private_implementation__powers_of_10 array.
 // The exp10 range (and the fact that man is in the range [1 ..= UINT64_MAX],