blob: dfa486c062c20b594e7ef39040131a19bcec3145 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Base64
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieCompositionFactory
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieImageAsset
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieTask
import com.airbnb.lottie.model.Font
import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Logger
import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
import kotlin.coroutines.resumeWithException
* Use this with [rememberLottieComposition#cacheKey]'s cacheKey parameter to generate a default
* cache key for the composition.
private const val DefaultCacheKey = "__LottieInternalDefaultCacheKey__"
* Takes a [LottieCompositionSpec], attempts to load and parse the animation, and returns a [LottieCompositionResult].
* [LottieCompositionResult] allows you to explicitly check for loading, failures, call
* [LottieCompositionResult.await], or invoke it like a function to get the nullable composition.
* [LottieCompositionResult] implements State<LottieComposition?> so if you don't need the full result class,
* you can use this function like:
* ```
* val compositionResult: LottieCompositionResult = lottieComposition(spec)
* // or...
* val composition: State<LottieComposition?> by lottieComposition(spec)
* ```
* The loaded composition will automatically load and set images that are embedded in the json as a base64 string
* or will load them from assets if an imageAssetsFolder is supplied.
* @param spec The [LottieCompositionSpec] that defines which LottieComposition should be loaded.
* @param imageAssetsFolder A subfolder in `src/main/assets` that contains the exported images
* that this composition uses. DO NOT rename any images from your design tool. The
* filenames must match the values that are in your json file.
* @param fontAssetsFolder The default folder Lottie will look in to find font files. Fonts will be matched
* based on the family name specified in the Lottie json file.
* Defaults to "fonts/" so if "Helvetica" was in the Json file, Lottie will auto-match
* fonts located at "src/main/assets/fonts/Helvetica.ttf". Missing fonts will be skipped
* and should be set via fontRemapping or via dynamic properties.
* @param fontFileExtension The default file extension for font files specified in the fontAssetsFolder or fontRemapping.
* Defaults to ttf.
* @param cacheKey Set a cache key for this composition. When set, subsequent calls to fetch this composition will
* return directly from the cache instead of having to reload and parse the animation. Set this to
* null to skip the cache. By default, this will automatically generate a cache key derived
* from your [LottieCompositionSpec].
* @param onRetry An optional callback that will be called if loading the animation fails.
* It is passed the failed count (the number of times it has failed) and the exception
* from the previous attempt to load the composition. [onRetry] is a suspending function
* so you can do things like add a backoff delay or await an internet connection before
* retrying again. [rememberLottieRetrySignal] can be used to handle explicit retires.
fun rememberLottieComposition(
spec: LottieCompositionSpec,
imageAssetsFolder: String? = null,
fontAssetsFolder: String = "fonts/",
fontFileExtension: String = ".ttf",
cacheKey: String? = DefaultCacheKey,
onRetry: suspend (failCount: Int, previousException: Throwable) -> Boolean = { _, _ -> false },
): LottieCompositionResult {
val context = LocalContext.current
val result by remember(spec) { mutableStateOf(LottieCompositionResultImpl()) }
// Warm the task cache. We can start the parsing task before the LaunchedEffect gets dispatched and run.
// The LaunchedEffect task will join the task created inline here via LottieCompositionFactory's task cache.
remember(spec, cacheKey) { lottieTask(context, spec, cacheKey, isWarmingCache = true) }
LaunchedEffect(spec, cacheKey) {
var exception: Throwable? = null
var failedCount = 0
while (!result.isSuccess && (failedCount == 0 || onRetry(failedCount, exception!!))) {
try {
val composition = lottieComposition(
} catch (e: Throwable) {
exception = e
if (!result.isComplete && exception != null) {
return result
private suspend fun lottieComposition(
context: Context,
spec: LottieCompositionSpec,
imageAssetsFolder: String?,
fontAssetsFolder: String?,
fontFileExtension: String,
cacheKey: String?,
): LottieComposition {
val task = requireNotNull(lottieTask(context, spec, cacheKey, isWarmingCache = false)) {
"Unable to create parsing task for $spec."
val composition = task.await()
loadImagesFromAssets(context, composition, imageAssetsFolder)
loadFontsFromAssets(context, composition, fontAssetsFolder, fontFileExtension)
return composition
private fun lottieTask(
context: Context,
spec: LottieCompositionSpec,
cacheKey: String?,
isWarmingCache: Boolean,
): LottieTask<LottieComposition>? {
return when (spec) {
is LottieCompositionSpec.RawRes -> {
if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) {
LottieCompositionFactory.fromRawRes(context, spec.resId)
} else {
LottieCompositionFactory.fromRawRes(context, spec.resId, cacheKey)
is LottieCompositionSpec.Url -> {
if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) {
LottieCompositionFactory.fromUrl(context, spec.url)
} else {
LottieCompositionFactory.fromUrl(context, spec.url, cacheKey)
is LottieCompositionSpec.File -> {
if (isWarmingCache) {
// Warming the cache is done from the main thread so we can't
// create the FileInputStream needed in this path.
} else {
val fis = FileInputStream(spec.fileName)
when {
spec.fileName.endsWith("zip") -> LottieCompositionFactory.fromZipStream(
if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) spec.fileName else cacheKey,
else -> LottieCompositionFactory.fromJsonInputStream(
if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) spec.fileName else cacheKey,
is LottieCompositionSpec.Asset -> {
if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) {
LottieCompositionFactory.fromAsset(context, spec.assetName)
} else {
LottieCompositionFactory.fromAsset(context, spec.assetName, cacheKey)
is LottieCompositionSpec.JsonString -> {
val jsonStringCacheKey = if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) spec.jsonString.hashCode().toString() else cacheKey
LottieCompositionFactory.fromJsonString(spec.jsonString, jsonStringCacheKey)
is LottieCompositionSpec.ContentProvider -> {
val inputStream = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(spec.uri)
LottieCompositionFactory.fromJsonInputStream(inputStream, if (cacheKey == DefaultCacheKey) spec.uri.toString() else cacheKey)
private suspend fun <T> LottieTask<T>.await(): T = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
addListener { c ->
if (!cont.isCompleted) cont.resume(c)
}.addFailureListener { e ->
if (!cont.isCompleted) cont.resumeWithException(e)
private suspend fun loadImagesFromAssets(
context: Context,
composition: LottieComposition,
imageAssetsFolder: String?,
) {
if (!composition.hasImages()) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (asset in composition.images.values) {
maybeLoadImageFromAsset(context, asset, imageAssetsFolder)
private fun maybeLoadImageFromAsset(
context: Context,
asset: LottieImageAsset,
imageAssetsFolder: String?,
) {
if (asset.bitmap != null || imageAssetsFolder == null) return
val filename = asset.fileName
val inputStream = try { + filename)
} catch (e: IOException) {
Logger.warning("Unable to open asset.", e)
try {
val opts = BitmapFactory.Options()
opts.inScaled = true
opts.inDensity = 160
var bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, opts)
bitmap = Utils.resizeBitmapIfNeeded(bitmap, asset.width, asset.height)
asset.bitmap = bitmap
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
Logger.warning("Unable to decode image.", e)
private fun maybeDecodeBase64Image(asset: LottieImageAsset) {
if (asset.bitmap != null) return
val filename = asset.fileName
if (filename.startsWith("data:") && filename.indexOf("base64,") > 0) {
// Contents look like a base64 data URI, with the format data:image/png;base64,<data>.
try {
val data = Base64.decode(filename.substring(filename.indexOf(',') + 1), Base64.DEFAULT)
val opts = BitmapFactory.Options()
opts.inScaled = true
opts.inDensity = 160
asset.bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.size, opts)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
Logger.warning("data URL did not have correct base64 format.", e)
private suspend fun loadFontsFromAssets(
context: Context,
composition: LottieComposition,
fontAssetsFolder: String?,
fontFileExtension: String,
) {
if (composition.fonts.isEmpty()) return
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (font in composition.fonts.values) {
maybeLoadTypefaceFromAssets(context, font, fontAssetsFolder, fontFileExtension)
private fun maybeLoadTypefaceFromAssets(
context: Context,
font: Font,
fontAssetsFolder: String?,
fontFileExtension: String,
) {
val path = "$fontAssetsFolder${}${fontFileExtension}"
val typefaceWithDefaultStyle = try {
Typeface.createFromAsset(context.assets, path)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Logger.error("Failed to find typeface in assets with path $path.", e)
try {
val typefaceWithStyle = typefaceForStyle(typefaceWithDefaultStyle,
font.typeface = typefaceWithStyle
} catch (e: Exception) {
Logger.error("Failed to create ${} typeface with style=${}!", e)
private fun typefaceForStyle(typeface: Typeface, style: String): Typeface? {
val containsItalic = style.contains("Italic")
val containsBold = style.contains("Bold")
val styleInt = when {
containsItalic && containsBold -> Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC
containsItalic -> Typeface.ITALIC
containsBold -> Typeface.BOLD
else -> Typeface.NORMAL
return if ( == styleInt) typeface else Typeface.create(typeface, styleInt)
private fun String?.ensureTrailingSlash(): String? = when {
isNullOrBlank() -> null
endsWith('/') -> this
else -> "$this/"
private fun String.ensureLeadingPeriod(): String = when {
isBlank() -> this
startsWith(".") -> this
else -> ".$this"