blob: 88df6fac980e4687571417c5461c144ecee2962b [file] [log] [blame]
import {
} from '../../utils/helpers/arrays';
import Matrix from '../../3rd_party/transformation-matrix';
function CanvasContext() {
this.opacity = -1;
this.transform = createTypedArray('float32', 16);
this.fillStyle = '';
this.strokeStyle = '';
this.lineWidth = '';
this.lineCap = '';
this.lineJoin = '';
this.miterLimit = ''; = Math.random();
function CVContextData() {
this.stack = [];
this.cArrPos = 0;
this.cTr = new Matrix();
var i;
var len = 15;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
var canvasContext = new CanvasContext();
this.stack[i] = canvasContext;
this._length = len;
this.nativeContext = null;
this.transformMat = new Matrix();
this.currentOpacity = 1;
this.currentFillStyle = '';
this.appliedFillStyle = '';
this.currentStrokeStyle = '';
this.appliedStrokeStyle = '';
this.currentLineWidth = '';
this.appliedLineWidth = '';
this.currentLineCap = '';
this.appliedLineCap = '';
this.currentLineJoin = '';
this.appliedLineJoin = '';
this.appliedMiterLimit = '';
this.currentMiterLimit = '';
CVContextData.prototype.duplicate = function () {
var newLength = this._length * 2;
var i = 0;
for (i = this._length; i < newLength; i += 1) {
this.stack[i] = new CanvasContext();
this._length = newLength;
CVContextData.prototype.reset = function () {
this.cArrPos = 0;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].opacity = 1;
CVContextData.prototype.restore = function (forceRestore) {
this.cArrPos -= 1;
var currentContext = this.stack[this.cArrPos];
var transform = currentContext.transform;
var i;
var arr = this.cTr.props;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {
arr[i] = transform[i];
if (forceRestore) {
var prevStack = this.stack[this.cArrPos + 1];
this.appliedFillStyle = prevStack.fillStyle;
this.appliedStrokeStyle = prevStack.strokeStyle;
this.appliedLineWidth = prevStack.lineWidth;
this.appliedLineCap = prevStack.lineCap;
this.appliedLineJoin = prevStack.lineJoin;
this.appliedMiterLimit = prevStack.miterLimit;
this.nativeContext.setTransform(transform[0], transform[1], transform[4], transform[5], transform[12], transform[13]);
if (forceRestore || (currentContext.opacity !== -1 && this.currentOpacity !== currentContext.opacity)) {
this.nativeContext.globalAlpha = currentContext.opacity;
this.currentOpacity = currentContext.opacity;
this.currentFillStyle = currentContext.fillStyle;
this.currentStrokeStyle = currentContext.strokeStyle;
this.currentLineWidth = currentContext.lineWidth;
this.currentLineCap = currentContext.lineCap;
this.currentLineJoin = currentContext.lineJoin;
this.currentMiterLimit = currentContext.miterLimit;
}; = function (saveOnNativeFlag) {
if (saveOnNativeFlag) {;
var props = this.cTr.props;
if (this._length <= this.cArrPos) {
var currentStack = this.stack[this.cArrPos];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {
currentStack.transform[i] = props[i];
this.cArrPos += 1;
var newStack = this.stack[this.cArrPos];
newStack.opacity = currentStack.opacity;
newStack.fillStyle = currentStack.fillStyle;
newStack.strokeStyle = currentStack.strokeStyle;
newStack.lineWidth = currentStack.lineWidth;
newStack.lineCap = currentStack.lineCap;
newStack.lineJoin = currentStack.lineJoin;
newStack.miterLimit = currentStack.miterLimit;
CVContextData.prototype.setOpacity = function (value) {
this.stack[this.cArrPos].opacity = value;
CVContextData.prototype.setContext = function (value) {
this.nativeContext = value;
CVContextData.prototype.fillStyle = function (value) {
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].fillStyle !== value) {
this.currentFillStyle = value;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].fillStyle = value;
CVContextData.prototype.strokeStyle = function (value) {
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].strokeStyle !== value) {
this.currentStrokeStyle = value;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].strokeStyle = value;
CVContextData.prototype.lineWidth = function (value) {
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].lineWidth !== value) {
this.currentLineWidth = value;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].lineWidth = value;
CVContextData.prototype.lineCap = function (value) {
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].lineCap !== value) {
this.currentLineCap = value;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].lineCap = value;
CVContextData.prototype.lineJoin = function (value) {
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].lineJoin !== value) {
this.currentLineJoin = value;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].lineJoin = value;
CVContextData.prototype.miterLimit = function (value) {
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].miterLimit !== value) {
this.currentMiterLimit = value;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].miterLimit = value;
CVContextData.prototype.transform = function (props) {
// Taking the last transform value from the stored stack of transforms
var currentTransform = this.cTr;
// Applying the last transform value after the new transform to respect the order of transformations
// Storing the new transformed value in the stored transform
var trProps = currentTransform.props;
// Applying the new transform to the canvas
this.nativeContext.setTransform(trProps[0], trProps[1], trProps[4], trProps[5], trProps[12], trProps[13]);
CVContextData.prototype.opacity = function (op) {
var currentOpacity = this.stack[this.cArrPos].opacity;
currentOpacity *= op < 0 ? 0 : op;
if (this.stack[this.cArrPos].opacity !== currentOpacity) {
if (this.currentOpacity !== op) {
this.nativeContext.globalAlpha = op;
this.currentOpacity = op;
this.stack[this.cArrPos].opacity = currentOpacity;
CVContextData.prototype.fill = function (rule) {
if (this.appliedFillStyle !== this.currentFillStyle) {
this.appliedFillStyle = this.currentFillStyle;
this.nativeContext.fillStyle = this.appliedFillStyle;
CVContextData.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, w, h) {
if (this.appliedFillStyle !== this.currentFillStyle) {
this.appliedFillStyle = this.currentFillStyle;
this.nativeContext.fillStyle = this.appliedFillStyle;
this.nativeContext.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
CVContextData.prototype.stroke = function () {
if (this.appliedStrokeStyle !== this.currentStrokeStyle) {
this.appliedStrokeStyle = this.currentStrokeStyle;
this.nativeContext.strokeStyle = this.appliedStrokeStyle;
if (this.appliedLineWidth !== this.currentLineWidth) {
this.appliedLineWidth = this.currentLineWidth;
this.nativeContext.lineWidth = this.appliedLineWidth;
if (this.appliedLineCap !== this.currentLineCap) {
this.appliedLineCap = this.currentLineCap;
this.nativeContext.lineCap = this.appliedLineCap;
if (this.appliedLineJoin !== this.currentLineJoin) {
this.appliedLineJoin = this.currentLineJoin;
this.nativeContext.lineJoin = this.appliedLineJoin;
if (this.appliedMiterLimit !== this.currentMiterLimit) {
this.appliedMiterLimit = this.currentMiterLimit;
this.nativeContext.miterLimit = this.appliedMiterLimit;
export default CVContextData;