blob: a1e4f883ea8603e7e40848b703d86b5618753cea [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.derivedStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
* A [LottieCompositionResult] subclass is returned from [rememberLottieComposition].
* It can be completed with a result or exception only one time.
* This class implements State<LottieComposition> so you either use it like:
* ```
* val compositionResult = rememberLottieComposition(...)
* // Or
* val composition by rememberLottieComposition(...)
* ```
* Use the former if you need to explicitly differentiate between loading and error states
* or if you need to call [await] or [awaitOrNull] in a coroutine such as [androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect].
* @see rememberLottieComposition
* @see LottieAnimation
interface LottieCompositionResult : State<LottieComposition?> {
* The composition or null if it hasn't yet loaded or failed to load.
override val value: LottieComposition?
* The exception that was thrown while trying to load and parse the composition.
val error: Throwable?
* Whether or not the composition is still being loaded and parsed.
val isLoading: Boolean
* Whether or not the composition is in the process of being loaded or parsed.
val isComplete: Boolean
* Whether or not the composition failed to load. This is terminal. It only occurs after
* returning false from [rememberLottieComposition]'s onRetry lambda.
val isFailure: Boolean
* Whether or not the composition has succeeded yet.
val isSuccess: Boolean
* Suspend until the composition has finished parsing.
* This can throw if the [LottieComposition] fails to load.
* These animations should never fail given a valid input:
* * [LottieCompositionSpec.RawRes]
* * [LottieCompositionSpec.Asset]
* * [LottieCompositionSpec.JsonString]
* These animations may fail:
* * [LottieCompositionSpec.Url]
* * [LottieCompositionSpec.File]
suspend fun await(): LottieComposition
* Like [LottieCompositionResult.await] but returns null instead of throwing an exception if the animation fails
* to load.
suspend fun LottieCompositionResult.awaitOrNull(): LottieComposition? {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
internal class LottieCompositionResultImpl : LottieCompositionResult {
private val compositionDeferred = CompletableDeferred<LottieComposition>()
override var value: LottieComposition? by mutableStateOf(null)
private set
override var error by mutableStateOf<Throwable?>(null)
private set
override val isLoading by derivedStateOf { value == null && error == null }
override val isComplete by derivedStateOf { value != null || error != null }
override val isFailure by derivedStateOf { error != null }
override val isSuccess by derivedStateOf { value != null }
override suspend fun await(): LottieComposition {
return compositionDeferred.await()
internal fun complete(composition: LottieComposition) {
if (isComplete) return
this.value = composition
internal fun completeExceptionally(error: Throwable) {
if (isComplete) return
this.error = error