blob: 6a4d73e5f50294d44e108f7d27a32f26afa5d505 [file] [log] [blame]
function TrimModifier(){
extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], TrimModifier);
TrimModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function(elem, data) {
this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(elem, data.s, 0, 0.01, this);
this.e = PropertyFactory.getProp(elem, data.e, 0, 0.01, this);
this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(elem, data.o, 0, 0, this);
this.sValue = 0;
this.eValue = 0;
this.getValue = this.processKeys;
this.m = data.m;
this._isAnimated = !!this.s.effectsSequence.length || !!this.e.effectsSequence.length || !!this.o.effectsSequence.length;
TrimModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier = function(shapeData){
shapeData.pathsData = [];
TrimModifier.prototype.calculateShapeEdges = function(s, e, shapeLength, addedLength, totalModifierLength) {
var segments = [];
if (e <= 1) {
s: s,
e: e
} else if (s >= 1) {
s: s - 1,
e: e - 1
} else {
s: s,
e: 1
s: 0,
e: e - 1
var shapeSegments = [];
var i, len = segments.length, segmentOb;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
segmentOb = segments[i];
if (segmentOb.e * totalModifierLength < addedLength || segmentOb.s * totalModifierLength > addedLength + shapeLength) {
} else {
var shapeS, shapeE;
if (segmentOb.s * totalModifierLength <= addedLength) {
shapeS = 0;
} else {
shapeS = (segmentOb.s * totalModifierLength - addedLength) / shapeLength;
if(segmentOb.e * totalModifierLength >= addedLength + shapeLength) {
shapeE = 1;
} else {
shapeE = ((segmentOb.e * totalModifierLength - addedLength) / shapeLength);
shapeSegments.push([shapeS, shapeE]);
if (!shapeSegments.length) {
shapeSegments.push([0, 0]);
return shapeSegments;
TrimModifier.prototype.releasePathsData = function(pathsData) {
var i, len = pathsData.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
pathsData.length = 0;
return pathsData;
TrimModifier.prototype.processShapes = function(_isFirstFrame) {
var s, e;
if (this._mdf || _isFirstFrame) {
var o = (this.o.v % 360) / 360;
if (o < 0) {
o += 1;
s = (this.s.v > 1 ? 1 : this.s.v < 0 ? 0 : this.s.v) + o;
e = (this.e.v > 1 ? 1 : this.e.v < 0 ? 0 : this.e.v) + o;
if (s === e) {
if (s > e) {
var _s = s;
s = e;
e = _s;
s = Math.round(s * 10000) * 0.0001;
e = Math.round(e * 10000) * 0.0001;
this.sValue = s;
this.eValue = e;
} else {
s = this.sValue;
e = this.eValue;
var shapePaths;
var i, len = this.shapes.length, j, jLen;
var pathsData, pathData, totalShapeLength, totalModifierLength = 0;
if (e === s) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
this.shapes[i].shape._mdf = true;
this.shapes[i].shape.paths = this.shapes[i].localShapeCollection;
if (this._mdf) {
this.shapes[i].pathsData.length = 0;
} else if (!((e === 1 && s === 0) || (e===0 && s === 1))){
var segments = [], shapeData, localShapeCollection;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
shapeData = this.shapes[i];
// if shape hasn't changed and trim properties haven't changed, cached previous path can be used
if (!shapeData.shape._mdf && !this._mdf && !_isFirstFrame && this.m !== 2) {
shapeData.shape.paths = shapeData.localShapeCollection;
} else {
shapePaths = shapeData.shape.paths;
jLen = shapePaths._length;
totalShapeLength = 0;
if (!shapeData.shape._mdf && shapeData.pathsData.length) {
totalShapeLength = shapeData.totalShapeLength;
} else {
pathsData = this.releasePathsData(shapeData.pathsData);
for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
pathData = bez.getSegmentsLength(shapePaths.shapes[j]);
totalShapeLength += pathData.totalLength;
shapeData.totalShapeLength = totalShapeLength;
shapeData.pathsData = pathsData;
totalModifierLength += totalShapeLength;
shapeData.shape._mdf = true;
var shapeS = s, shapeE = e, addedLength = 0, edges;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
shapeData = this.shapes[i];
if (shapeData.shape._mdf) {
localShapeCollection = shapeData.localShapeCollection;
//if m === 2 means paths are trimmed individually so edges need to be found for this specific shape relative to whoel group
if (this.m === 2 && len > 1) {
edges = this.calculateShapeEdges(s, e, shapeData.totalShapeLength, addedLength, totalModifierLength);
addedLength += shapeData.totalShapeLength;
} else {
edges = [[shapeS, shapeE]];
jLen = edges.length;
for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) {
shapeS = edges[j][0];
shapeE = edges[j][1];
segments.length = 0;
if (shapeE <= 1) {
s:shapeData.totalShapeLength * shapeS,
e:shapeData.totalShapeLength * shapeE
} else if (shapeS >= 1) {
s:shapeData.totalShapeLength * (shapeS - 1),
e:shapeData.totalShapeLength * (shapeE - 1)
} else {
s:shapeData.totalShapeLength * shapeS,
e:shapeData.totalShapeLength * (shapeE - 1)
var newShapesData = this.addShapes(shapeData,segments[0]);
if (segments[0].s !== segments[0].e) {
if (segments.length > 1) {
var lastShapeInCollection = shapeData.shape.paths.shapes[shapeData.shape.paths._length - 1];
if (lastShapeInCollection.c) {
var lastShape = newShapesData.pop();
this.addPaths(newShapesData, localShapeCollection);
newShapesData = this.addShapes(shapeData, segments[1], lastShape);
} else {
this.addPaths(newShapesData, localShapeCollection);
newShapesData = this.addShapes(shapeData, segments[1]);
this.addPaths(newShapesData, localShapeCollection);
shapeData.shape.paths = localShapeCollection;
} else if (this._mdf) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
//Releasign Trim Cached paths data when no trim applied in case shapes are modified inbetween.
//Don't remove this even if it's losing cached info.
this.shapes[i].pathsData.length = 0;
this.shapes[i].shape._mdf = true;
TrimModifier.prototype.addPaths = function(newPaths, localShapeCollection) {
var i, len = newPaths.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
TrimModifier.prototype.addSegment = function(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, shapePath, pos, newShape) {
shapePath.setXYAt(pt2[0], pt2[1], 'o', pos);
shapePath.setXYAt(pt3[0], pt3[1], 'i', pos + 1);
shapePath.setXYAt(pt1[0], pt1[1], 'v', pos);
shapePath.setXYAt(pt4[0], pt4[1], 'v', pos + 1);
TrimModifier.prototype.addSegmentFromArray = function(points, shapePath, pos, newShape) {
shapePath.setXYAt(points[1], points[5], 'o', pos);
shapePath.setXYAt(points[2], points[6], 'i', pos + 1);
shapePath.setXYAt(points[0], points[4], 'v', pos);
shapePath.setXYAt(points[3], points[7], 'v', pos + 1);
TrimModifier.prototype.addShapes = function(shapeData, shapeSegment, shapePath) {
var pathsData = shapeData.pathsData;
var shapePaths = shapeData.shape.paths.shapes;
var i, len = shapeData.shape.paths._length, j, jLen;
var addedLength = 0;
var currentLengthData,segmentCount;
var lengths;
var segment;
var shapes = [];
var initPos;
var newShape = true;
if (!shapePath) {
shapePath = shape_pool.newElement();
segmentCount = 0;
initPos = 0;
} else {
segmentCount = shapePath._length;
initPos = shapePath._length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
lengths = pathsData[i].lengths;
shapePath.c = shapePaths[i].c;
jLen = shapePaths[i].c ? lengths.length : lengths.length + 1;
for (j = 1; j < jLen; j +=1) {
currentLengthData = lengths[j-1];
if (addedLength + currentLengthData.addedLength < shapeSegment.s) {
addedLength += currentLengthData.addedLength;
shapePath.c = false;
} else if(addedLength > shapeSegment.e) {
shapePath.c = false;
} else {
if (shapeSegment.s <= addedLength && shapeSegment.e >= addedLength + currentLengthData.addedLength) {
this.addSegment(shapePaths[i].v[j - 1], shapePaths[i].o[j - 1], shapePaths[i].i[j], shapePaths[i].v[j], shapePath, segmentCount, newShape);
newShape = false;
} else {
segment = bez.getNewSegment(shapePaths[i].v[j - 1], shapePaths[i].v[j], shapePaths[i].o[j - 1], shapePaths[i].i[j], (shapeSegment.s - addedLength)/currentLengthData.addedLength,(shapeSegment.e - addedLength)/currentLengthData.addedLength, lengths[j-1]);
this.addSegmentFromArray(segment, shapePath, segmentCount, newShape);
// this.addSegment(segment.pt1, segment.pt3, segment.pt4, segment.pt2, shapePath, segmentCount, newShape);
newShape = false;
shapePath.c = false;
addedLength += currentLengthData.addedLength;
segmentCount += 1;
if (shapePaths[i].c && lengths.length) {
currentLengthData = lengths[j - 1];
if (addedLength <= shapeSegment.e) {
var segmentLength = lengths[j - 1].addedLength;
if (shapeSegment.s <= addedLength && shapeSegment.e >= addedLength + segmentLength) {
this.addSegment(shapePaths[i].v[j - 1], shapePaths[i].o[j - 1], shapePaths[i].i[0], shapePaths[i].v[0], shapePath, segmentCount, newShape);
newShape = false;
} else {
segment = bez.getNewSegment(shapePaths[i].v[j - 1], shapePaths[i].v[0], shapePaths[i].o[j - 1], shapePaths[i].i[0], (shapeSegment.s - addedLength) / segmentLength, (shapeSegment.e - addedLength) / segmentLength, lengths[j - 1]);
this.addSegmentFromArray(segment, shapePath, segmentCount, newShape);
// this.addSegment(segment.pt1, segment.pt3, segment.pt4, segment.pt2, shapePath, segmentCount, newShape);
newShape = false;
shapePath.c = false;
} else {
shapePath.c = false;
addedLength += currentLengthData.addedLength;
segmentCount += 1;
if (shapePath._length) {
shapePath.setXYAt(shapePath.v[initPos][0], shapePath.v[initPos][1], 'i', initPos);
shapePath.setXYAt(shapePath.v[shapePath._length - 1][0], shapePath.v[shapePath._length - 1][1],'o', shapePath._length - 1);
if (addedLength > shapeSegment.e) {
if (i < len - 1) {
shapePath = shape_pool.newElement();
newShape = true;
segmentCount = 0;
return shapes;
ShapeModifiers.registerModifier('tm', TrimModifier);