blob: 16410e32c6d26f9a8868de79338f8aee965d8b18 [file] [log] [blame]
/*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, nomen: true, regexp: true, indent: 4, maxerr: 50 */
/*global window, document, CSInterface*/
Responsible for overwriting CSS at runtime according to CC app
settings as defined by the end user.
var themeManager = (function () {
'use strict';
* Convert the Color object to string in hexadecimal format;
function toHex(color, delta) {
function computeValue(value, delta) {
var computedValue = !isNaN(delta) ? value + delta : value;
if (computedValue < 0) {
computedValue = 0;
} else if (computedValue > 255) {
computedValue = 255;
computedValue = Math.floor(computedValue);
computedValue = computedValue.toString(16);
return computedValue.length === 1 ? "0" + computedValue : computedValue;
var hex = "";
if (color) {
hex = computeValue(, delta) + computeValue(, delta) + computeValue(, delta);
return hex;
function reverseColor(color, delta) {
return toHex({
red: Math.abs(255 -,
green: Math.abs(255 -,
blue: Math.abs(255 -
function addRule(stylesheetId, selector, rule) {
var stylesheet = document.getElementById(stylesheetId);
if (stylesheet) {
stylesheet = stylesheet.sheet;
if (stylesheet.addRule) {
stylesheet.addRule(selector, rule);
} else if (stylesheet.insertRule) {
stylesheet.insertRule(selector + ' { ' + rule + ' }', stylesheet.cssRules.length);
* Update the theme with the AppSkinInfo retrieved from the host product.
function updateThemeWithAppSkinInfo(appSkinInfo) {
var panelBgColor = appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor.color;
var bgdColor = toHex(panelBgColor);
var darkBgdColor = toHex(panelBgColor, 20);
var fontColor = "F0F0F0";
if ( > 122) {
fontColor = "000000";
var lightBgdColor = toHex(panelBgColor, -100);
var styleId = "hostStyle";
addRule(styleId, ".hostElt", "background-color:" + "#" + bgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostElt", "font-size:" + appSkinInfo.baseFontSize + "px;");
addRule(styleId, ".hostElt", "font-family:" + appSkinInfo.baseFontFamily);
addRule(styleId, ".hostElt", "color:" + "#" + fontColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostBgd", "background-color:" + "#" + bgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostBgdDark", "background-color: " + "#" + darkBgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostBgdLight", "background-color: " + "#" + lightBgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostFontSize", "font-size:" + appSkinInfo.baseFontSize + "px;");
addRule(styleId, ".hostFontFamily", "font-family:" + appSkinInfo.baseFontFamily);
addRule(styleId, ".hostFontColor", "color:" + "#" + fontColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostFont", "font-size:" + appSkinInfo.baseFontSize + "px;");
addRule(styleId, ".hostFont", "font-family:" + appSkinInfo.baseFontFamily);
addRule(styleId, ".hostFont", "color:" + "#" + fontColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostButton", "background-color:" + "#" + darkBgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostButton:hover", "background-color:" + "#" + bgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostButton:active", "background-color:" + "#" + darkBgdColor);
addRule(styleId, ".hostButton", "border-color: " + "#" + lightBgdColor);
function onAppThemeColorChanged(event) {
var skinInfo = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.getHostEnvironment()).appSkinInfo;
function init() {
var csInterface = new CSInterface();
csInterface.addEventListener(CSInterface.THEME_COLOR_CHANGED_EVENT, onAppThemeColorChanged);
return {
init: init