blob: dada31be31a697b7f619756cf70e4611eec51169 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.parser;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat;
import androidx.core.view.animation.PathInterpolatorCompat;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition;
import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.moshi.JsonReader;
import com.airbnb.lottie.value.Keyframe;
import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.MiscUtils;
import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
class KeyframeParser {
* Some animations get exported with insane cp values in the tens of thousands.
* PathInterpolator fails to create the interpolator in those cases and hangs.
* Clamping the cp helps prevent that.
private static final float MAX_CP_VALUE = 100;
private static final Interpolator LINEAR_INTERPOLATOR = new LinearInterpolator();
private static SparseArrayCompat<WeakReference<Interpolator>> pathInterpolatorCache;
static JsonReader.Options NAMES = JsonReader.Options.of(
private static SparseArrayCompat<WeakReference<Interpolator>> pathInterpolatorCache() {
if (pathInterpolatorCache == null) {
pathInterpolatorCache = new SparseArrayCompat<>();
return pathInterpolatorCache;
private static WeakReference<Interpolator> getInterpolator(int hash) {
// This must be synchronized because get and put isn't thread safe because
// SparseArrayCompat has to create new sized arrays sometimes.
synchronized (KeyframeParser.class) {
return pathInterpolatorCache().get(hash);
private static void putInterpolator(int hash, WeakReference<Interpolator> interpolator) {
// This must be synchronized because get and put isn't thread safe because
// SparseArrayCompat has to create new sized arrays sometimes.
synchronized (KeyframeParser.class) {
pathInterpolatorCache.put(hash, interpolator);
static <T> Keyframe<T> parse(JsonReader reader, LottieComposition composition,
float scale, ValueParser<T> valueParser, boolean animated) throws IOException {
if (animated) {
return parseKeyframe(composition, reader, scale, valueParser);
} else {
return parseStaticValue(reader, scale, valueParser);
* beginObject will already be called on the keyframe so it can be differentiated with
* a non animated value.
private static <T> Keyframe<T> parseKeyframe(LottieComposition composition, JsonReader reader,
float scale, ValueParser<T> valueParser) throws IOException {
PointF cp1 = null;
PointF cp2 = null;
float startFrame = 0;
T startValue = null;
T endValue = null;
boolean hold = false;
Interpolator interpolator = null;
// Only used by PathKeyframe
PointF pathCp1 = null;
PointF pathCp2 = null;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
switch (reader.selectName(NAMES)) {
case 0:
startFrame = (float) reader.nextDouble();
case 1:
startValue = valueParser.parse(reader, scale);
case 2:
endValue = valueParser.parse(reader, scale);
case 3:
cp1 = JsonUtils.jsonToPoint(reader, scale);
case 4:
cp2 = JsonUtils.jsonToPoint(reader, scale);
case 5:
hold = reader.nextInt() == 1;
case 6:
pathCp1 = JsonUtils.jsonToPoint(reader, scale);
case 7:
pathCp2 = JsonUtils.jsonToPoint(reader, scale);
if (hold) {
endValue = startValue;
// TODO: create a HoldInterpolator so progress changes don't invalidate.
} else if (cp1 != null && cp2 != null) {
cp1.x = MiscUtils.clamp(cp1.x, -scale, scale);
cp1.y = MiscUtils.clamp(cp1.y, -MAX_CP_VALUE, MAX_CP_VALUE);
cp2.x = MiscUtils.clamp(cp2.x, -scale, scale);
cp2.y = MiscUtils.clamp(cp2.y, -MAX_CP_VALUE, MAX_CP_VALUE);
int hash = Utils.hashFor(cp1.x, cp1.y, cp2.x, cp2.y);
WeakReference<Interpolator> interpolatorRef = getInterpolator(hash);
if (interpolatorRef != null) {
interpolator = interpolatorRef.get();
if (interpolatorRef == null || interpolator == null) {
cp1.x /= scale;
cp1.y /= scale;
cp2.x /= scale;
cp2.y /= scale;
try {
interpolator = PathInterpolatorCompat.create(cp1.x, cp1.y, cp2.x, cp2.y);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("The Path cannot loop back on itself.")) {
// If a control point extends beyond the previous/next point then it will cause the value of the interpolator to no
// longer monotonously increase. This clips the control point bounds to prevent that from happening.
// NOTE: this will make the rendered animation behave slightly differently than the original.
interpolator = PathInterpolatorCompat.create(Math.min(cp1.x, 1f), cp1.y, Math.max(cp2.x, 0f), cp2.y);
} else {
// We failed to create the interpolator. Fall back to linear.
interpolator = new LinearInterpolator();
try {
putInterpolator(hash, new WeakReference<>(interpolator));
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// It is not clear why but SparseArrayCompat sometimes fails with this:
// Because this is not a critical operation, we can safely just ignore it.
// I was unable to repro this to attempt a proper fix.
} else {
Keyframe<T> keyframe =
new Keyframe<>(composition, startValue, endValue, interpolator, startFrame, null);
keyframe.pathCp1 = pathCp1;
keyframe.pathCp2 = pathCp2;
return keyframe;
private static <T> Keyframe<T> parseStaticValue(JsonReader reader,
float scale, ValueParser<T> valueParser) throws IOException {
T value = valueParser.parse(reader, scale);
return new Keyframe<>(value);