blob: 3b9ce86a5b4686326f1fee5a7e783ca415711d53 [file] [log] [blame]
function HShapeElement(data, globalData, comp) {
// List of drawable elements
this.shapes = [];
// Full shape data
this.shapesData = data.shapes;
// List of styles that will be applied to shapes
this.stylesList = [];
// List of modifiers that will be applied to shapes
this.shapeModifiers = [];
// List of items in shape tree
this.itemsData = [];
// List of items in previous shape tree
this.processedElements = [];
// List of animated components
this.animatedContents = [];
this.shapesContainer = createNS('g');
this.initElement(data, globalData, comp);
// Moving any property that doesn't get too much access after initialization because of v8 way of handling more than 10 properties.
// List of elements that have been created
this.prevViewData = [];
this.currentBBox = {
x: 999999,
y: -999999,
h: 0,
w: 0,
extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HSolidElement, SVGShapeElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement], HShapeElement);
HShapeElement.prototype._renderShapeFrame = HShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent;
HShapeElement.prototype.createContent = function () {
var cont; = 0;
if ( {
cont = this.svgElement;
} else {
cont = createNS('svg');
var size = ? : this.globalData.compSize;
cont.setAttribute('width', size.w);
cont.setAttribute('height', size.h);
this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.shapesContainer, 0, [], true);
this.shapeCont = cont;
HShapeElement.prototype.getTransformedPoint = function (transformers, point) {
var i,
len = transformers.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
point = transformers[i].mProps.v.applyToPointArray(point[0], point[1], 0);
return point;
HShapeElement.prototype.calculateShapeBoundingBox = function (item, boundingBox) {
var shape =;
var transformers = item.transformers;
var i,
len = shape._length,
if (len <= 1) {
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i += 1) {
vPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.v[i]);
oPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.o[i]);
nextIPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.i[i + 1]);
nextVPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.v[i + 1]);
this.checkBounds(vPoint, oPoint, nextIPoint, nextVPoint, boundingBox);
if (shape.c) {
vPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.v[i]);
oPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.o[i]);
nextIPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.i[0]);
nextVPoint = this.getTransformedPoint(transformers, shape.v[0]);
this.checkBounds(vPoint, oPoint, nextIPoint, nextVPoint, boundingBox);
HShapeElement.prototype.checkBounds = function (vPoint, oPoint, nextIPoint, nextVPoint, boundingBox) {
this.getBoundsOfCurve(vPoint, oPoint, nextIPoint, nextVPoint);
var bounds = this.shapeBoundingBox;
boundingBox.x = bm_min(bounds.left, boundingBox.x);
boundingBox.xMax = bm_max(bounds.right, boundingBox.xMax);
boundingBox.y = bm_min(, boundingBox.y);
boundingBox.yMax = bm_max(bounds.bottom, boundingBox.yMax);
HShapeElement.prototype.shapeBoundingBox = {
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
HShapeElement.prototype.tempBoundingBox = {
x: 0,
xMax: 0,
y: 0,
yMax: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
HShapeElement.prototype.getBoundsOfCurve = function (p0, p1, p2, p3) {
var bounds = [[p0[0], p3[0]], [p0[1], p3[1]]];
for (var a, b, c, t, b2ac, t1, t2, i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
b = 6 * p0[i] - 12 * p1[i] + 6 * p2[i];
a = -3 * p0[i] + 9 * p1[i] - 9 * p2[i] + 3 * p3[i];
c = 3 * p1[i] - 3 * p0[i];
b |= 0; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
a |= 0; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
c |= 0; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
if (a === 0 && b === 0) {
} else if (a === 0) {
t = -c / b;
if (t > 0 && t < 1) {
bounds[i].push(this.calculateF(t, p0, p1, p2, p3, i));
} else {
b2ac = b * b - 4 * c * a;
if (b2ac >= 0) {
t1 = (-b + bm_sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a);
if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) bounds[i].push(this.calculateF(t1, p0, p1, p2, p3, i));
t2 = (-b - bm_sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a);
if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) bounds[i].push(this.calculateF(t2, p0, p1, p2, p3, i));
this.shapeBoundingBox.left = bm_min.apply(null, bounds[0]); = bm_min.apply(null, bounds[1]);
this.shapeBoundingBox.right = bm_max.apply(null, bounds[0]);
this.shapeBoundingBox.bottom = bm_max.apply(null, bounds[1]);
HShapeElement.prototype.calculateF = function (t, p0, p1, p2, p3, i) {
return bm_pow(1 - t, 3) * p0[i]
+ 3 * bm_pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1[i]
+ 3 * (1 - t) * bm_pow(t, 2) * p2[i]
+ bm_pow(t, 3) * p3[i];
HShapeElement.prototype.calculateBoundingBox = function (itemsData, boundingBox) {
var i,
len = itemsData.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (itemsData[i] && itemsData[i].sh) {
this.calculateShapeBoundingBox(itemsData[i], boundingBox);
} else if (itemsData[i] && itemsData[i].it) {
this.calculateBoundingBox(itemsData[i].it, boundingBox);
HShapeElement.prototype.currentBoxContains = function (box) {
return this.currentBBox.x <= box.x
&& this.currentBBox.y <= box.y
&& this.currentBBox.width + this.currentBBox.x >= box.x + box.width
&& this.currentBBox.height + this.currentBBox.y >= box.y + box.height;
HShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {
if (!this.hidden && (this._isFirstFrame || this._mdf)) {
var tempBoundingBox = this.tempBoundingBox;
var max = 999999;
tempBoundingBox.x = max;
tempBoundingBox.xMax = -max;
tempBoundingBox.y = max;
tempBoundingBox.yMax = -max;
this.calculateBoundingBox(this.itemsData, tempBoundingBox);
tempBoundingBox.width = tempBoundingBox.xMax < tempBoundingBox.x ? 0 : tempBoundingBox.xMax - tempBoundingBox.x;
tempBoundingBox.height = tempBoundingBox.yMax < tempBoundingBox.y ? 0 : tempBoundingBox.yMax - tempBoundingBox.y;
// var tempBoundingBox = this.shapeCont.getBBox();
if (this.currentBoxContains(tempBoundingBox)) {
var changed = false;
if (this.currentBBox.w !== tempBoundingBox.width) {
this.currentBBox.w = tempBoundingBox.width;
this.shapeCont.setAttribute('width', tempBoundingBox.width);
changed = true;
if (this.currentBBox.h !== tempBoundingBox.height) {
this.currentBBox.h = tempBoundingBox.height;
this.shapeCont.setAttribute('height', tempBoundingBox.height);
changed = true;
if (changed || this.currentBBox.x !== tempBoundingBox.x || this.currentBBox.y !== tempBoundingBox.y) {
this.currentBBox.w = tempBoundingBox.width;
this.currentBBox.h = tempBoundingBox.height;
this.currentBBox.x = tempBoundingBox.x;
this.currentBBox.y = tempBoundingBox.y;
this.shapeCont.setAttribute('viewBox', this.currentBBox.x + ' ' + this.currentBBox.y + ' ' + this.currentBBox.w + ' ' + this.currentBBox.h);
var shapeStyle =;
var shapeTransform = 'translate(' + this.currentBBox.x + 'px,' + this.currentBBox.y + 'px)';
shapeStyle.transform = shapeTransform;
shapeStyle.webkitTransform = shapeTransform;