Internal change

PiperOrigin-RevId: 448361090
Change-Id: Iec6063b88a778dfe815081612650eaa456503265
diff --git a/absl/random/ b/absl/random/
index 9a3eb2b..c16fbb4 100644
--- a/absl/random/
+++ b/absl/random/
@@ -45,15 +45,25 @@
 template <typename IntType>
 class BetaDistributionInterfaceTest : public ::testing::Test {};
-// double-double arithmetic is not supported well by either GCC or Clang; see
-//, and
-// Don't bother running these tests
-// with double doubles until compiler support is better.
-using RealTypes =
-    std::conditional<absl::numeric_internal::IsDoubleDouble(),
-                     ::testing::Types<float, double>,
-                     ::testing::Types<float, double, long double>>::type;
+constexpr bool ShouldExerciseLongDoubleTests() {
+  // long double arithmetic is not supported well by either GCC or Clang on
+  // most platforms specifically not when implemented in terms of double-double;
+  // see,
+  //, and
+  //
+  // So a conservative choice here is to disable long-double tests pretty much
+  // everywhere except on x64 but only if long double is not implemented as
+  // double-double.
+#if defined(__i686__) && defined(__x86_64__)
+  return !absl::numeric_internal::IsDoubleDouble();
+  return false;
+using RealTypes = std::conditional<ShouldExerciseLongDoubleTests(),
+                                   ::testing::Types<float, double, long double>,
+                                   ::testing::Types<float, double>>::type;
 TYPED_TEST_SUITE(BetaDistributionInterfaceTest, RealTypes);
 TYPED_TEST(BetaDistributionInterfaceTest, SerializeTest) {