blob: 793ac6b8e3d00d393c1550a57de49e71eddb95f8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationConstants
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieCompositionFactory
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancelAndJoin
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runBlockingTest
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner
class LottieAnimatableImplTest {
private lateinit var clock: TestFrameClock
private lateinit var anim: LottieAnimatable
private lateinit var composition: LottieComposition
private val compositionDuration get() = composition.duration.toLong()
fun setup() {
clock = TestFrameClock()
anim = LottieAnimatable()
composition = LottieCompositionFactory.fromJsonStringSync(CompositionFixtures.Rect, null).value!!
fun testSingleIterationProgress() = runTest {
launch {
assertEquals(0f, anim.progress)
assertEquals(0.5f, anim.progress, 0.01f)
clock.frameMs(composition.duration.toLong() - 1)
fun testJumpFromOneIterationToEndOfNext() = runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, iterations = 2)
assertEquals(0f, anim.progress)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(compositionDuration - 1, progress = 0.998f, iteration = 1, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(2 * compositionDuration, progress = 1f, iteration = 2, iterations = 2, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testTwoIterations() = runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, iterations = 2)
assertEquals(0f, anim.progress)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(compositionDuration - 1, progress = 0.998f, iteration = 1, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(compositionDuration, progress = 0f, iteration = 2, iterations = 2)
assertFrame((2 * compositionDuration) - 1, progress = 0.998f, iteration = 2, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(2 * compositionDuration, progress = 1f, iteration = 2, iterations = 2, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testJumpsFromOneIterationToThree() = runTest {
val job = launch {
anim.animate(composition, iterations = 3)
assertEquals(0f, anim.progress)
assertFrame(2 * compositionDuration + 300, progress = 0.5f, iteration = 3, iterations = 3)
fun testCancels() = runTest {
val job = launch {
assertEquals(0f, anim.progress)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
assertFrame(compositionDuration - 1, progress = 0.5f, isPlaying = false, lastFrameNanos = 300000000L)
fun testReverse() = runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(0, progress = 1f, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(200, progress = 2 / 3f, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(compositionDuration - 1, progress = 0.0016f, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(compositionDuration, progress = 0f, isAtEnd = true, isPlaying = false, speed = -1f)
fun testClipSpec() = runTest {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(0.25f, 0.75f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0.25f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(299, progress = 0.749f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.75f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true, clipSpec = clipSpec)
fun testClipSpecWithTwoIterations() = runTest {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(0.25f, 0.75f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0.25f, clipSpec = clipSpec, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(299, progress = 0.749f, clipSpec = clipSpec, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(598, progress = 0.748f, iteration = 2, clipSpec = clipSpec, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(599, progress = 0.75f, iteration = 2, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true, clipSpec = clipSpec, iterations = 2)
fun testNegativeSpeedWithClipSpec() = runTest {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(0.25f, 0.75f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0.75f, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(299, progress = 0.2508f, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = -1f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.25f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = -1f)
fun testChangingEndClipSpec() = runTest {
launch {
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(max = 0.75f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, continueFromPreviousAnimate = false)
assertFrame(316, progress = 0f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(616, progress = 0.5f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(800, progress = 0.75f, clipSpec = clipSpec, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testChangingBeginningClipSpec() = runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f, iterations = 2)
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(min = 0.25f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, initialProgress = anim.progress, continueFromPreviousAnimate = true)
assertFrame(598, progress = 0.998f, clipSpec = clipSpec, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(599, progress = 0.25f, clipSpec = clipSpec, iteration = 2, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(1048, progress = 0.999f, clipSpec = clipSpec, iteration = 2, iterations = 2)
assertFrame(1049, progress = 1f, clipSpec = clipSpec, iteration = 2, iterations = 2, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testResumingAnimation() = runTest {
launch {
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(max = 0.75f)
launch {
clipSpec = clipSpec,
initialProgress = anim.progress,
continueFromPreviousAnimate = true,
assertFrame(316, progress = 0.528f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(449, progress = 0.749f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(450, progress = 0.75f, clipSpec = clipSpec, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testReRunAnimation() = runTest {
launch {
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, initialProgress = anim.progress, continueFromPreviousAnimate = true)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
assertFrame(598, progress = 0.998f)
assertFrame(599, progress = 1f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testSnapNoopToThenResume() = runTest {
launch {
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, initialProgress = anim.progress, continueFromPreviousAnimate = true)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
assertFrame(598, progress = 0.998f)
assertFrame(599, progress = 1f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testSnapToThenResume() = runTest {
launch {
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
launch {
anim.snapTo(composition, progress = 0.2f)
anim.animate(composition, initialProgress = anim.progress, continueFromPreviousAnimate = true)
assertFrame(316, progress = 0.2f)
assertFrame(449, progress = 0.422f)
assertFrame(795, progress = 0.999f)
assertFrame(796, progress = 1f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testSnapToAnotherIterationThenResume() = runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(1796, progress = 0.998f, iteration = 3, iterations = 3)
launch {
anim.snapTo(iteration = 1)
anim.animate(composition, initialProgress = anim.progress, continueFromPreviousAnimate = true)
assertFrame(1796, progress = 0.998f, iteration = 1, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(1797, progress = 0f, iteration = 2, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(2994, progress = 0.998f, iteration = 3, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(2995, progress = 1f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true, iteration = 3, iterations = 3)
fun testChangeSpeed() = runTest {
launch {
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
launch {
anim.animate(composition, speed = 2f, initialProgress = anim.progress, continueFromPreviousAnimate = true)
assertFrame(316, progress = 0.554f, speed = 2f)
assertFrame(449, progress = 0.998f, speed = 2f)
assertFrame(450, progress = 1f, speed = 2f, isPlaying = false, isAtEnd = true)
fun testInfiniteSpeed() {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(0.33f, 0.57f)
runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever)
progress = 0.57f,
isPlaying = false,
clipSpec = clipSpec,
isAtEnd = true,
iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
iteration = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
lastFrameNanos = AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime,
fun testInfiniteSpeedWithIterations() {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(0.33f, 0.57f)
runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, iterations = 3)
progress = 0.57f,
isPlaying = false,
clipSpec = clipSpec,
isAtEnd = true,
iterations = 3,
iteration = 3,
lastFrameNanos = AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime,
fun testNegativeInfiniteSpeed() {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Progress(0.33f, 0.57f)
runTest {
launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, speed = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever)
progress = 0.33f,
isPlaying = false,
clipSpec = clipSpec,
isAtEnd = true,
iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
iteration = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
lastFrameNanos = AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime,
fun testReverseOnRepeat() = runTest {
val job = launch {
reverseOnRepeat = true,
iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f, iteration = 1, iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever)
0L to 0.0f,
300L to 0.5f,
598L to 0.99f,
599L to 1.0f,
601L to 0.99f, // start reversing animation
899L to 0.5f,
1199L to 0.0f,
).forEach { (frameTime, expectedProgress) ->
"Expecting progress $expectedProgress @ frame $frameTime, but was ${anim.progress}",
expectedProgress, anim.progress, 0.01f
fun testNonCancellable() = runTest {
val job = launch {
anim.animate(composition, cancellationBehavior = LottieCancellationBehavior.OnIterationFinish)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f)
assertFrame(599, progress = 1f, isAtEnd = true, isPlaying = false)
fun testCancelWithMultipleIterations() = runTest {
val job = launch {
anim.animate(composition, cancellationBehavior = LottieCancellationBehavior.OnIterationFinish, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(300, progress = 0.5f, iterations = 3)
assertFrame(599, progress = 1f, isAtEnd = false, isPlaying = false, iterations = 3)
fun testCompositionCreated() = runTest {
val clipSpec = LottieClipSpec.Frame(20, 25)
val job1 = launch {
anim.animate(null, clipSpec = clipSpec)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0f, clipSpec = clipSpec, isAtEnd = true, isPlaying = false, lastFrameNanos = AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime)
val job2 = launch {
anim.animate(composition, clipSpec = clipSpec, initialProgress = anim.progress)
assertFrame(0, progress = 0.556f, clipSpec = clipSpec)
private suspend fun assertFrame(
frameTimeMs: Long,
progress: Float,
iteration: Int = 1,
iterations: Int = 1,
speed: Float = 1f,
clipSpec: LottieClipSpec? = null,
isAtEnd: Boolean = false,
isPlaying: Boolean = true,
lastFrameNanos: Long = frameTimeMs * 1_000_000,
) {
assertEquals("progress at %d".format(frameTimeMs), progress, anim.progress, 0.001f)
assertEquals("iteration at %d".format(frameTimeMs), iteration, anim.iteration)
assertEquals("iterations at %d".format(frameTimeMs), iterations, anim.iterations)
assertEquals("speed at %d".format(frameTimeMs), speed, anim.speed)
assertEquals("clipSpec at %d".format(frameTimeMs), clipSpec, anim.clipSpec)
assertEquals("isAtEnd at %d".format(frameTimeMs), isAtEnd, anim.isAtEnd)
assertEquals("isPlaying at %d".format(frameTimeMs), isPlaying, anim.isPlaying)
assertEquals("lastFrameNanos at %d".format(frameTimeMs), lastFrameNanos, anim.lastFrameNanos)
private fun runTest(test: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit) {
runBlockingTest {
withContext(clock) {