blob: 82f35a9f2c39bbbff495ab4af11b0d4da4034d4e [file] [log] [blame]
:: Find python from an explicit location relative to the Emscripten SDK.
@IF EXIST "%~dp0python\\python-2.7.13.amd64\python.exe" (
@SET EMSDK_PY="%~dp0python\\python-2.7.13.amd64\python.exe"
@GOTO end
@IF EXIST "%~dp0python\\python-2.7.13\python.exe" (
@SET EMSDK_PY="%~dp0python\\python-2.7.13\python.exe"
@GOTO end
@IF EXIST "%~dp0python\\python.exe" (
@SET EMSDK_PY="%~dp0python\\python.exe"
@GOTO end
@IF EXIST "%~dp0python\\python.exe" (
@SET EMSDK_PY="%~dp0python\\python.exe"
@GOTO end
@IF EXIST "%~dp0python\2.7.5_64bit\python.exe" (
@SET EMSDK_PY="%~dp0python\2.7.5_64bit\python.exe"
@GOTO end
@IF EXIST "%~dp0python\\python.exe" (
@SET EMSDK_PY="%~dp0python\\python.exe"
@GOTO end
:: As a last resort, access from PATH.
@SET EMSDK_PY=python
@call %EMSDK_PY% "%~dp0\" %*
@set EMSDK_PY=
:: python is not able to set environment variables to the parent calling process, so
:: therefore have it craft a .bat file, which we invoke after finishing python execution,
:: to set up the environment variables
@IF EXIST emsdk_set_env.bat (
@CALL emsdk_set_env.bat > NUL
@DEL /F /Q emsdk_set_env.bat