Update (#660)

* Update
 * improve q=1 compression on small files
 * fix "left shift before promotion"
 * fix osx Travis builds
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 78495d0..6ec786c 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -117,8 +117,10 @@
     - os: osx
       env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake C_COMPILER=gcc-6 CXX_COMPILER=g++-6
     - os: osx
-      osx_image: beta-xcode6.2
-      env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake C_COMPILER=gcc-4.4 CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.4
+      env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake C_COMPILER=gcc-4.9 CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.9
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode9.3
+      env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake
     ## Python 2.7 OS X build (using the system /usr/bin/python)
diff --git a/c/enc/compress_fragment_two_pass.c b/c/enc/compress_fragment_two_pass.c
index b8bd6e8..f8a5606 100644
--- a/c/enc/compress_fragment_two_pass.c
+++ b/c/enc/compress_fragment_two_pass.c
@@ -39,26 +39,29 @@
    * The number has been tuned heuristically against compression benchmarks. */
 static const uint32_t kHashMul32 = 0x1E35A7BD;
-static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t Hash(const uint8_t* p, size_t shift) {
-  const uint64_t h = (BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(p) << 16) * kHashMul32;
+static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t Hash(const uint8_t* p,
+    size_t shift, size_t length) {
+  const uint64_t h =
+      (BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(p) << ((8 - length) * 8)) * kHashMul32;
   return (uint32_t)(h >> shift);
-static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t HashBytesAtOffset(
-    uint64_t v, int offset, size_t shift) {
-  BROTLI_DCHECK(offset >= 0);
-  BROTLI_DCHECK(offset <= 2);
+static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t HashBytesAtOffset(uint64_t v, size_t offset,
+    size_t shift, size_t length) {
+  BROTLI_DCHECK(offset <= 8 - length);
-    const uint64_t h = ((v >> (8 * offset)) << 16) * kHashMul32;
+    const uint64_t h = ((v >> (8 * offset)) << ((8 - length) * 8)) * kHashMul32;
     return (uint32_t)(h >> shift);
-static BROTLI_INLINE BROTLI_BOOL IsMatch(const uint8_t* p1, const uint8_t* p2) {
-  return TO_BROTLI_BOOL(
-      BrotliUnalignedRead32(p1) == BrotliUnalignedRead32(p2) &&
-      p1[4] == p2[4] &&
-      p1[5] == p2[5]);
+static BROTLI_INLINE BROTLI_BOOL IsMatch(const uint8_t* p1, const uint8_t* p2,
+    size_t length) {
+  if (BrotliUnalignedRead32(p1) == BrotliUnalignedRead32(p2)) {
+    if (length == 4) return BROTLI_TRUE;
+    return TO_BROTLI_BOOL(p1[4] == p2[4] && p1[5] == p2[5]);
+  }
+  return BROTLI_FALSE;
 /* Builds a command and distance prefix code (each 64 symbols) into "depth" and
@@ -235,7 +238,8 @@
 static BROTLI_INLINE void CreateCommands(const uint8_t* input,
     size_t block_size, size_t input_size, const uint8_t* base_ip, int* table,
-    size_t table_bits, uint8_t** literals, uint32_t** commands) {
+    size_t table_bits, size_t min_match,
+    uint8_t** literals, uint32_t** commands) {
   /* "ip" is the input pointer. */
   const uint8_t* ip = input;
   const size_t shift = 64u - table_bits;
@@ -247,19 +251,18 @@
   int last_distance = -1;
   const size_t kInputMarginBytes = BROTLI_WINDOW_GAP;
-  const size_t kMinMatchLen = 6;
   if (BROTLI_PREDICT_TRUE(block_size >= kInputMarginBytes)) {
     /* For the last block, we need to keep a 16 bytes margin so that we can be
        sure that all distances are at most window size - 16.
        For all other blocks, we only need to keep a margin of 5 bytes so that
        we don't go over the block size with a copy. */
-    const size_t len_limit = BROTLI_MIN(size_t, block_size - kMinMatchLen,
+    const size_t len_limit = BROTLI_MIN(size_t, block_size - min_match,
                                         input_size - kInputMarginBytes);
     const uint8_t* ip_limit = input + len_limit;
     uint32_t next_hash;
-    for (next_hash = Hash(++ip, shift); ; ) {
+    for (next_hash = Hash(++ip, shift, min_match); ; ) {
       /* Step 1: Scan forward in the input looking for a 6-byte-long match.
          If we get close to exhausting the input then goto emit_remainder.
@@ -286,14 +289,14 @@
         uint32_t hash = next_hash;
         uint32_t bytes_between_hash_lookups = skip++ >> 5;
         ip = next_ip;
-        BROTLI_DCHECK(hash == Hash(ip, shift));
+        BROTLI_DCHECK(hash == Hash(ip, shift, min_match));
         next_ip = ip + bytes_between_hash_lookups;
         if (BROTLI_PREDICT_FALSE(next_ip > ip_limit)) {
           goto emit_remainder;
-        next_hash = Hash(next_ip, shift);
+        next_hash = Hash(next_ip, shift, min_match);
         candidate = ip - last_distance;
-        if (IsMatch(ip, candidate)) {
+        if (IsMatch(ip, candidate, min_match)) {
           if (BROTLI_PREDICT_TRUE(candidate < ip)) {
             table[hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip);
@@ -304,7 +307,7 @@
         BROTLI_DCHECK(candidate < ip);
         table[hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip);
-      } while (BROTLI_PREDICT_TRUE(!IsMatch(ip, candidate)));
+      } while (BROTLI_PREDICT_TRUE(!IsMatch(ip, candidate, min_match)));
       /* Check copy distance. If candidate is not feasible, continue search.
          Checking is done outside of hot loop to reduce overhead. */
@@ -319,8 +322,9 @@
         /* We have a 6-byte match at ip, and we need to emit bytes in
            [next_emit, ip). */
         const uint8_t* base = ip;
-        size_t matched = 6 + FindMatchLengthWithLimit(
-            candidate + 6, ip + 6, (size_t)(ip_end - ip) - 6);
+        size_t matched = min_match + FindMatchLengthWithLimit(
+            candidate + min_match, ip + min_match,
+            (size_t)(ip_end - ip) - min_match);
         int distance = (int)(base - candidate);  /* > 0 */
         int insert = (int)(base - next_emit);
         ip += matched;
@@ -345,32 +349,47 @@
           /* We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve
              compression we first update "table" with the hashes of some
              positions within the last copy. */
-          uint64_t input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 5);
-          uint32_t prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift);
+          uint64_t input_bytes;
           uint32_t cur_hash;
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 5);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 4);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 3);
-          input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 2);
-          cur_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 2);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 1);
+          uint32_t prev_hash;
+          if (min_match == 4) {
+            input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 3);
+            cur_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 3, shift, min_match);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 3);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 2);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 1);
+          } else {
+            input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 5);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 5);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 4);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 3);
+            input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 2);
+            cur_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 2);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 1);
+          }
           candidate = base_ip + table[cur_hash];
           table[cur_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip);
-      while (ip - candidate <= MAX_DISTANCE && IsMatch(ip, candidate)) {
+      while (ip - candidate <= MAX_DISTANCE &&
+          IsMatch(ip, candidate, min_match)) {
         /* We have a 6-byte match at ip, and no need to emit any
            literal bytes prior to ip. */
         const uint8_t* base = ip;
-        size_t matched = 6 + FindMatchLengthWithLimit(
-            candidate + 6, ip + 6, (size_t)(ip_end - ip) - 6);
+        size_t matched = min_match + FindMatchLengthWithLimit(
+            candidate + min_match, ip + min_match,
+            (size_t)(ip_end - ip) - min_match);
         ip += matched;
         last_distance = (int)(base - candidate);  /* > 0 */
         BROTLI_DCHECK(0 == memcmp(base, candidate, matched));
@@ -385,27 +404,40 @@
           /* We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve
              compression we first update "table" with the hashes of some
              positions within the last copy. */
-          uint64_t input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 5);
-          uint32_t prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift);
+          uint64_t input_bytes;
           uint32_t cur_hash;
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 5);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 4);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 3);
-          input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 2);
-          cur_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 2);
-          prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift);
-          table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 1);
+          uint32_t prev_hash;
+          if (min_match == 4) {
+            input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 3);
+            cur_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 3, shift, min_match);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 3);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 2);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 1);
+          } else {
+            input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 5);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 5);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 4);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 3);
+            input_bytes = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD64LE(ip - 2);
+            cur_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 2);
+            prev_hash = HashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match);
+            table[prev_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip - 1);
+          }
           candidate = base_ip + table[cur_hash];
           table[cur_hash] = (int)(ip - base_ip);
-      next_hash = Hash(++ip, shift);
+      next_hash = Hash(++ip, shift, min_match);
@@ -525,7 +557,8 @@
 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliCompressFragmentTwoPassImpl(
     MemoryManager* m, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_size,
     BROTLI_BOOL is_last, uint32_t* command_buf, uint8_t* literal_buf,
-    int* table, size_t table_bits, size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {
+    int* table, size_t table_bits, size_t min_match,
+    size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {
   /* Save the start of the first block for position and distance computations.
   const uint8_t* base_ip = input;
@@ -537,8 +570,8 @@
     uint32_t* commands = command_buf;
     uint8_t* literals = literal_buf;
     size_t num_literals;
-    CreateCommands(input, block_size, input_size, base_ip, table, table_bits,
-                   &literals, &commands);
+    CreateCommands(input, block_size, input_size, base_ip, table,
+                   table_bits, min_match, &literals, &commands);
     num_literals = (size_t)(literals - literal_buf);
     if (ShouldCompress(input, block_size, num_literals)) {
       const size_t num_commands = (size_t)(commands - command_buf);
@@ -567,8 +600,9 @@
     MemoryManager* m, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_size,                 \
     BROTLI_BOOL is_last, uint32_t* command_buf, uint8_t* literal_buf,          \
     int* table, size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage) {                        \
+  size_t min_match = (B <= 15) ? 4 : 6;                                        \
   BrotliCompressFragmentTwoPassImpl(m, input, input_size, is_last, command_buf,\
-      literal_buf, table, B, storage_ix, storage);                             \
+      literal_buf, table, B, min_match, storage_ix, storage);                  \
diff --git a/c/enc/encode.c b/c/enc/encode.c
index 4bf0cb4..7b02401 100644
--- a/c/enc/encode.c
+++ b/c/enc/encode.c
@@ -882,7 +882,8 @@
   Command* last_command = &s->commands_[s->num_commands_ - 1];
   const uint8_t* data = s->ringbuffer_.buffer_;
   const uint32_t mask = s->ringbuffer_.mask_;
-  uint64_t max_backward_distance = (1u << s->params.lgwin) - BROTLI_WINDOW_GAP;
+  uint64_t max_backward_distance =
+      (((uint64_t)1) << s->params.lgwin) - BROTLI_WINDOW_GAP;
   uint64_t last_copy_len = last_command->copy_len_ & 0x1FFFFFF;
   uint64_t last_processed_pos = s->last_processed_pos_ - last_copy_len;
   uint64_t max_distance = last_processed_pos < max_backward_distance ?
diff --git a/c/tools/brotli.c b/c/tools/brotli.c
index a122080..ea4fdac 100644
--- a/c/tools/brotli.c
+++ b/c/tools/brotli.c
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
   return is_ok;
-static const size_t kFileBufferSize = 1 << 16;
+static const size_t kFileBufferSize = 1 << 19;
 static void InitializeBuffers(Context* context) {
   context->available_in = 0;
diff --git a/scripts/.travis.sh b/scripts/.travis.sh
index 18cd7b0..579856a 100755
--- a/scripts/.travis.sh
+++ b/scripts/.travis.sh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 		case "${CC}" in
-			which ${CC} || brew install homebrew/versions/gcc$(echo "${CC#*-}" | sed 's/\.//')
+			which ${CC} || brew install $(echo "${CC}" | sed 's/\-/@/') || brew link --overwrite $(echo "${CC}" | sed 's/\-/@/')