blob: 8c1b335ee576e5980f694300aa57877b79e9f792 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
* Use subclasses of [LottieClipSpec] to set min/max bounds on the animation playback.
* @see LottieAnimation
* @see rememberLottieAnimatable
* @see animateLottieCompositionAsState
sealed class LottieClipSpec {
internal abstract fun getMinProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float
internal abstract fun getMaxProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float
* Play the animation between these two frames. [maxInclusive] determines whether the animation
* should play the max frame or stop one frame before it.
data class Frame(
val min: Int? = null,
val max: Int? = null,
val maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
) : LottieClipSpec() {
private val actualMaxFrame = when {
max == null -> null
maxInclusive -> max
else -> max - 1
override fun getMinProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return when (min) {
null -> 0f
else -> (min / composition.endFrame).coerceIn(0f, 1f)
override fun getMaxProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return when (actualMaxFrame) {
null -> 1f
else -> (actualMaxFrame / composition.endFrame).coerceIn(0f, 1f)
* Play the animation between these two progress values.
data class Progress(
val min: Float = 0f,
val max: Float = 1f,
) : LottieClipSpec() {
override fun getMinProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return min
override fun getMaxProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return max
* Play the animation from minMarker until maxMarker. If maxMarker represents the end of your animation,
* set [maxInclusive] to true. If the marker represents the beginning of the next section, set
* it to false to stop the animation at the frame before maxMarker.
data class Markers(
val min: String? = null,
val max: String? = null,
val maxInclusive: Boolean = true
) : LottieClipSpec() {
override fun getMinProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return when (min) {
null -> 0f
else -> ((composition.getMarker(min)?.startFrame ?: 0f) / composition.endFrame).coerceIn(0f, 1f)
override fun getMaxProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return when (max) {
null -> 1f
else -> {
val offset = if (maxInclusive) 0 else -1
return ((composition.getMarker(max)?.startFrame?.plus(offset) ?: 0f) / composition.endFrame).coerceIn(0f, 1f)
* Play the animation from the beginning of the marker for the duration of the marker itself.
* The duration can be set in After Effects.
data class Marker(val marker: String) : LottieClipSpec() {
override fun getMinProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
return ((composition.getMarker(marker)?.startFrame ?: 0f) / composition.endFrame).coerceIn(0f, 1f)
override fun getMaxProgress(composition: LottieComposition): Float {
val marker = composition.getMarker(marker) ?: return 1f
return ((marker.startFrame + marker.durationFrames) / composition.endFrame).coerceIn(0f, 1f)