blob: b8299794517e5893cb78b14936e413e6cc9ba184 [file] [log] [blame]
import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser';
import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel';
// const copyFile = (options = {}) => {
// const { targets = [], hook = 'buildEnd' } = options
// return {
// name: 'copy-file',
// // [hook]: async(test) => {
// // console.log('targets', targets.length)
// // console.log('options', options)
// // console.log('test', test)
// // },
// generateBundle: (options, bundle) => {
// // console.log('PASO,. generateBundle', options, bundle)
// console.log('PASO,. generateBundle', options, bundle.code)
// // bundle.code = '()=>{}';
// },
// writeBundle: () => {
// console.log('PASO,. writeBundle')
// }
// }
// }
const destinationBuildFolder = 'build/player/';
const builds = [
input: 'player/js/modules/full.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/full.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/svg_light.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_light.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/svg_light.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_light.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/svg.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_svg.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/svg.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_svg.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/canvas.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_canvas.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/canvas_light.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_light_canvas.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/canvas_light.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_light_canvas.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/canvas.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_canvas.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/html_light.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_light_html.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/html_light.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_light_html.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/html.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_html.min.js',
esm: true,
input: 'player/js/modules/html.js',
dest: `${destinationBuildFolder}`,
file: 'lottie_html.js',
esm: false,
skipTerser: true,
const plugins = [
babelHelpers: 'bundled',
const pluginsWithTerser = [
const UMDModule = {
output: {
format: 'umd',
name: 'lottie', // this is the name of the global object
esModule: false,
exports: 'default',
sourcemap: false,
compact: false,
const ESMModule = {
plugins: [nodeResolve()],
output: [
format: 'esm',
exports: 'named',
format: 'cjs',
exports: 'named',
const input = ['player/js/modules/full.js'];
const exports = builds.reduce((acc, build) => {
const builds = [];
plugins: !build.skipTerser ? pluginsWithTerser : plugins,
input: build.input,
output: {
file: `${build.dest}${build.file}`,
if (build.esm) {
input: build.input,
output: [
file: 'dist/esm/' + build.file,
file: `${destinationBuildFolder}esm/${build.file}`,
file: `${destinationBuildFolder}cjs/${build.file}`,
acc = acc.concat(builds);
return acc;
}, []);
export default exports;
/* export default [
// UMD
plugins: [
babelHelpers: 'bundled',
output: {
file: `dist/${}.min.js`,
format: 'umd',
name: 'lottie-web', // this is the name of the global object
esModule: false,
exports: 'named',
sourcemap: true,
// ESM and CJS
plugins: [nodeResolve()],
output: [
dir: 'dist/esm',
format: 'esm',
exports: 'named',
sourcemap: true,
dir: 'dist/cjs',
format: 'cjs',
exports: 'named',
sourcemap: true,